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  2. Hi, Yes I have the same problem. BX doesn't work with php 8.1 even though they promise it in the product description. You must use php 7.4. BX support is terrible and they haven't been able to fix the problem in years.
  3. I have the same problem. Support is ignoring me.
  4. Ciao, per il cron ho risolto tornando ad utilizzare la versione 7.4 di php Però continuo a non riuscire a vedere la versione come correttamente aggiornata ed allo stesso tempo non riesco ad inviare la fattura dall'area amministratore usando il modello "Invoice Creation" dalla pagina della fattura. Invece dal cron le email delle nuove fatture partono regolarmente...mistero
  5. Same issue here, but with a different version: Anyone have solved?
  6. Qualcuno riscontra il medesimo problema? Nella documentazione non è indicato come inserire uno stato in EU. Lo stesso problema è presente con le Isole Canarie che sono ES ma considerate come EXTRA EU
  7. Having the same issue, did you figure out what is causing it?
  8. I am also getting the following "Error". Apparently I need to "upgrade" to newer version that is a lower revision. Tried to download the "latest" version and still get this error!??? Furthermore, I am getting the following Error, which I am not sure may be contributing to the broken array... WHMCS Environment: WHMCS 8.8.0 PHP Version 8.1.27 Zend Engine v4.1.27, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies with the ionCube PHP Loader v13.0.2, Copyright (c) 2002-2023, by ionCube Ltd. with Zend OPcache v8.1.27, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
  9. I am having an issue with BX preventing my cronjobs from completing. The broken stack is... Invoices 4/34 [▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░] 11% 6 secs/51 secs 56.5 MiB[WHMCS Application] ERROR: TypeError: implode(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, string given in /whmcs/clientarea/modules/addons/BillingExtension/core/BillingExtension_Admin/Hook.php:2728 Stack trace: #0 /whmcs/clientarea/modules/addons/BillingExtension/core/BillingExtension_Admin/Hook.php(2728): implode() #1 /whmcs/clientarea/modules/addons/BillingExtension/core/BillingExtension_Admin/Hook.php(4887): BillingExtension\BillingExtension_Admin\Hook->InvoiceSuppressionAdminNotification() #2 /whmcs/clientarea/modules/addons/BillingExtension/hooks.php(667): BillingExtension\BillingExtension_Admin\Hook->InvoiceSuppression() #3 [internal function]: BillingExtension_InvoicePaid() #4 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Hook/Manager.php(0): call_user_func() #5 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/illuminate/support/Facades/Facade.php(261): WHMCS\Hook\Manager->run() #6 /whmcs/clientarea/includes/functions.php(0): Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade::__callStatic() #7 /whmcs/clientarea/includes/invoicefunctions.php(0): run_hook() #8 /whmcs/clientarea/includes/processinvoices.php(0): processPaidInvoice() #9 /whmcs/clientarea/includes/processinvoices.php(0): createInvoicesProcess() #10 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Cron/Task/CreateInvoices.php(0): createInvoices() #11 [internal function]: WHMCS\Cron\Task\CreateInvoices->__invoke() #12 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Scheduling/Task/AbstractTask.php(0): call_user_func_array() #13 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Scheduling/Task/AbstractTask.php(0): WHMCS\Scheduling\Task\AbstractTask->execute() #14 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Cron/Console/Command/AbstractCronCommand.php(0): WHMCS\Scheduling\Task\AbstractTask->run() #15 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Cron/Console/Command/AbstractCronCommand.php(0): WHMCS\Cron\Console\Command\AbstractCronCommand->executeCollection() #16 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(298): WHMCS\Cron\Console\Command\AbstractCronCommand->execute() #17 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(1028): Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() #18 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(299): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() #19 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(171): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() #20 /whmcs_crons/cron.php(0): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() #21 {main} {"exception":"[object] (TypeError(code: 0): implode(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, string given at /whmcs/clientarea/modules/addons/BillingExtension/core/BillingExtension_Admin/Hook.php:2728)"} [] TypeError: