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Help with invoice customization

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Hi, i live in Romania and in our country is mandatory to have the total of the invoice in the local currency also for example if the total is 5 Euro, to display under the currency in RON also.

Plz help me configure this invoice so i can start my buissnes.


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For at least the invoice page, using the ClientAreaPageViewInvoice hook that calls GetCurrencies API, get the exchange rate for RON and do maths on the invoice total and then overwrites an existing template variable might do what you want.   For example, appending the total variable with the RON amount.   For the invoice PDF, editing the invoicepdf template file and basically doing the same thing would be needed.    

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You better read this before making changes.

In essence WHMCS doesn't keep historical currency rates and as we know rates fluctuate on a daily basis. On the invoice you must print the rate in effect on the date on which the invoice is issued. You can't do the math on the fly otherwise your numbers on invoices will fluctuate causing more than one billing error. In fact the same invoice will give different exchange rates depending on when customers download/view it.

There are third-party modules that bla bla bla... good luck.

Edited by Kian
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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok so i tryed something, i edited the invoicepdf.tpl to this:

But as u can see i need Fixed Invoice Data Mod, i want to mention that i did NOT create this file, how do i install the mod and fix this code, here is a example of the error that it gives : image.png.9ce584face9eb5ffa0fd41532f443518.png

I want it to get the values on the left and convert it in RON, btw i have the conversion rate on top .image.png.0276490a6626eccaac2e7a9078fe89b7.png


# Use this only if you have installed Fixed Invoice Data Mod
# Begin Fixed Invoice Data Mod - uncoment if needed

$result = select_query("mod_invoicedata","",array("invoiceid"=>$invoiceid));
$data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$match = $data[0];
if ($match) {
    $clientsdetails = unserialize($data[1]);
    $customfields = unserialize($data[2]);

# End Fixed Invoice Data Mod

# get the daily currency rate
$ron = select_query("tblcurrencies","rate","code='RON'");
$ron_data = mysql_fetch_array($ron);

$eur = select_query("tblcurrencies","rate","code='EUR'");
$eur_data = mysql_fetch_array($eur);

if ($currency[code] == "EUR" ) {
  $ron_data[0] = format_as_currency($ron_data[0]/$eur_data[0]);

# Logo - put it in [whmcs]/images/logo.png
if (file_exists(ROOTDIR.'/images/logo.png')) $pdf->Image(ROOTDIR.'/images/logo.png',16,5,75);
elseif (file_exists(ROOTDIR.'/images/logo.jpg')) $pdf->Image(ROOTDIR.'/images/logo.jpg',16,5,75);
else $pdf->Image(ROOTDIR.'/images/placeholder.png',16,5,75);

# Invoice Status
$statustext = $_LANG['invoices'.strtolower($status)];
if ($status=="Paid") {
} elseif ($status=="Cancelled") {
} elseif ($status=="Refunded") {
} elseif ($status=="Collections") {

# Company Details
for ( $i = 1; $i <= ((count($companyaddress)>6) ? count($companyaddress) : 6); $i += 1) {

# Header Bar
$invoiceprefix = $_LANG["invoicenumber"];
** This code should be uncommented for EU companies using the sequential invoice numbering so that when unpaid it is shown as a proforma invoice **
** in this template we assume you are using the EU proforma / sequential numbering
if ($status=="Unpaid") {
	$invoiceprefix = $_LANG["proformainvoicenumber"];
$ypos = $pdf->GetY();
if ($status!="Paid") {
        $pdf->Cell(55,5,$_LANG["invoicesdatecreated"].': '.$datecreated.'',0,1,'R','1');
        $pdf->Cell(55,5,$_LANG["invoicesdatedue"].': '.$duedate.'',0,1,'R','1');
} else {
        $pdf->Cell(55,5,$_LANG["invoicesdatecreated"].': '.$datepaid.'',0,1,'R','1');
        $pdf->Cell(55,5,$_LANG["invoicerefnum"].': '.$invoiceid.'',0,1,'R','1');
$ypos = $pdf->GetY();
#$pdf->Cell(55,5,$_LANG["invoicesdatecreated"].': '.$datecreated.'',0,1,'R','1');
#$pdf->Cell(55,5,$_LANG["invoicesdatedue"].': '.$duedate.'',0,1,'R','1');
if ($currency["code"] != "RON") {
    $pdf->Cell(55,4,"1 ".$currency["code"]." = ".$ron_data["0"].' lei',0,1,'R','1');
} else {

$startpage = $pdf->GetPage();

# Customer Details
$addressypos = $pdf->GetY();
if ($clientsdetails["companyname"]) {
	$pdf->Cell(0,4,$_LANG["invoicesattn"].": ".$clientsdetails["firstname"]." ".$clientsdetails["lastname"],0,1,'R');
} else {
	$pdf->Cell(0,4,$clientsdetails["firstname"]." ".$clientsdetails["lastname"],0,1,'L');
if ($clientsdetails["address2"]) {
$pdf->Cell(0,4,$clientsdetails["city"].", ".$clientsdetails["state"].", ".$clientsdetails["postcode"],0,1,'L');
if ($customfields) {
    foreach ($customfields AS $customfield) {
        $pdf->Cell(0,4,$customfield['fieldname'].': '.$customfield['value'],0,1,'L');


