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API GetProducts - Get the hidden field in products (SOLUTION)

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while working with the api I realized that getproducts (https://developers.whmcs.com/api-reference/getproducts/) does not bring up the field to know if the product is active or not.

I saw someone post a similar idea several years ago: 


so with a little engineer I made my own version of getproducts and uploaded it to /includes/api/

Request Parameters "GetProductsActive"

Parameter Type Description Required
action string “GetProductsActive” Required
pid int string Obtain a specific product id configuration. Can be a list of ids comma separated
gid int Retrieve products in a specific group id Optional

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
result string The result of the operation: success or error
totalresults int The total number of results available
startnumber int The starting number for the returned results
numreturned int The number of results returned
products array An array of products matching the criteria passed

I will leave the file called: getproductsactive.php

however this may throw an api error, you have to give access in the table tblapi_roles in database, in the field: permissions add: ,"getproductsactive": 1 before closing }, This modification is due to WHMCS not showing the files added in includes/api as a role. (I do not know why).

With this you can get the field: hidden which defines 0 if it is visible and 1 if it is hidden. (true or false also works)

my code is a copy of includes/api/getproduct.php just add to show the hidden field (, "hidden" => $data["hidden"]), this would have been easier if WHMCS implemented it, it only took me 2 minutes to show this field.


if (!defined("WHMCS")) {
    exit("This file cannot be accessed directly");
if (!function_exists("getCustomFields")) {
    require ROOTDIR . "/includes/customfieldfunctions.php";
if (!function_exists("getCartConfigOptions")) {
    require ROOTDIR . "/includes/configoptionsfunctions.php";
global $currency;
$currency = getCurrency();
$pid = $whmcs->get_req_var("pid");
$gid = $whmcs->get_req_var("gid");
$module = $whmcs->get_req_var("module");
$where = array();
if ($pid) {
    if (is_numeric($pid)) {
        $where[] = "tblproducts.id=" . (int) $pid;
    } else {
        $pids = array();
        foreach (explode(",", $pid) as $p) {
            $p = (int) trim($p);
            if ($p) {
                $pids[] = $p;
        if ($pids) {
            $where[] = "tblproducts.id IN (" . implode(",", $pids) . ")";
if ($gid) {
    $where[] = "gid=" . (int) $gid;
if ($module && preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\-]*\$/", $module)) {
    $where[] = "servertype='" . db_escape_string($module) . "'";
$result = select_query("tblproducts", "tblproducts.*", implode(" AND ", $where), "tblproductgroups`.`order` ASC, `tblproductgroups`.`id` ASC, `tblproducts`.`order` ASC, `tblproducts`.`id", "ASC", "", "tblproductgroups ON tblproducts.gid = tblproductgroups.id");
$apiresults = array("result" => "success", "totalresults" => mysql_num_rows($result));
while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $pid = $data["id"];
    $productarray = array("pid" => $data["id"], "gid" => $data["gid"], "type" => $data["type"], "name" => $data["name"], "description" => $data["description"], "module" => $data["servertype"], "paytype" => $data["paytype"], "hidden" => $data["hidden"]);
    if ($language = $whmcs->get_req_var("language")) {
        $productarray["translated_name"] = WHMCS\Product\Product::getProductName($data["id"], $data["name"], $language);
        $productarray["translated_description"] = WHMCS\Product\Product::getProductDescription($data["id"], $data["description"], $language);
    if ($data["stockcontrol"]) {
        $productarray["stockcontrol"] = "true";
        $productarray["stocklevel"] = $data["qty"];
    $result2 = select_query("tblpricing", "tblcurrencies.code,tblcurrencies.prefix,tblcurrencies.suffix,tblpricing.msetupfee,tblpricing.qsetupfee,tblpricing.ssetupfee,tblpricing.asetupfee,tblpricing.bsetupfee,tblpricing.tsetupfee,tblpricing.monthly,tblpricing.quarterly,tblpricing.semiannually,tblpricing.annually,tblpricing.biennially,tblpricing.triennially", array("type" => "product", "relid" => $pid), "code", "ASC", "", "tblcurrencies ON tblcurrencies.id=tblpricing.currency");
    while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)) {
        $code = $data["code"];
        $productarray["pricing"][$code] = $data;
    $customfieldsdata = array();
    $customfields = getCustomFields("product", $pid, "", "", "on");
    foreach ($customfields as $field) {
        $customfieldsdata[] = array("id" => $field["id"], "name" => $field["name"], "description" => $field["description"], "required" => $field["required"]);
    $productarray["customfields"]["customfield"] = $customfieldsdata;
    $configoptiondata = array();
    $configurableoptions = getCartConfigOptions($pid, array(), "", "", "", true);
    foreach ($configurableoptions as $option) {
        $options = array();
        foreach ($option["options"] as $op) {
            $pricing = array();
            $result4 = select_query("tblpricing", "code,msetupfee,qsetupfee,ssetupfee,asetupfee,bsetupfee,tsetupfee,monthly,quarterly,semiannually,annually,biennially,triennially", array("type" => "configoptions", "relid" => $op["id"]), "", "", "", "tblcurrencies ON tblcurrencies.id=tblpricing.currency");
            while ($oppricing = mysql_fetch_assoc($result4)) {
                $currcode = $oppricing["code"];
                $pricing[$currcode] = $oppricing;
            $options["option"][] = array("id" => $op["id"], "name" => $op["name"], "rawName" => $op["rawName"], "recurring" => $op["recurring"], "required" => $op["required"], "pricing" => $pricing);
        $configoptiondata[] = array("id" => $option["id"], "name" => $option["optionname"], "type" => $option["optiontype"], "options" => $options);
    $productarray["configoptions"]["configoption"] = $configoptiondata;
    $apiresults["products"]["product"][] = $productarray;
$responsetype = "xml";


Hope this helps others to show the field they need to show files and hidden products.



Edited by JesusSuarz
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