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latest word on development copy policy


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I need to test some user registrations for something im working on, and my own system is blocking the full process because i have my dev version directory passworded per WHMCS policy.


I need to remove this pw protection even momentarily to test some things out but i dont want WHMCS to come down on me for not having the public side PW protected. As you know there is a perm banner message on both the user and admin side that this is a developement copy. I think that should suffice to meet the policy.


I dont mind keeping it pw protected when im not working on something but i would like the flexibilty to be able to take the PW protection off when i need to without having to ask every time.


I have no intention or desire to use the dev copy for anything else but what its for.


I remember asking something like this sometime last year but seems things change sometimes so i wanted to check first.


Can i have that flexibility please to remove and replace the pw protection on the dev dir, so i can get things done?




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Thanks all, yeah the other drawback is that you cant use it in conjunction with the pw protection. I say this because i was told that it had to be "pw protected" in those words. And although htaccess does block it, its not "pw protected". So what i did was i temp took the pw protection off and used the htaccess method and then put the pw protection back on when i was done with my registration tests. Which is time i could spend doing something else productive.


I know im being so technical here and focusing on words, but i have good reason to do so. I was just recently chastised this last week (they called me on the phone) because i did something i was told i could do by another company when i bought their software. Then i guess things changed and i got ripped for it and they threatend to take my license away which would have killed my other business. So yeah its important to me that i do exactly what people expect. Thank goodness that other company was able to see that i was not out to maliciously or intentionally break any terms of use and i was able to keep my license. But it could have gone the other way so easily.


And this is exactly why i dont license my software that i do and hold people hostage like that. With a simple keystroke someone can put you out of business or cause you more financial burden, and thats not right in my book. Somewhere someone has to take the risk and trust people will do the right thing.


Any of us that have set up a dev environment know how much time it takes and to lose that is huge. So im hoping to get some exact clarification from WHMCS regarding expectation here or in a PM...


Here is a quote from WHMCS Liam back in 2012





The only restrictions with the dev whmcs license is it can not be used for live sales, so that means you must either install it in a localhost environment or that you install it in a password protected directory of "dev.yourdomain.com" matching the same domain where you have your paid key.





Edited by durangod
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Feel free to open a ticket to WHMCS Customer Service instead of waiting for them to see your thread here.


Unfortunately that wont even suffice because for something like this a ticket comment is not legally binding, not for them and not for us. There is nothing in their TOS at all about a dev license and the requirements, just because they say in a ticket "hey we want you to do this" or "hey we prefer that you do that", a statement is not legally binding.


So basically legally until they put something in their TOS we can actually do whatever we want, we can have it blocked or not have it blocked. I prefer it blocked because i dont want anyone in there but me but legally we dont even have to do that even if we dont want to. Not until they have it in their TOS which makes it legally binding.


I was asking for clarification here because i was hoping i would find something in the TOS and they could clarify that here in the forum. But since there is nothing at all in the TOS, until they update that, those of us that hold DEV licenses are not bound by anything as there is not one word about holding a developers license in the TOS. Everything i found is in the forum which is not legally binding because its not based off of a TOS requirement, its basically opinion or preferrence and that is not how to do things legally.


Besides, placing it in the TOS protects us both, it protects WHMCS because they have established a legal standard. And it protects DEV license holders because we have a standard to go by.


So i hope to see something added to the TOS soon so we can clear this up and we can all stop just guessing and have something to actually read.



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Unfortunately that wont even suffice because for something like this a ticket comment is not legally binding, not for them and not for us. There is nothing in their TOS at all about a dev license and the requirements, just because they say in a ticket "hey we want you to do this" or "hey we prefer that you do that", a statement is not legally binding.


So basically legally until they put something in their TOS we can actually do whatever we want, we can have it blocked or not have it blocked. I prefer it blocked because i dont want anyone in there but me but legally we dont even have to do that even if we dont want to. Not until they have it in their TOS which makes it legally binding.


I was asking for clarification here because i was hoping i would find something in the TOS and they could clarify that here in the forum. But since there is nothing at all in the TOS, until they update that, those of us that hold DEV licenses are not bound by anything as there is not one word about holding a developers license in the TOS. Everything i found is in the forum which is not legally binding because its not based off of a TOS requirement, its basically opinion or preferrence and that is not how to do things legally.


Besides, placing it in the TOS protects us both, it protects WHMCS because they have established a legal standard. And it protects DEV license holders because we have a standard to go by.


So i hope to see something added to the TOS soon so we can clear this up and we can all stop just guessing and have something to actually read.




Or they can just not allow you to have a dev license at all ...

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  • WHMCS Support Manager


I believe I explained the current policy on complimentary development licences to you in this thread: http://forum.whmcs.com/showthread.php?95295-SSL-on-DEV-version&p=400275#post400275


If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to open a customer service ticket.

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Thats a good find John thanks, thats the thread i was referring to in my first post but i could not find it, again good find.


My point is what is your basis for that statement.



We no longer require the dev licences to be installed on the dev subdomain. This is since the "Development Licence" banner was added to the bottom of the page, so you can now install it wherever you like, but I'd still recommend keeping it blocked off from public use as to prevent prying eyes.


Is it a stick note on your computer, an unwritten rule, someone just came up with it around the water cooler and said lets try this or maybe its written on the stall in the BR next to all the fake numbers lol... Im not being mean im just trying to make a point that WHMCS is not protected and we are not protected unless its in the TOS or some legal public policy that can be referrenced.


Lets say that im working late one night and i fall asleep at my computer like i do sometimes, and here come some new guy at WHMCS dev license police and sees my site is not protected from the public. And then blocks my license, then what do i do, i end up taking tons of my time trying to contact someone to explain what happend and why its not legal to do so, then me and WHMCS get in a battle over what is legal and what is not and i end up moving my business to another software all because someone didnt have a written public policy for us to abide by.


Thats why they have public rules stated for forums, thats why they have public rules stated for almost anything and everything so that there is no guess work.


Im not here to tell WHMCS how to run their business, im not here to make enemies because im asking for clarification, im not here to rock the boat. I am only here asking because my business "yes my business is all that matters right now" could be at risk over something so innocent as not having a policy to follow and allowing WHMCS to make up its mind willy nilly how it wants to do things without any written public policy in the spur of the moment and depending who is on duty at that moment.


That was my whole point. And now i leave it to WHMCS do what you want, i know that you are aware of this now and so you can do as you please with the information. Act on it or toss it in file 13, that is up to you and now i will drop it and move on.



Edited by durangod
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