# Invoice Items
### draw a simple table if customer uses RON currency ###
if ("RON" == $currency["code"]) {
$tblhtml = '<table width="100%" bgcolor="#ccc" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0">
    <tr height="30" bgcolor="#e1e1e1" style="font-weight:bold;text-align:left;">
        <td width="80%">'.$_LANG['invoicesdescription'].'</td>
        <td width="20%" style="text-align:right;">'.$_LANG['quotelinetotal'].'</td>
foreach ($invoiceitems AS $item) {
    $tblhtml .= '
    <tr bgcolor="#ffffff" style="border:1px solid #333;">
        <td align="left">'.nl2br($item['description']).'</td>
        <td align="right">'.$item['amount'].'</td>
$tblhtml .= '
    <tr height="30" bgcolor="#fefefe" style="font-weight:bold;">
        <td align="right">'.$_LANG['invoicessubtotal'].'</td>
        <td align="right">'.$subtotal.'</td>
if ($taxname) $tblhtml .= '
    <tr height="30" bgcolor="#fefefe" style="font-weight:bold;">
        <td align="right">'.$taxrate.'% '.$taxname.'</td>
        <td align="right">'.$tax.'</td>
if ($taxname2) $tblhtml .= '
    <tr height="30" bgcolor="#fefefe" style="font-weight:bold;">
        <td align="right">'.$taxrate2.'% '.$taxname2.'</td>
        <td align="right">'.$tax2.'</td>
$tblhtml .= '
    <tr height="30" bgcolor="#fefefe" style="font-weight:bold;">
        <td align="right">'.$_LANG['invoicescredit'].'</td>
        <td align="right">'.$credit.'</td>
    <tr height="30" bgcolor="#f9f9f9" style="font-weight:bold;">
        <td align="right">'.$_LANG['invoicestotal'].'</td>
        <td align="right">'.$total.'</td>
} else {
$tblhtml = '<table width="100%" bgcolor="#ccc" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0">
    <tr height="30" bgcolor="#efefef" style="font-weight:bold;text-align:center;">
        <td width="70%">'.$_LANG['invoicesdescription'].'</td>
        <td width="15%" style="text-align:right">'.$_LANG['quotelinetotal']." ".$currency["code"].'</td>
        <td width="15%" style="text-align:right">'.$_LANG['quotelinetotal']." RON".'</td>
foreach ($invoiceitems AS $item) {
    $tblhtml .= '
    <tr bgcolor="#fff" style="border:1px solid #333;">
        <td align="left">'.nl2br($item['description']).'</td>
        <td align="right">'.$item['amount'].'</td>
        <td align="right">'.format_as_currency($ron_data["0"]*$item['amount'])." lei".'</td>
$tblhtml .= '
    <tr height="30" bgcolor="#fefefe" style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold;">
        <td>'.format_as_currency($ron_data["0"]*$subtotal)." lei".'</td>
if ($taxname) $tblhtml .= '
    <tr height="30" bgcolor="#fefefe" style="font-weight:bold;text-align:right;">
        <td>'.$taxrate.'% '.$taxname.'</td>
        <td>'.format_as_currency($ron_data["0"]*$tax)." lei".'</td>
if ($taxname2) $tblhtml .= '
    <tr height="30" bgcolor="#fefefe" style="font-weight:bold;text-align:right;">
        <td>'.$taxrate2.'% '.$taxname2.'</td>
        <td>'.format_as_currency($ron_data["0"]*$tax2)." lei".'</td>
$tblhtml .= '
    <tr height="30" bgcolor="#fefefe" style="font-weight:bold;text-align:right;">
        <td>'.format_as_currency($ron_data["0"]*$credit)." lei".'</td>
    <tr height="30" bgcolor="#f9f9f9" style="font-weight:bold;text-align:right;">
        <td>'.format_as_currency($ron_data["0"]*($subtotal+$tax+$tax2+$credit))." lei".'</td>

$pdf->writeHTML($tblhtml, true, false, false, false, '');

# Transactions
$tblhtml = '<table width="100%" bgcolor="#ccc" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0">
    <tr height="30" bgcolor="#efefef" style="font-weight:bold;text-align:center;">
        <td width="25%">'.$_LANG['invoicestransdate'].'</td>
        <td width="25%">'.$_LANG['invoicestransgateway'].'</td>
        <td width="30%">'.$_LANG['invoicestransid'].'</td>
        <td width="20%" style="text-align:right">'.$_LANG['invoicestransamount'].'</td>

if (!count($transactions)) {
    $tblhtml .= '
    <tr bgcolor="#fff">
	<td colspan="4" align="center">'.$_LANG['invoicestransnonefound'].'</td>
} else {
    foreach ($transactions AS $trans) {
        $tblhtml .= '
        <tr bgcolor="#fff">
    	<td align="center">'.$trans['date'].'</td>
    	<td align="center">'.$trans['gateway'].'</td>
    	<td align="center">'.$trans['transid'].'</td>';
        if ($currency["code"] != "RON") {
            $tblhtml .= '<td align="right">'.format_as_currency($ron_data["0"]*$trans['amount'])." lei".'</td>';
        } else {
		$tblhtml .= '<td align="right">'.$trans['amount']." lei".'</td>';
	$tblhtml .= '</tr>';
$tblhtml .= '
    <tr height="30" bgcolor="#efefef" style="font-weight:bold;">
        <td colspan="3" align="right">'.$_LANG['invoicesbalance'].'</td>
        <td align="right">';
        if ($currency["code"] != "RON") {
            $tblhtml .= format_as_currency($ron_data["0"]*$balance)." lei".'</td>';
        } else {
	    $tblhtml .= $balance.'</td>';
$tblhtml .= '

$pdf->writeHTML($tblhtml, true, false, false, false, '');

# Notes
if ($notes) {
	$pdf->MultiCell(170,5,$_LANG["invoicesnotes"].": $notes");

# Generation Date
$pdf->Cell(180,4,$_LANG['invoicepdfgenerated'].' '.getTodaysDate(1),'','','C');


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