implode(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, string given in /whmcs/clientarea/modules/addons/BillingExtension/core/BillingExtension_Admin/Hook.php:2728 #0 /whmcs/clientarea/modules/addons/BillingExtension/core/BillingExtension_Admin/Hook.php(2728): implode() #1 /whmcs/clientarea/modules/addons/BillingExtension/core/BillingExtension_Admin/Hook.php(4887): BillingExtension\BillingExtension_Admin\Hook->InvoiceSuppressionAdminNotification() #2 /whmcs/clientarea/modules/addons/BillingExtension/hooks.php(667): BillingExtension\BillingExtension_Admin\Hook->InvoiceSuppression() #3 [internal function]: BillingExtension_InvoicePaid() #4 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Hook/Manager.php(0): call_user_func() #5 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/illuminate/support/Facades/Facade.php(261): WHMCS\Hook\Manager->run() #6 /whmcs/clientarea/includes/functions.php(0): Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade::__callStatic() #7 /whmcs/clientarea/includes/invoicefunctions.php(0): run_hook() #8 /whmcs/clientarea/includes/processinvoices.php(0): processPaidInvoice() #9 /whmcs/clientarea/includes/processinvoices.php(0): createInvoicesProcess() #10 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Cron/Task/CreateInvoices.php(0): createInvoices() #11 [internal function]: WHMCS\Cron\Task\CreateInvoices->__invoke() #12 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Scheduling/Task/AbstractTask.php(0): call_user_func_array() #13 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Scheduling/Task/AbstractTask.php(0): WHMCS\Scheduling\Task\AbstractTask->execute() #14 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Cron/Console/Command/AbstractCronCommand.php(0): WHMCS\Scheduling\Task\AbstractTask->run() #15 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Cron/Console/Command/AbstractCronCommand.php(0): WHMCS\Cron\Console\Command\AbstractCronCommand->executeCollection() #16 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(298): WHMCS\Cron\Console\Command\AbstractCronCommand->execute() #17 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(1028): Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() #18 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(299): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() #19 /whmcs/clientarea/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(171): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() #20 /whmcs_crons/cron.php(0): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() With no access to the code, I can't really take it any further than that! Not sure what this community will do as there is no one with access to the source code but support, and the won't help without paying a premium. I just installed the product and have issues within days of installation. Feeling like I have robbed! Any ideas???
  10. In fase di aggiornamento ricevo il seguente errore: PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'xxxxxxx_whmcs.bx_cupcig' doesn't exist in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/modules/addons/BillingExtension/core/BillingExtension_Admin/Installer.php:2849 Stack trace: #0 /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/modules/addons/BillingExtension/core/BillingExtension_Admin/Installer.php(2849): PDO->exec('\r\n D...') #1 /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/modules/addons/BillingExtension/BillingExtension.php(44): BillingExtension\BillingExtension_Admin\Installer->Upgrade(Array) #2 /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/admin/configaddonmods.php(0): BillingExtension_upgrade(Array) #3 {main}
  11. Puoi approvarlo? Semplicemente come si inserisce fra EU uno stato?
  12. Hi sir, I've detected the bug in the list of countries showing on the "Tax Rules" page. There's a country "Greece" which comes in Europe and WHMCS treats its country code as "GR" but Katamaze (Billing extension) does not include Greece in Europe and also shows the wrong country code for it which is "EL" (Please see the screenshot) Whmcs identify Greece with GR code. (please see the screenshot) I want you to fix the issue and show the "EU" tag and its symbol tag next to Greece and also change its code from el to gr so the flag appears. Thanks
