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PHP Timezone error shown but timezone is correct in php.ini

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Hi everyone,

I've been struggling with something really stupid and search through the community forums but can't seem to find a solution. 

I did a clean install of WHMCS 7.7.1. Now looking at System Health Status everything looks good but I have one outstanding issue which needs attention:


So I went to Utilities > System > PHP Info to see what the default timezone is, now looking at the file I can see it's set to Africa/Johannesburg, which is correct because I am based in South Africa. 


I also noticed that the default time shown in WHMCS in the top corner is about 2 hours behind, as seen here:


I came across this post 


Where @AffordableDomainsCanada made a suggestion to add the following within the configuration.php file:



Now this corrected the time displayed within WHMCS, so thanks @AffordableDomainsCanada.

All I want to know is how do I get the PHP Timezone issue removed from the System Status? Something else has to be wrong as the php.ini clearly shows Africa/Johannesburg. I might be missing something.

Any advice would greatly be appreciated 😀

Edited by Mocke
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Hi @Mocke

Have you had a look in your systems 'php.ini' file as what you shown is the default timezone.

You need to set date.timezone within the 'php.ini' file directly if you look in the Utilities > System > PHP Info screen on my system 6 lines down I have the 'date.timezone' setting shown




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  • 6 years later...
On 2/16/2019 at 9:51 AM, Mocke said:

Hi @redit,

Thank you for your reply.

So the problem was on my host side. I just asked them to update the timezone for me. Feeling a bit stupid, seems like something straightforward.

Luckily I now not what to do in future.


Did you solve it, I had the same issue, I updated the php.ini, and still not solved.

I tried the SSH command below:

php -ini | grep "date.timezone"

the output was: 

date.timezone => no value => no value


Edited by Cloudify
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1 hour ago, Cloudify said:
date.timezone => no value => no value


On 2/13/2019 at 1:35 PM, redit said:

You need to set date.timezone within the 'php.ini' file directly

If you then check and it's showing no or an incorrect value, make sure you're editing the right file, and it wouldn't hurt to restart Apache(or whatever one you're using). 

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