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I can confirm there are no known issues with the Kayako integration and all modules from V4.5 should still be compatable with V5.0.


Actually there is a major problem.. the Kayako CSS is conflicting with a few of the styles sets in the whmcs css files, and vice versa. This is what WHMCS support told me earlier, advised me to go through the whmcs.css and fix it... which is unhelpful.. because I don't know what I'm supposed to fix specifically. It's like I'm saying my car is broken, and support tells me to fix the car. Uh.. yeah.. that's why I'm contacting support!


What in WHMCS.css am I supposed to fix so that the knowledgebase & tickets view works like every other page?

Edited by mezzo
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After waiting 24 hours for support to respond to my inquiry, it was explained by Matt that if you're using the old Kayako 3.7 client area integration, it will not work with the new V5 client area template due to the way Kayako's HTML output is structured without doing some HTML/CSS customisation on the Kayako side of things.


This upgrade was a very trying experience; trying to figure out what isn't documented and waiting on support for a day to respond, yeesh!.. Having support tell me 'it's your code, you figure it out' a couple times, left me frustrated and in general, I have a bad taste in my mouth about WHMCS in general due to the lack of speedy support.


For a lot of people, this billing software is crucial so keep in mind that upgrading may mean you're down for a day while you're left to solve things on your own, and not making any money in the meantime. That said, it's unlikely that I'll upgrade again. This upgrade caused needless stress.

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  • 4 weeks later...
It looks like you can simply copy the old "admin" modules into v5 :)


I copied 4 modules that I had working in v4.5.2 and put them into the modules/admin folder of v5 and they seem to be working. Fingers crossed :)




I have new installation only of v5

can you send me modules from v4 - I need this IP monitor


thank you



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  • 3 weeks later...


I have tried to install the lastest release for 2 days now and after install I keep running into this error: Language Folder Not Found at the top left hand corner of the page. Can you help ANYBODY please?


Sounds like that /lang/ folder may be mis-placed - missing - or - renamed? I would just re-download the system and replace the lang dir thats in it.

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I have tried to install the lastest release for 2 days now and after install I keep running into this error: Language Folder Not Found at the top left hand corner of the page. Can you help ANYBODY please?

Check that your $customadminpath is correct

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Google's infrastructure and CDN network means that for your website visitors, loading the font CSS styling from Google themselves should actually be quicker than even your own server in a lot of cases. And in our test scenarios, there was never any considerable impacts on load times.

Where have you tested this? In the UK or US, with GBit Ethernet and a high end PC maybe. In all other circumstances it significantly slows down the side. Usually a WHCMS page loads in fractions of a second, thanks to google it takes around 6 to 8 seconds now and produces significantly CPU load, too. In other words: totally unnecessary and useless. I consider this as a major bug, the worst bug I've ever seen in WHMCS.

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Where have you tested this? In the UK or US, with GBit Ethernet and a high end PC maybe. In all other circumstances it significantly slows down the side. Usually a WHCMS page loads in fractions of a second, thanks to google it takes around 6 to 8 seconds now and produces significantly CPU load, too. In other words: totally unnecessary and useless. I consider this as a major bug, the worst bug I've ever seen in WHMCS.

It's trivial to remove it from whmcs.css though...

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Google's infrastructure and CDN network means that for your website visitors, loading the font CSS styling from Google themselves should actually be quicker than even your own server in a lot of cases. And in our test scenarios, there was never any considerable impacts on load times.








This is not true, there are many publications on the internet that prove with statistics that using any library jquery etc from any of the CDN's Azure, Google, Yahoo etc actually greatly reduces your sites performance and in many cases prevents users from being able to load your site at all.


It is something incredibly small like 11% of websites that actually use the CDN versions, it gets even smaller that a person would have actually visited one of those sites to have it cached in their browser...


There have been many benchmarks that because of this and the fact that DNS only caches for so long that it almost always ends up in your site loading slower regardless if they have previously visited one of those sites due to the extra DNS lookup.


