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tpl involved in pay process


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I'm encountering difficulties in understanding what are the .tpl files involved in credit card payment process.

The issue is this:

  • I'm currently using a custom theme, six-based (not yet a child, that is a new thing: an old theme, customized few years ago, and updated on the way as needed)
  • enabiling a new credit card payment process (Stripe), I'm getting in client area  (i.e. in example.com/index.php/invoice/12345/pay ), using Six or my custom theme I'm getting two quite different forms (see screenshots)
  • particularly, in my custom theme the user is asked for two unusual (and unuseful) credit card fields  ("start date" and "Issue number"), that are quite confusing and I would like to remove

It should not be a great job, but looking into involved .tpl files is a mess, and I can't understand what are the files involved...

I.e.,  I understand that:

  • /payment/card/inputs.tpl and /payment/card/validate.tpl are (or may be) involved, but they're exactly the same both in Six and in my custom theme
  • /clientareacreditcard.tpl may be involved, but I'm confused because the clientareacreditcard.tpl in six is an empty file (while in my custom theme it is not empty), but looking into  WHMCS changelog I found anything about "when" and "why" this file was removed ( https://docs.whmcs.com/Changed_Template_Files is available just until 5.2.3  ... seven years ago...)

I did few grep in order to find where the involved language variables were used, but found nothing useful about...

 So: any idea about what is the .tpl file I need to check and edit?!




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1 hour ago, Remitur said:

particularly, in my custom theme the user is asked for two unusual (and unuseful) credit card fields  ("start date" and "Issue number"), that are quite confusing and I would like to remove

in setup -> general settings -> invoices, is the Issue Number / Start Date checkbox ticked? if so, untick it and that should remove it from the newer WHMCS version.

1 hour ago, Remitur said:

but looking into  WHMCS changelog I found anything about "when" and "why" this file was removed ( https://docs.whmcs.com/Changed_Template_Files is available just until 5.2.3  ... seven years ago...)

it was with v7.8 that the template got emptied - https://docs.whmcs.com/Version_7.8.0_Release_Notes#Multiple_Credit_Card_and_Bank_Account_Pay_Methods

do you have the account-paymentmethods templates in your old theme?

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6 hours ago, brian! said:

in setup -> general settings -> invoices, is the Issue Number / Start Date checkbox ticked? if so, untick it and that should remove it from the newer WHMCS version.

Nice shot!

Thank you!

(The mistery about the fact that no one set that checkbox in the past in production environment, so I guess that it was so by default; while test environment, re-installed a couple of months ago, has it unchecked ... so I guess that somwhen  WHMCS decided to change the default state for this checkbox...)

And no words about "where" this checkbox has been hidden...  😕

6 hours ago, brian! said:

do you have the account-paymentmethods templates in your old theme?

Yes I have... why this question? Should I need to know anything about them that I currently don't know?

(I'm planning to change my current custom theme, derivated by a Thememetro theme, to a child.. hoping this will help with future updates, that currently are reallya  pain in the ass...)


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