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In the last two days I have noticed the twitter feed stopped loading ie is just in the loading image state for hours on end. Has anyone else had this issue? If so what is the work around?


Yes it was working prior to this ie the connection between twitter and my site was showing the twitter feed as expected and no I didn't change any settings but since I haven't launched my site I hadn't touched for a few days so now wondering if this is a wider spread issue or not

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from my brief reading on the topic, it looks like WHMCS are going to need to add four twitter fields to the "Social" tab in Admin -


  • The consumer key
  • The consumer secret
  • The access token
  • The access token secret

it's my understanding that in order to get these, we'd each need to create a developer account at Twitter (free) and then WHMCS needs to update the php code to use the above details.. that code should be the same for everyone with only the above four fields and username needing to be unique... of course, if WHMCS can find a way around needing to do that, then that would be easier - but I don't think that's possible.


I think from a coding view this should be easy to fix, but i'm sure the twitter feed code is in an encrypted file, so only WHMCS can patch it - hopefully with v5.3


for reference, this is the URL of where I got the above info -




this issue doesn't affect us as we haven't setup our twitter account yet, but I was intrigued to find a solution.

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Answer to my ticket (just received)


I've been able to replicate this issue on my end as well, and do find this to be an issue within the software. I've opened case #2776 with our developers in order to have this resolved for future releases. Unfortunately, I cannot provide an estimated time for completion for this. However, once we resolve cases and push features they are available at our change log, here:



I apologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this.


If you notice any bugs in future, please use our new bug reporting tool at






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I think the API change was supposed to happen in May but was postponed for a month - it's similar to the Nominet EPP changes that were supposed to occur last week, but have been delayed until start of July... WHMCS have long known they were coming (especially the Nominet change), so hopefully v5.3 will deal with both issues - because the EPP change will occur before v5.3.1 would be due for release.

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WHMCS recently confirmed to us in a ticket that they will have an updated Nominet module before the deadline, although I would rather have preferred to see more of a window of testing available for this, given the criticality of such a module.

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WHMCS recently confirmed to us in a ticket that they will have an updated Nominet module before the deadline, although I would rather have preferred to see more of a window of testing available for this, given the criticality of such a module.


this is about the twitter API and nothing to do with Nominet

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this is about the twitter API and nothing to do with Nominet

there was no intention on my part, nor probably penguin's, to hijack this thread with the mention of Nominet, I was merely pointing out that when it comes to missing well announced external software update deadlines, WHMCS have previous... they've done it with Twitter, they would have done it with Nominet if Nominet hadn't delayed their EPP change... there are probably other examples that i've forgotten.


I for one am grateful that penguin made his post as I can now be a *little* more relaxed that WHMCS will update the Nominet module before the deadline.

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there was no intention on my part, nor probably penguin's, to hijack this thread with the mention of Nominet, I was merely pointing out that when it comes to missing well announced external software update deadlines, WHMCS have previous... they've done it with Twitter, they would have done it with Nominet if Nominet hadn't delayed their EPP change... there are probably other examples that i've forgotten.


I for one am grateful that penguin made his post as I can now be a *little* more relaxed that WHMCS will update the Nominet module before the deadline.


but your comment was in the context of

it's similar to the Nominet EPP changes
, when Penquins was
WHMCS recently confirmed to us in a ticket that they will have an updated Nominet module before the deadline,
which has nothing to do with the thread topic or even your comment, so he was the one highjacking the thread
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And you'd be better off pointing that out to penguin via a PM or better yet let a mod do it *if* there's a real issue with the post. I'm amazed at how often you tend to comment and faux-moderate on topics.


You weren't even in the thread before that and offered no value to the thread. The thread started about twitter and during that someone else mentioned something else as they felt it was relevant. Who are you moderate what people discuss in a community forum?

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And you'd be better off pointing that out to penguin via a PM or better yet let a mod do it *if* there's a real issue with the post. I'm amazed at how often you tend to comment and faux-moderate on topics.


You weren't even in the thread before that and offered no value to the thread. The thread started about twitter and during that someone else mentioned something else as they felt it was relevant. Who are you moderate what people discuss in a community forum?

like any member of this forum it is a PUBLIC forum and i have the right to state if it is going off topic. so as the thread title is "Twitter" then it is nothing to do with nominet, which Penquins post was about a ticket relating to the Nominet.


I have the same twitter issue, but i am sure it will get sorted, so i was following this thread without the need to comment on the twitter issue

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like any member of this forum it is a public forum and i have the right to state if it is going off topic. So as the thread title is "twitter" then it is nothing to do with nominet, which penquins post was about a ticket relating to the nominet.


Who cares, the threads started to talk a little about APIs being updated in time.


All you do is bitch and complain and I wish you would just quit it.

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Who are you moderate what people discuss in a community forum?

I thought the same thing, and i've seen him do it previously, but I bit my tongue... ;)


i'm prepared to be corrected, but the fact that WHMCS have confirmed that they plan to update the Nominet module before the EPP changes come into effect, hasn't been made elsewhere - certainly not in any of the Nominet EPP threads i've read... it would only have taken a few seconds for a staff member to post that intention in one of those threads.


personally, I consider what penguin said an aside rather than a hijack, and I doubt that if easyhosting hadn't worn his thread-police helmet, there wouldn't have been the four posts since his intervention - certainly, I would have probably just pm'd penguin to thank him for his post and left the thread alone.

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i have the right to state if it is going off topic

And making sure it goes even further.

It was about Twitter and a needed update. Someone mentioned it was similar to another update that was announced and not completed, and you felt it was necessary to drag the topic off to what you feel should be allowed in the thread. Take a look at how far *your* post(s) has dragged this off topic as opposed to someone that mentioned Nominet and a semi related issue.


Well done on stopping a thread going off topic. ;)

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Hi guys, we're done here. No need to report this thread any more. It's been reported several times now and we appreciate the feedback, as always.



The issues mentioned in this thread will of course be taken care of, in due course, as John would tell you. :)

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