Then the bigger problem is google actually blacklists many IP blocks from being able to access their servers, and as such it causes your site to get delayed from the timeout and then not successfully load...


There are some people who have attempted to develop workarounds that use a fallback method, that will load another copy from the local server if such an event occurs but the implementations actually added more time to the loading of the site than they did when just loading from the site in the first place.


We removed google CDN from one of our large sites running jquery after a number of visitors complained about not being able to use the site correctly. The site receives 10,000 unique visitors a day and the response was very negative using Google's CDN.



In terms of a webhost or ecommerce site well this leads to lost sales period.

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to add, doing so actually reduces your score in Pagespeed... googles own benchmarking tool frowns upon this stating it is necessary to reduce the number of DNS lookups which are more costly than a local copy.


anyways there are fonts you can use that look just as good as any of the javascript based ones... we used to love using Cufon we used it in almost all our designs but then dropped it from all our sites after doing some heavy benchmarking and site optimization's...


1) It slowed things down having to download extra jaavascript


2) it was no better than image based titles, because a user cannot highlight and copy the text.



This site is very readable without Cufon fonts:


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And this reduces the chances of it being cached in someones browser even more


SSL == Super Slow Loading?

Using the secure reference everywhere seems like a workable solution, but there’s a major problem with over-using SSL for cacheable, static resources (such as jQuery). For the same reasons that browsers require those assets to be encrypted in the first place, most browsers default to not caching files to disk if they’ve been retrieved via SSL.

Worse, even if the user has a locally cached copy of jQuery sitting on disk that was requested from Google’s CDN via HTTP, their browser will not utilize that local copy when it encounters an HTTPS reference to the same resource on the same server.

In other words, this URL:


Is entirely different than the following one, as far as a browser is concerned, thus the two are not subject to the sizable cross-caching benefit that comes with using Google’s CDN:


The result is that using HTTPS references to Google’s CDN will result in under-optimized caching when used on regular HTTP pages. Though you must use secure reference on pages that are secure themselves, you should avoid HTTPS references on pages that don’t require them.

Update: As several people have pointed out, the Google CDN does serve its assets with a Cache-Control header that allows most browsers to cache its copies of jQuery to disk. However, that doesn’t help mitigate the cross-site caching issue. A local copy that was originally requested via HTTP cannot be used as a cache hit when the browser later encounters an HTTPS reference to the same file (and vice versa). Two separate copies of the file will be stored and each treated as distinct resources.

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like 5 minutes if you know any coding at all.

Well, it does not even take 1 minute to delete that line, and you need to know nothing about coding at all for that. ;) But there were some moments of shock until I discovered why the thing is suddenly so terrible slow.


The more interesting question is why it is there in first place. Where is the advantage or the improvement? A significant worsening like this should be mentioned in the release notes with big red letters, and preferable not activated by default, but as an option. Simply comment it out by default and mention the ease of activating a more or less fancy looking font on the costs of performance.


Just my 2 cents.

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I'm not sure if this is only in v5, but we have upgraded to v5. I don't know if the problem was there in versions before. We realized Google Checkout fees were not being recorded in the WHMCS transactions. Also, if 2Checkout cancels an order / refunds automatically, it does not get recorded in WHMCS either. 2Checkout may cancel an order for fraud and automatically refund the client, but WHMCS does not get notified of this, and we have to manually check to see if the order was refunded or cancelled. This problem also occurs with Google Checkout.


Anyone having these problems too?

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Hello all,

I have a problem now with paypal express checkout module.


When I enable sandbox mode, it does not work, I am redirected to the site of normal paypal instead of arriving on the paypal sandbox.


Does anyone encounter the same problem as me?

Is there a solution?


In advance, thank you and sorry for my very bad English, I'm French.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Matt, I can create a bundle and it shows in the product ordering but when I click to order nothing happens. I have searched the docs etc and would assume when you click the bundle shown in products is would order all products in that bundle? Thanks Matt, great work really. We have been using WHMCS for almost 2 years and it is awesome :-)


Has this been answered? I also am having the exact same issue.

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