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Im trying to use Githubs version of AutoAuth:

I've followed the steps in the description, but are getting wrong login credentials error. Below you can see the different steps and the code that i have;

To install this script you need to place all files in your root directory of WHMCS
example: /home/user/public_html/domain/whmcs/
Generate a hash and enter it in configuration.php above the last ?>

$autoauthkey = "REPLACE-WITH-SYSTEM-KEY";
Also include it into the script.
You can generate a hash using; openssl rand -hex 32 on linux.
Then add this value to the top of your email template;

{assign var='hash' value=$client_email|cat:"REPLACE-THIS-PART-WITH-SECRET-KEY"}
Then add this link anywhere in your email template.
Login Auth: {$whmcs_url}lauth.php?email={$client_email}&zmkey={$hash|md5}
Invoice Auth: {$whmcs_url}iauth.php?email={$client_email}&invoice={$invoice_num}&zmkey={$hash|md5}
Quote Auth: {$whmcs_url}qauth.php?email={$client_email}&quote={$quote_number}&zmkey={$zmkey|md5}


Quick not for version 7+
Due to security settings, you have to modify configuration.php and add the following code to the bottom, above the last ?>

$smarty_security_policy = array(
    'mail' => array(
        'php_modifiers' => array(



In the config file:
$hash = "302BEA0FDBC6ADB8F8A25919318B532D";
$autoauthkey = "Correct_password";
$smarty_security_policy = array(
    'mail' => array(
        'php_modifiers' => array(




In the iauth file:

Created by JonTheWong @ Zenith Media Canada - www.zenithmedia.ca
Visit our public repo - https://github.com/JonTheWong/whmcs-autoauth-invoice

$whmcsurl = "https://www.webbsnacks.se/whmcs/dologin.php"; /* replace with your url */
$autoauthkey = "Correct_password"; /* same as in configuration.php */
$secretkey = "A_new_key_generated"; /* generate a new key for this script */

if (md5($_GET['email'].$secretkey) != $_GET['zmkey'])
die('Något fel har skett, vänligen kontakta oss på info@webbsnacks.se för att gå vidare.');

$email = $_GET['email'];
$timestamp = time();
$hash = sha1($email.$timestamp.$autoauthkey);
$goto = "viewinvoice.php?id=".$_GET['invoice'];

$url = $whmcsurl."?email=$email&timestamp=$timestamp&hash=$hash&goto=".urlencode($goto);
header("Location: $url");



Do anyone know what the issue might be? Since im not getting the "die" text, there should be nothing wrong with the hash, correct?

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