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Preventing or deleting sequential invoice numbering for zero invoices


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According to our law, it is not allowed to create 0.0 invoices. Since the invoice (we are considering orders aka proforma invoices until unpaid) 0.0 invoices should not get sequential invoice numbering for the paid ones.

Is there a way using hooks or others way to prevent this happening?

The best would be to have a settings to use the "Next Paid Invoice Number" only if > 0.

I love whmcs and I don't want to search around just for this little (but still important) stuff.


Thanks, Giuseppe

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I think what's in the above link is still correct - if you have a free product, then it wouldn't generate an invoice... if you have a product/domain that has a price, but you discount the price either manually or with a promo code and the price is then zero, that would generate an invoice.


i'm not sure how to get around that last point if that is what is happening to you.

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i'm sure one of the whmcs guys will correct me if i'm wrong, but my understanding is that you can't prevent whmcs from creating these 0.00 invoices.


there is a hook that might, if it still works with the latest version (although someone posted in july that it doesn't), prevent the invoice from being emailed to the customer - but the invoice will still get created and so will increase the invoice number... which I know is the bit that you want to prevent.



there is an existing feature request about the prevention of zero invoices, so liking that may encourage whmcs to find a solution to this issue...




I wish I could give you the answer you are seeking, but I suspect you'll just have to wait / hope that this will be covered in a future whmcs update.

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  • WHMCS Support Manager


That's right, recurring products with a price of 0.00 will still generate 0.00 invoices. They will become paid as soon as they are generated to enable the Next Due Date to increment forward.


As Brian mentioned, you could look at writing an action hook to suppress the notification email if you wanted:



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