  13. Hi reporting this fatal error AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: [WHMCS Application] ERROR: Error: Attempt to assign property "clientsinvoicesorderby" on null in /var/www/vhosts/contoso.com/public_html/modules/addons/BillingExtension/core/BillingExtension_Admin/Hook.php:5731 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/vhosts/contoso.com/public_html/modules/addons/BillingExtension/core/BillingExtension_Admin/Hook.php(94): BillingExtension\\BillingExtension_Admin\\Hook->InvoiceRestrictions() #1 /var/www/vhosts/contoso.com/public_html/modules/addons/BillingExtension/hooks.php(236): BillingExtension\\BillingExtension_Admin\\Hook->ApplyLayers() #2 [internal function]: BillingExtension_AdminAreaHeaderOutput() #3 /var/www/vhosts/contoso.com/public_html/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Hook/Manager.php(0): call_user_func() #4 /var/www/vhosts/contoso.com/public_html/vendor/illuminate/support/Facades/Facade.php(261): WHMCS\\Hook\\Manager->run() #5 /var/www/vhosts/contoso.com/public_html/includes/functions.php(0): Illuminate\\Support\\Facades\\Facade::__callStatic() #6 /var/www/vhosts/contoso.com/public_html/vendor/whmcs...', referer: https://www.contoso.com/admin/index.php when trying to open /admin/invoices.php?status=Unpaid in a newly logged in whmcs session this is on php 8.1 when reverted to php7.4 it works fine thanks
  14. following up as this is still happening with latest BX extension (2.2.192) php error log from a whmcs 8.7.3-release.1 on php8: AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: [WHMCS Application] ERROR: TypeError: html_entity_decode(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, array given in /var/www/vhosts/contoso.com/public_html/modules/addons/BillingExtension/core/BillingExtension_Admin/Hook.php:3691 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/vhosts/contoso.com/public_html/modules/addons/BillingExtension/core/BillingExtension_Admin/Hook.php(3691): html_entity_decode() #1 [internal function]: BillingExtension\\BillingExtension_Admin\\Hook->IntegrationPDFEncoding() #2 /var/www/vhosts/contoso.com/public_html/modules/addons/BillingExtension/core/BillingExtension_Admin/Hook.php(3668): array_map() #3 /var/www/vhosts/contoso.com/public_html/templates/lagom2/core/pages/invoicepdf/contoso/invoicepdf.tpl(10): BillingExtension\\BillingExtension_Admin\\Hook->Integration() #4 /var/www/vhosts/contoso.com/public_html/templates/lagom2/invoicepdf.tpl(16): require('...') #5 /var/www/vhosts/contoso.com/public_html/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Invoice.php(0): unknown() #6 /var/www/vhosts/contoso.com/public_html/vendor/whmc...', referer: https://www.contoso.com/admin/invoices.php?action=edit&id=42
  15. i/Ciao a tutti, I just noticed a a bug in Katamaze. Environment Settings: With the invoice suppression setting for the FULLY PAID BY CREDIT option enabled and Tax Stamp enabled invoice have mistakes. Note: the suppression itself works with all invoice fully paid by credit and without Tax Stamp Added. ISSUE 1 - CREDIT APPLIED ON INVOICES WITH TAX STAMP When a customer applies his credit to an invoice with tax stamp it seems that there are the following issues: 1. Extra 2 Eur: The Credit Added is for the total considering the tax stamp: when the customer see the invoices the total has the tax stamp and when the credit is applied the tax stamp (correctly) disappear BUT the credit applied considers also the tax stamp leading to a Credit of €150,50 EUR on an invoice of €148,50 EUR (that previusl y was €150,50 EUR with the tax stamp). 2. Not Suppressed: The Invoice is not being suppressed. 3. Wrong Numbers in XML: The invoice XML generated as a Totale Documento and a Totale non soggetto IVA (N2) not of 0 but of €148,50 EUR ISSUE 1 - CREDIT APPLIED ON INVOICES WITHOUT TAX STAMP We also discovered a similar bug with Invoices without Tax Stamp but with only Credit Applied: Importo prodotti o servizi 39,99 € Totale imponibile 0,00 € Totale non soggetto IVA (N2) 39,99 € Totale IVA 0,00 € Totale documento 39,99 € Sconto -19,99 € The issue is: Wrong Numbers in XML: Totale Documento and a Totale non soggetto IVA (N2) (as previously) are not updated with the discount. They should be 20 Eur both in this last case.
  16. Hi sir, I've detected the bug in the list of countries showing on the "Tax Rules" page. There's a country "Greece" which comes in Europe and WHMCS treats its country code as "GR" but Katamaze (Billing extension) does not include Greece in Europe and also shows the wrong country code for it which is "EL" (Please see the screenshot) Whmcs identify Greece with GR code. (please see the screenshot) I want you to fix the issue and show the "EU" tag and its symbol tag next to Greece and also change its code from el to gr so the flag appears. Screenshot url: Redacted by WHMCS staff. Thanks Images removed by WHMCS staff.
