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nominet module concerns


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In the absence of any comments or reassurance from whmcs, can any of the beta testers confirm if 5.3 has got a working nominet module for the upcoming forced changes on the 9th July.

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If you would only like to see a list of the new features then beta testing is not for you.


I agree, but in the repeated absence of any replies from anyone from whmcs re the essential nominet module needed and when I've asked other beta testers in this very thread for a confirmation if there is a new nominet module - only to have my post deleted, desperation calls for desperate measures in a very frustrating time. Anyone - someone - including you HostSurfUK should be concerned about this and possibly even empathetic if you are a tag holder and understand the concerns during the deafening silence from whmcs and everyone else over this. I just hope this post isnt deleted also.

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sign me up too - seems like its the only way to find out if theres a nominet module coming before july 9th


We have an internal case #2537 to resolve this. ETA however, is unconfirmed at current. I'll have more information for you Thursday in regards to this.

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Thanks Chris. Will you be updating everyone by email, this thread, or here on this one:



Within each version release, we provide a detailed change log of features & bugs being updated. It's located at http://changelog.whmcs.com. That being said, once a user updates - if they're using Nominet and unaware of the coming change to their registrar module, once the module has been updated by us and shipped for that version it will automatically be applied to their install during the update.

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I understand the changelog, but could someone not at least answer the threads on this forum to bring those who are concerned about this up to speed? This has been known for months and to be frank, very little said about it - despite repeated requests from users. Impression is, you're rushing out something once again and it doesn't inspire any confidence with the recent past.


Perhaps you would be good enough to update the other thread with this information so that the others who are concerned know what's going on?


UPDATE: This post and indeed this thread was taken out of another thread by infopro. So please don't be confused - the context is quite difficult to follow now and I believe he's on his own egotistical and argumentative agenda rather than just answering the question for us all.

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I understand the changelog, but could someone not at least answer the threads on this forum...


Which one? You've taken several threads off topic on this matter. Pick one. I'll remove these other comments by you here shortly as they don't fit here.

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Several threads? I don't think so.


The thread (singular) that I'm referring to is the one I mentioned a couple of posts above



I'm not aware of any other threads where I have been involved or taken them off topic. Perhaps if whmcs or moderators actually answered the questions being asked of them (especially when it's as urgent as this) customers wouldn't be desperate enough to try other methods in finding a solution.


My intention was not to hijack this thread - but to register as a beta tester. The silence of WHMCS on this has been the sole reason for my posts and sadly, seems to be the only thing that actually gets a response.

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My intention was not to hijack this thread...


Sure it was. You said so yourself:


The silence of WHMCS on this has been the sole reason for my posts and sadly, seems to be the only thing that actually gets a response.


As mentioned, clean up of this thread is coming. I just wanted to be sure to respond to you first. No need to reply here. Your point has been made now, multiple times. Got it.

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Sure it was. You said so yourself:




As mentioned, clean up of this thread is coming. I just wanted to be sure to respond to you first. No need to reply here. Your point has been made now, multiple times. Got it.


Not good customer support or moderating. POOR VERY POOR. Now delete away. - Product Evangelist? I don't think so


Arrogant and argumentative - yes


If you want to be sure to respond - send me a private message.


there were no multiple hijacked threads. PERIOD

there was no intention to hijack any threads. My intention was to sign up as a beta tester because it seemed the only way to find out if there was a nominet module in 5.3 because my post in this thread asking the question was deleted. HUH


Who are you anyway?

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Not good customer support or moderating. POOR VERY POOR. Now delete away. - Product Evangelist? I don't think so


Arrogant and argumentative - yes


I disagree with you. You intentionally posted to a thread not intended to be a support thread.



If you want to be sure to respond - send me a private message.


No need, here will do. Let's keep going.


there were no multiple hijacked threads. PERIOD

there was no intention to hijack any threads. My intention was to sign up as a beta tester because it seemed the only way to find out if there was a nominet module in 5.3 because my post in this thread asking the question was deleted. HUH


You surely understand the way forum threads work. No need for a brush up course here I don't think.


Who are you anyway?


I get that a lot, sorry for the confusion this has caused you. More here:





If there is any other questions I can help you with, please feel free to count on me.


If you post to the wrong threads, you can also count on me to move them for you.

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Feel free to 'count on you'. where have you been on this matter for the past few months?


Disgusted. And thank you to those who have contacted me privately to thank me for my perserverance on this. I've no intention on taking up your ludicrous and childish offer to 'let's keep going' infopro. I think that says more about you and your approach to this and others can make up their own minds. I have a business to run.


All I wanted was assurance that the Nominet issue is being addressed and WHMCS Chris gave that to me earlier today by stating there would be more information on Thursday. Hope this news is of interest to all others - amidst all of the fluff provided by InfoPro.

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Feel free to 'count on you'. where have you been on this matter for the past few months?



So there have been other threads then, is that correct?


Disgusted. And thank you to those who have contacted me privately to thank me for my perserverance on this. I've no intention on taking up your ludicrous and childish offer to 'let's keep going' infopro. I think that says more about you and your approach to this and others can make up their own minds.

Not childish whatsoever. You took over another thread. I moved your comments to their own thread. If you'd like to "keep it going" you can do so, here.


I have a business to run.




All I wanted was assurance that the Nominet issue is being addressed and WHMCS Chris gave that to me earlier today by stating there would be more information on Thursday. Hope this news is of interest to all others - amidst all of the fluff provided by InfoPro.





There are many ways to find out information. Posting to threads on something unrelated, is not one of them.

