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Need some help organizing the view of Payment Methods on WHMCS

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I need some help organizing the view of Payment methods on Standard Cart template. If you take a look at this screenshot https://prnt.sc/fqpgm0 you will notice my payments methods are showing very weird. I would like to have each payment method to be shown one per line.


Also, I would like to translate "MM/YY" referring to month and year to Spanish. I must say something like this "MM/AA".


Thank you guys for your help.

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I need some help organizing the view of Payment methods on Standard Cart template. If you take a look at this screenshot https://prnt.sc/fqpgm0 you will notice my payments methods are showing very weird. I would like to have each payment method to be shown one per line.

in templates/orderforms/standard_cart/checkout.tpl change...

                    <div class="text-center">
                       {foreach key=num item=gateway from=$gateways}
                           <label class="radio-inline">
                               <input type="radio" name="paymentmethod" value="{$gateway.sysname}" class="payment-methods{if $gateway.type eq "CC"} is-credit-card{/if}"{if $selectedgateway eq $gateway.sysname} checked{/if} />


                    <div class="text-center">
                       {foreach key=num item=gateway from=$gateways}
                           <label class="radio">
                               <input type="radio" name="paymentmethod" value="{$gateway.sysname}" class="payment-methods{if $gateway.type eq "CC"} is-credit-card{/if}"{if $selectedgateway eq $gateway.sysname} checked{/if} />

or to put it simpler, change the "radio-inline" label class to "radio". :idea:


Also, I would like to translate "MM/YY" referring to month and year to Spanish. I must say something like this "MM/AA".

then it's going to be this block of code in complete.tpl...

                        <div class="col-sm-6">
                           <div class="form-group prepend-icon">
                               <label for="inputCardExpiry" class="field-icon">
                                   <i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>
                               <input type="tel" name="ccexpirydate" id="inputCardExpiry" class="field" placeholder="MM / YY{if $showccissuestart} ({$LANG.creditcardcardexpires}){/if}" autocomplete="cc-exp">

and then it's just a case of changing it for your needs... so if you want everyone to see MM/AA, then just change the 'YY' to 'AA' above... if it's for Spanish only, use the following...


<input type="tel" name="ccexpirydate" id="inputCardExpiry" class="field" placeholder="MM / {if $language eq "spanish"}AA{else}YY{/if}{if $showccissuestart} ({$LANG.creditcardcardexpires}){/if}" autocomplete="cc-exp">

or you could replace the MM/YY with a Language Override and add correct override entries for each language.

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Thank you so much. It worked fine.


Could you tell me what I need to put on Language Override file? I already have it created but I am not sure what to put to make "MM/YY" to show always in Spanish language, regarding the language of the browser.


I appreciate it.

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if you were going to replace MM/YY for all languages, you would modify the template to use the language string...


<input type="tel" name="ccexpirydate" id="inputCardExpiry" class="field" placeholder="{$LANG.ccdate}{if $showccissuestart} ({$LANG.creditcardcardexpires}){/if}" autocomplete="cc-exp">

and then in lang/overrides/english.php..

$_LANG['ccdate'] = "MM / YY";

and in lang/overrides/spanish.php...

$_LANG['ccdate'] = "MM / AA";

and then remember to do the same for any other languages used in the client area.

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