  17. Hi/Ciao a tutti, I just noticed a really bad bug in Katamaze. Environment Settings: With the invoice suppression setting for the FULLY PAID BY CREDIT option enabled and Tax Stamp enabled invoice have mistakes. Note: the suppression itself works with all invoice fully paid by credit and without Tax Stamp Added. ISSUE 1 - CREDIT APPLIED ON INVOICES WITH TAX STAMP When a customer applies his credit to an invoice with tax stamp it seems that there are the following issues: 1. Extra 2 Eur: The Credit Added is for the total considering the tax stamp: when the customer see the invoices the total has the tax stamp and when the credit is applied the tax stamp (correctly) disappear BUT the credit applied considers also the tax stamp leading to a Credit of €150,50 EUR on an invoice of €148,50 EUR (that previusl y was €150,50 EUR with the tax stamp). 2. Not Suppressed: The Invoice is not being suppressed. 3. Wrong Numbers in XML: The invoice XML generated as a Totale Documento and a Totale non soggetto IVA (N2) not of 0 but of €148,50 EUR ISSUE 1 - CREDIT APPLIED ON INVOICES WITHOUT TAX STAMP We also discovered a similar bug with Invoices without Tax Stamp but with only Credit Applied: Importo prodotti o servizi 39,99 € Totale imponibile 0,00 € Totale non soggetto IVA (N2) 39,99 € Totale IVA 0,00 € Totale documento 39,99 € Sconto -19,99 € The issue is: Wrong Numbers in XML: Totale Documento and a Totale non soggetto IVA (N2) (as previously) are not updated with the discount. They should be 20 Eur both in this last case.
  18. esatto sarà un incubo, adesso che faccio le prime fatture di rinnovo dopo 1 anno di WHMCS + Billing Extension speravo dopo 1 anno di sacrifici di metterci di meno ... invece facevo prima continuando a mano
  19. Non ho risolto ... ho fatto la fattura con l'altro programma principale, rinunciando a farla con WHMCS. Ma credo di aver capito DOPO, che nell'area Billing Extension dedicata alle NAZIONI, c'è qualche configurazione sull'Austria che è mancante o errata. Probabilmente sistemando là ci sarei riuscito.
  20. Anche noi abbiamo questi timori, ma abbiamo deciso ugualmente di andare avanti (abbiamo di recente aperto un secondo server con WHMCS). Questo perché le release sono molto frequenti, quindi qualcuno che paga quei quasi 11K€/anno c'è. Se fossi in lui, venderei la licenza a 600€/anno (noi la pagheremmo) però fornendo reale assistenza sui problemi generici.
  21. Concordo in pieno con il fatto di dover risolvere il problema. Ma molti problemi ( o timori ), leggendo i vari post ed anche miei, nascono da impossibilità di trovare assistenza con eventuali possibili problemi sul plugin ( BX ) di Davide, ad esempio un reissue di licenza, cambio server. NON MI RIFERISCO A SUA POLITICA COSTI, ( che ovviamente è a sua discrezione e scelta più o meno condivisibile ma onesta ) ma su comunque possibilità di ricevere risposta ad un'eventuale intoppo con: "Il problema rientra in un supporto a pagamento, se serve accedi ad esso" "è un possibile bug o incompatibilità o riguarda il funzionamento del modulo e si può risolvere così e come".
  22. Nessuno mi ha scritto, Davide non risponde. Noi ci rimettiamo a disposizione della community, sia per testing con la nostra licenza sia per -se possibile- embeddare il nostro API key nel plugin che tutti usiamo, per tutti. Non capisco francamente la critica di Davide a WHMCS ed Aruba sul licensing e costi, qui stiamo tutti lavorando e fatturando: necessitiamo risolvere il problema. Se c'è un costo ognuno lo valuterà e deciderà se può permetterselo, come per la costosa assistenza di Billing Extension.
  23. Ciao, purtroppo no. In passato ho avuto dei problemi e non posso permettermi di rischiare. Questa situazione è assurda, soprattutto perché non si tratta di una richiesta di assistenza fiscale, ma semplicemente di assistenza relativa alla licenza del modulo. Purtroppo non rispondono né ai ticket, né qui sul community. Questo post è di maggio 2023, basta una risposta diretta si o no.
  24. Yes its correct but I dont have the 900$/month support plan, so only best effort support for me. It will get fixed sometime, apparently for others is working - I assume.

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