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I need an option via Clientarea to create a specified Number Web Hosting pckages(Websites) with a single subscription(package)

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I am a reseller on 20i.com and purchased my WHMCS license from them. But I am faced with a problem which I believe to you help me or give a better advice to solve.

I need a solution to enable clients to host multiple(specified number of) website with a single subscription via their whmcs clietarea. 20i reseller only allows for creation of multiple domain mappings per hosting package but does not by default allow for separate packages with a single subscription. I am using their whmcs module which handles all the integration with whmcs.

For instance, I have packages that should host upto 5 domains(website) but by default this can only be achieved via domain mappings in the initial subscribed package's control panel (via 20i's stackcp.com) which is not professional or user-friendly to non-technical customers.

They have API documentations that can solve this problem but I do not have the resources to do this at this moment and if I should hire a developer to do custom work for me will mean I will not be using WHMCS to management clients which I badly want to use due to WHMCS vast benefits and simplification.

I would like to know if this possible on WHMCS by modifying some configurations or you can provide me with experts or module(s) from your marketplace to handle this task.

Please note that 20i.com does not use Cpanel or WHM, they've their own custom cp called stackcp 

I would very much appreciate your swift feedback.

Thank You.
Kind Regards.

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2 hours ago, ModulesGarden said:

It would certainly be best for you to have this solution custom developed according to your specific requirements.

Interested? Turn to our expert advisors using this short form for precise technical guidance in this regard.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Hello Module Garden, 


I've sent you all details needed to get started. Waiting patiently for your response. 


Thank You. 

Kind Regards

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