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Some domains get auto-invoiced, others are not


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Hi, even though I see another thread like this, I'm still confused.


One customer has over 60 domains with us. Many different extensions. Most of the times he gets send an invoice from our whmcs website with a renewal for certain domains.

But occasionally he just gets a reminder for renewals, for example one was send today the 25th by Enom to a customer (yeah I know, different subject) of which the expiration date is the 27th.


The customer shocks and asks why no invoice was generated 30 days ago, like with other domains.


When I check our settings, I see the following:


- Continuous Invoice Generation; If enabled, invoices will be generated for each cycle even if the previous invoice remains unpaid

- Default Auto Renewal Setting: This can be changed per domain, but sets the default of whether invoices should auto generate for expiring domains


1) All of it shows to me that invoices should simply always be created, why doesn't that happen?




2) The last option said that invoice-auto-generation should be able to be set per domain, but I can't find that setting?

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1) All of it shows to me that invoices should simply always be created, why doesn't that happen?

what does your whmcs show as the "Next Due Date" for the domain that expires on the 27th?


2) The last option said that invoice-auto-generation should be able to be set per domain, but I can't find that setting?



It is possible however to set a domain's auto renewal setting to off so that no invoice will generate and it will be allowed to expire.

  • This can be done by ticking the Disable Auto Renew checkbox on the domains management page in the admin area or by the client themselves through the toggling of the option in the client area domain details page.
  • When the Disable Auto Renew button is clicked, WHMCS checks for any outstanding invoices and if the domain is invoiced on it's own that invoice is cancelled, or if an invoice for multiple items just the line item for the domain in question is removed from it.
    • The Upcoming Domain Renewal Notices will still be sent as normal and clients can renew the domain manually if they wish.


it's in the clients profile -> domains -> Management Tools (4 checkboxes - DNS, Email Forwarding, ID Protection, Disable Auto Renew)




The Disable Auto Renew option is alos located here. When unticked WHMCS will invoice the domain autoamtically for renewal in accordance with the Next Due Date. When ticked the renewal invoice will not be automatically generated and the domain left to expire. For more information refer to Domain Management.

someone from whmcs should run a spell check over that page! :roll:

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brian! to the rescue again, thanks!


1) in the admin domain settings for that particular example I find:


registration date: 05/02/2014

expiration date: 27/02/2015

next expiration date: 28/01/2015


2) thank you for the auto-renewal stuff. I knew it was there, and obviously that box is not ticked, I would have noticed that. I should have mentioned that though...


As expected, it seems all set correctly. The customer shows no open invoices, but the domain is not renewed. Also the logs show not mentioning of an invoice being created for it.


I do see all the domain renewal reminder 60,30,15,7 and 1 days before expiration, but no (proforma) invoice.

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brian! to the rescue again, thanks!


1) in the admin domain settings for that particular example I find:


registration date: 05/02/2014

expiration date: 27/02/2015

next expiration date: 28/01/2015

even if there was an error in the cron on the night they should have generated, I think the invoice should still have been generated on the next cron run... might be worth checking the activity log on the night in question...


i'd suggest running a check to see if any other domain renewals have slipped under the radar and not been generated.


finally, it might also be worth working through the options on the page below (e.g the domain status etc) to rule out possible causes.



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Well, I looked around December the 27th, which is 31 days before 28/01/2015 and all crons ran as they should, no invoice was generated. The closest one is generated on the 26th for another domain and another customer which is indeed 31 days before the net due date.


You'd almost think there's something in the DB about this particular domain name that prevents whmcs from generating an invoice for it... All settings seem correct.

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i'm sure that i've had this happen with ours previously, but it was just one domain and only once...


is there anything different about this domain? is it linked with free hosting? was it transferred in or registered by you?? is the status of the domain "Active"?


more importantly perhaps, is it the only domain that you can find that wasn't invoiced?

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  • 3 months later...

I just had this too.

Noticed some domains didn't receive notices -- all belonging to same client.

All domains due to expire this month, some in 5 days, and no invoice generated.

No reminders sent either.


Only one client. He received notices 3 months ago for a previous domain.

No idea what is wrong. I'll live with it. Due and expire dates all look correct so... hmm.


I've also had the occasional product/service not being invoiced also.

Last time this happened, I had to cancel the product/service and re-create it.

Some data corruption going on somewhere it seems.


I've lived with these glitches here and there.

Looking forward to the new WHMCS when it's released.


Not to make this in any way a vent, but if cPanel didn't sign on, then I would have moved on.

It has been quite embarrassing at times with clients.

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  • WHMCS Support Manager


This could be due to a bug that affected domains renewed in versions of WHMCS v5.3.8 and below:


Case #4578 - Reset domain reminder field after due date change or renewal



If the domain was renewed in v5.3.8 or lower, the tbldomains.reminders field would not get cleared, so the following years the expiration reminders would not get sent.


However this would not affect the generation of the renewal invoices as that is separately based upon the Next Due Date. To troubleshoot that, please start at http://docs.whmcs.com/Invoicing_Issues#Items_Not_Invoicing

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