Your perseverance is commendable. Your tactics to get some attention to this issue you're concerned with, misguided.



It's Lower case p, and I can assure you, fluff and me are not friends.



There is no argument here. There shouldn't ever be one either. From an earlier post by you:


...desperation calls for desperate measures in a very frustrating time.


You frame this like WHMCS is not listening. I disagree with you. I also disagree with you posting to other threads as a part of your desperate measures.


There is no need to attack me. I didn't attack you. I corrected course on a thread you hijacked, no more, no less.



Anything else Si?

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Anything else? Yes - I'll let others who agree with me come forward and add their thoughts. WHMCS may well be listening on this matter - the issue is that they've been SILENT and that has been deafening.

IMHO - You sir are not good for this forum or for WHMCS. You may well be a lovely man in real life, but you have left me with the impression that you have an arrogance and condescending nature which adds little if anything to any of this. If you worked for my business - well...you just wouldn't. I find the whole way this has been handled, distasteful, unprofessional and a major detriment to WHMCS.


I've been with WHMCS for 6 years, this is my 912th post. Never have I come across such insolence and power wielding pompousity. I'm done with this thread and you. Sadly, the community here is degraded by your approach and I'll direct my future communication with WHMCS to ticket support only.

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I'm sorry to hear that you're upset with me. Either way, the thread you choose to post to originally is back on track. Concerned communications about the product, or me even, should indeed be directed to the ticket system.


If you'd like to be a part of that Beta Group to help test the product, I'll be happy to get you added. Please feel free to post your interest in taking part there.



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Anything else? Yes - I'll let others who agree with me come forward and add their thoughts.


I'll give you my thoughts.


I came on the forum hoping to find an update on the Nominet issue.

I am now going back to work disgusted.

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I'm really concerned about this. If they are only going to update the module in 5.3 then how will this be ready in time? 5.3 may be in beta, or even a release candidate by 9th July but I can't see it being made stable in the next 2 weeks (which I would be concerned if it was). So how exactly are we going to have the update to use in a live environment?


Therefore I can only assume that an updated module will be released which can be used on older versions otherwise we'll all have a major issue. If this is the case then why have they made it part of 5.3 and not just release an updated module quicker? I really can't see why we have had to wait so long and why it is being pushed so close to the deadline. It's just asking for trouble. What would they have done if Nominet had not extended the deadline?


Let's just hope that the details Chris releases on Thursday gives access to the new module so we can start testing it.

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  • WHMCS Support Manager


When Nominet or others have changed things in the past we've released a standalone update to the module itself (which is something we can do due to the modular nature of WHMCS). So that's another possible option here. Rest assured we will be providing an update before the deadline and Chris will provide more details on Thursday.

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We would also like to add our vote to having a standalone update to the module ASAP and need this to work for version 5.1.5 as well as 5.2.X - there are various reasons why a large number of users never upgrade immediately a new WHMCS version is released (for us, some internal company reasons but mainly avoiding the potential instability and problems caused by a new release such as those for the initial 5.2 releases) and certainly would not want to be forced to upgrade to 5.3 even if it is released with the new Nominet module in time, which is looking unlikely. Having already been forced to upgrade earlier than we wanted to the last time this happened, please dont force us into that same situation again - especially when the withdrawal of these schemas has been known about for many months

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I'm also very concerned about this! I've been communicating through support tickets for months (up to the last, postponed deadline) and am still none the wiser.


These sort of updates should be in place months before any deadlines and we shouldn't be running around in the last days before.


What's going on WHMCS? This isn't like you

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I'm also very concerned about this! I've been communicating through support tickets for months (up to the last, postponed deadline) and am still none the wiser.


Yes xperience and all other UK tag holders. And we have a forum moderator, like infopro, telling us to raise individual support tickets and increase the load on them rather than come onto the forum for information.


Concerned communications about the product, or me even, should indeed be directed to the ticket system.


No wonder we are grappling around in the dark for some crumbs of information.


Todays the day though, when hopefully Chris has promised he will have an update for us. Waiting with bated breath. Not sure where that update is going to come though.

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I'm also very concerned about this! I've been communicating through support tickets for months (up to the last, postponed deadline) and am still none the wiser.



Yes xperience and all other UK tag holders. And we have a forum moderator, like infopro, telling us to raise individual support tickets and increase the load on them rather than come onto the forum for information.


No wonder we are grappling around in the dark for some crumbs of information.


Todays the day though, when hopefully Chris has promised he will have an update for us. Waiting with bated breath. Not sure where that update is going to come though.


Enough, Si.


I've been as accommodating as I'll be here with you. You might like to know that I am the forum Administrator of these forums, and the cPanel Community Forums.

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And we have a forum moderator, like infopro, telling us to raise individual support tickets and increase the load on them rather than come onto the forum for information.

if he said that, then it's an idiotic statement to make... if it's WHMCS policy to do that, then that's even worse.


I wouldn't contact support unless..


a) I couldn't resolve the issue myself..

b) I couldn't find the answer in the forums or documentation..

c) it was a account issue that only WHMCS could deal with.


if it were a general issue that was known in advance and was going to affect many WHMCS licensees (e.g this Nominet situation), then to expect us each to fire off a support ticket, have them waste their time sending the same answer to each of us, is frankly ridiculous.


i've answered many posts in this forum over the last few months helping other users when I can, and that has probably saved WHMCS untold hours of support time - the least they can do in return is keep us informed of situations such as this and their plans without the need for constant prodding.

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