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Stripe "Uncaptured" Payments


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Hello, is anyone else receiving "uncaptured" payments on Stripe from new orders that are not recorded in WHMCS?

My guess is that the new client is failing the "captcha code" (we are using the good old Default (5 Character Verification Code)) when placing the order, however, the payment somehow does get through Stripe.

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  • WHMCS Support Manager

Hi @hkhost,

I've been able to reproduce this on my 7.8.3 installation, so have opened case MODULE-7161 internally with our development team to have this investigated for a future update.

Once we resolve cases and push features they are available at our change log, here:


I apologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this.

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • WHMCS Support Manager

Hi there,

This is not currently a known issue in v7.9.1. However we have seen this occur on installations with custom templates.

The payment capture relies upon the Stripe.js being executed appropriately on the checkout page, and custom js or out-dated templates might not trigger this appropriately.

I'd suggest switching to the stock "Six" template and "Standard Cart" order form template temporarily to see if you can still reproduce the problem there

If is not longer occurs on the stock templates, please ensure you have consumed all the template changes in v7.9: https://help.whmcs.com/m/93401/l/1184628-problems-with-one-or-more-features-following-update

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10 hours ago, DennisHermannsen said:

There's no point in not updating.

If it's not fixed yet, you'll still have the issue. If it is fixed, you'll find out straight away.

I got 3 different WHMCS installation to maintain and all are on 7.8.3 and with confirmed Stripe issues.

I want to update for the other features. Not only the Stripe fix. 😄 

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3 hours ago, pRieStaKos said:

I got 3 different WHMCS installation to maintain and all are on 7.8.3 and with confirmed Stripe issues.

That's what I mean.  Right now, you KNOW that there are issues in your version of WHMCS. These issues might be fixed in the latest version of WHMCS.

If you update and they aren't fixed, you won't lose anything - you'll still have the same issues. If you update and it is indeed fixed, you'll no longer experience issues. There's no way to lose in this (unless the latest release introduced new bugs that I haven't seen).

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4 hours ago, brian! said:

it's only been out a day or two - give it time. 

Yeah sure - I'm not saying it's bug-proof 😛

He stated he wanted to update for other features as well, and not only a possible fix in the Stripe module. You can't lose by updating, unless it has introduced a lot of other bugs (which would be weird for a maintanance release).

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  • 2 months later...
On 4/28/2020 at 8:45 PM, zomex said:

Opening this old thread as I'm seeing the same issue with v7.10.1

It happens very rarely about 1 out of every 30.

Yes, I saw this happening again today with the latest WHMCS. However, in my case, the "uncaptured" payment was from a renewal instead of a new order like before.



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