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Hey There I am going over and testing our WHMCS installation, and when trying to place a order as a client I find that after selecting a service it take the client to an empty page. 

I was just wondering what would be making this happen? 

img of the page below


This is all that comes up once I select a service, hoping someone has had a similar problem so I can get our installation up and running.

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Thanks for getting back to me, we currently have the standard cart selected, but what I have also noticed as I have been poking around trying to trouble shoot for the company I work for, is that it looks like when selecting a package it is actually showing them in the "Premium Comparison" template


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Thanks Chris, I'm not getting any errors in the browser console. I see if I can refresh the files, I'll have to poke around to find them, I was brought in after they installed it and started using it, so I'm not sure where the files will be.


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21 hours ago, Jmac4444 said:

Thanks for getting back to me, we currently have the standard cart selected, but what I have also noticed as I have been poking around trying to trouble shoot for the company I work for, is that it looks like when selecting a package it is actually showing them in the "Premium Comparison" template

there may be a different orderform template assigned to the product groups these packages are in.


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40 minutes ago, Jmac4444 said:

7.8.3 is the version they have installed

oh I was expecting you to say it was earlier than that...

quick question, when you look at the general settings -> ordering page in the admin area (the screenshot zitu4life posted above), do you see something similar? I wouldn't expect croster to be there, and modern & boxes won't have been renamed to legacy versions in your release... but is standard_cart on the list ??

if you're default orderform template were standard_cart, and the product group wasn't changing that, then SC should work....

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15 hours ago, Jmac4444 said:

I have also made sure that the product group template matches the default just in case that was what was causing problems 

what I would do would be to switch your default orderform template to Standard_cart and see if that makes any difference.

forget boxes and modern which are old and deprecated templates, the two slider and three comparison templates will all use standard_cart once they get past the opening page of initially choosing the product - e.g the stage where you are now getting a blank page.

this might be being caused by something as simple as the template containing bad code, e.g if I were to add an unclosed {if} statement into the template Smarty code, then I will get a blank page like yours...


if the issue is with code in a standard_cart template, then the same issue should occur after you switch to using standard_cart by default - if it does, then view the activity logs and see if it tells you which specific template, and line of code, it thinks is causing the issue.... once you have that, then you may be on your way to solving the problem. 🙂

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