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New Ajax Order Form


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I mean, when going to http://domain.com/order/ It gets me back to http://domain.com/index.php is that normal?


If you're requiring SSL on your cart, then you have to include https:// in front of the URL otherwise it will redirect you back to the main index page.


BTW, a start over link would be good to add to the Ajax form if the customer changes their mind during the order process. Reloading the page will do it, but the customer might not know that. For now, I suppose embedding my own button/link to refresh the page to do it will work.


I also notice that the Ajax side bar overflows the bottom footer of my site. Looks like a little extra CSS work will probably fix it.

Edited by TDub
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Am i the only one that is noticing the floating order summary is not displayed correctly in IE. It is floating to the left and covering the order form like the box to enter domain name. It works just fine in Firefox.


It is displaying fine for us in IE.

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The ajax order forms seems promising. However, I do not see how to register only domains with it? How can this be done?


Also i would like the domain search work in the way that when a TLD is not entered, instead of an error message, several TLD's would be searched.

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I share many of the frustrations that are posted here. So to get a head start since this is a open source release of the ajax form I spent the weekend to try to enhance it as needed. Take a look here: https://my.enotch.com/order to see what has been done.


I decided that it was worthwhile to keep the ajax div from scrolling. To do so I removed the $("#cartsummary").makeFloat({x:"current",y:"current"}); tag from the master.tpl posted right before the </literal> tag.


A big problem for me was that the product descriptions and inventory checking is missing from the body of the form which is a big problem. To fix this problem I edited the products.tpl file from


<br />

<table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">


{foreach from=$products item=product key=num}

<td width="50%"><input type="radio" name="pid" value="{$product.pid}" id="pid{$product.pid}" onclick="loadproductconfig('{$product.pid}')"> <label for="pid{$product.pid}">{$product.name}</label></td>

{if $num % 2}</tr><tr>{/if}





to the following


<br />

<table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">

<tr><div class="orderbox"><td>

{foreach from=$products item=product key=num}

<input type="radio" name="pid" value="{$product.pid}" id="pid{$product.pid}" onclick="loadproductconfig('{$product.pid}')"{if $product.qty eq "0"} disabled{/if} class="buttongo" /> <label for="pid{$product.pid}">{$product.name}</label> {if $product.qty!=""}<em>({$product.qty} {$LANG.orderavailable})</em>{/if} <br>{$product.description}</td></div>

{if $num % 2}</tr><tr>{/if}





You will notice that this also changes the order of the products to be a vertical list instead of a bunched list.


To extend these customizations to the floater div (now a static section) I edited the cartsummary.tpl from the following:


<div class="itemdesc">

<strong>{$product.productinfo.groupname} - {$product.productinfo.name}</strong><br />

{if $product.domain}{$product.domain}<br />{/if}

{if $product.configoptions}

{foreach key=confnum item=configoption from=$product.configoptions}- {$configoption.name}: {if $configoption.type eq 1 || $configoption.type eq 2}{$configoption.option}{elseif $configoption.type eq 3}{if $configoption.qty}{$LANG.yes}{else}{$LANG.no}{/if}{elseif $configoption.type eq 4}{$configoption.qty} x {$configoption.option}{/if}<br />{/foreach}




To the following:


<div class="itemdesc">

<strong>{$product.productinfo.groupname} - {$product.productinfo.name}</strong><br /><br>{$product.productinfo.description}<br>

{if $product.domain}{$product.domain}<br />{/if}

{if $product.configoptions}

<br><b>Configuration Options</b>

<br>{foreach key=confnum item=configoption from=$product.configoptions}- {$configoption.name}: {if $configoption.type eq 1 || $configoption.type eq 2}{$configoption.option}{elseif $configoption.type eq 3}{if $configoption.qty}{$LANG.yes}{else}{$LANG.no}{/if}{elseif $configoption.type eq 4}{$configoption.qty} x {$configoption.option}{/if}<br />{/foreach}




I am working to add in the domain registration functionality as well as fix the issue with custom fields not being saved during an order. More to follow........feel free to let me know your thoughts.

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It is displaying fine for us in IE.


i discovered that the problem was due to running IE 8 in compatibility mode. In that mode the summary box is aligned left, thereby blocking some of the input boxes. It runs fine in normal mode

I also noticed that if you reduce your browser, the summary box do not readjust and becomes out of focus and you have to scroll to locate it.

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Loving the new order form.


Can anyone confirm the actual bug with custom fields not being passed to admin? is this ALL custom fields or? More detail would be appreciated as we're keen to go live with this new version of the order form...


Also is there a way to use links to open the new order form with a specific product or group already selected, just like the old one could with gid specified in the link?

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Loving the new order form.


Can anyone confirm the actual bug with custom fields not being passed to admin? is this ALL custom fields or? More detail would be appreciated as we're keen to go live with this new version of the order form...


Also is there a way to use links to open the new order form with a specific product or group already selected, just like the old one could with gid specified in the link?


The problem is that for the custom field data to be set in SESSION you have to invoke recalctotals(); (IE: changing Billing Cycle, Config Options , State/Region, Country) again after filling out the custom fields. You have to input a State/Region as a new customer, so I suppose this problem would only occur when an existing customer orders a server since they do not fill out State/Region, Country again to trigger recalctotals() after the custom fields.


The fix I came up with was just to add recalctotals(); to the top of the javascript function checkoutvalidate() to force an update just before checkout. Since this awesome code is open source maybe someone else has a better way...

Edited by aclark
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Also is there a way to use links to open the new order form with a specific product or group already selected, just like the old one could with gid specified in the link?



Yes, how do we link products/services with the new ajax order form?

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