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WHMCS Live Help Review


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Sorry, but I've just about had it with add-ons (especially official ones).


iWHMCS keeps crashing when you go to insert pre-defined replies and even in the middle of replying normally, it crashes. (Thats on ios3 and ios4).


However, this post is about the live help product.


I purchased it and as I use I mac I'm forced to use the browser for controlling it. That's fine...I've no problem with that. However, their site says 'Sound Enabled'. (And you would expect that). But not in the web browser, so it's a pointless product. I cannot sit and watch my browser all day waiting for someone to initiate chat.


However, not to despair, I went to the app store and did a search for Stardevelop and wahay, they have an app for that ith, wait for it, PUSH notifications for the iphone. Brilliant. Just download the app, have push notifications on and the sound issue is fixed.


Not so.


Push is hit and miss.


Also, changing status, NEVER changes from ONLINE while running the app to OFFLINE or BRB. Even if you do it in the browser window. With the app in ofline status and the browser in offline status, the icon on the website shows ONLINE. Always.


Is that an issue with the push notification? If so, why give status changes as an option in the app if they don't apply?


Following on, it's missing vital features such as silent times etc and no 'settings' tab within the app for the app whatsoever.


To crown it all, the app was £8.99


An expensive lesson others might want to avoid. Oh yes, I can't get the 'integration of depts' to work either and changes within the app to users aren't saved.


I know most of this isn't WHMCS' fault directly, but with the iWHMCS issues and now this, I'm just a bit peeved with an otherwise brilliant product which is WHMCS on it's own.


Add-ons have been a nightmare. Sorry Matt

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Hi Simon,


Sorry to hear you're getting frustrated.


First regarding the iWHMCS crashes, that has been explained so many times but in case you haven't caught those, the crashes occur when the iPhone XML interpreter gets a character it doesn't recognise. Not heard of it occuring with predefined replies before as it's usually foreign entities in ticket messages themselves that are the problem but it's usually easy enough to pinpoint the problem character and remove via a ticket.


Regarding the Live Chat addon, for full functionality you do need the Windows Application but I'm sure sounds are meant to work via the Web Version also. Status changes are seemingly working fine here though - even live changes without the user needing to refresh their page for it to update.


Their iPhone app is not something we're promoting so I'm not familiar enough with that to comment. You would be best off reporting those issues to them directly as they are actively developing their products.



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  • WHMCS Support Manager

You'd need to contact StarDevelop directly to see if they have any plans to make a Mac version of the operator console.


This live chat is fully integrated with WHMCS, as to why we didn't develop it ourselves please refer to Matt's original announcement: http://forum.whmcs.com/showthread.php?t=30382

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Guys, here's my review of the new WHMCS Live Help add on.


Installation - works

Application - works

Desktop app - works


In short - it WORKS!




Thanks for your input. As you put it so succintly, let me put mine in the same format for you to see how your reply compares to what I actually wrote:


You wrote:

Installation - works - (YEP I Agree wholeheartedly)

Application - works - (So you've tested push AND status updates in the iphone app and it works always for you?)

Desktop app - works - (great, I'm pleased for you - you're obviously on windows).


My point is, that the browser system is NOT detailed on their site as missing sound, but it is not sound enabled. Pointless product. That's MY issue. I'm pleased you use windows Roger and can operate it as the product should be.


I had humanclick/livehelper for years and to be frank, even with the sound missing, this product falls a long way short of what humanclick was even 5 years ago.


My thoughts are that this product would have been better than it is because of being Whmcs affiliated, but from what I've seen of stardevelop and this product, it's a mis-match for whmcs and there would have been better options out there. IMHO


Matt: I can't see the product under my Products and Services section in my client area and just want to cancel it. Is the reason I can't see it because you've cancelled it already?


P.S. I'm not wanting to fall out with anyone or cause disharmony. I just wanted to open the channel for feedback from others and if I'm alone in my thoughts, so be it. I hope others enjoy the product.

Edited by Si
Added the P.S.
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Understand your take on it Si. Actually I was sort of poking at the past disagreements in the forums over live help apps. It works for me and I'm pleased with it.


As for the iPhone push.... wouldn't own one of them things myself ... :) But would love to see a windows mobile app for it. Guess I should go pay a visit to Stardevelop site. Maybe there already is one.


I can understand your frustration if you're using a Mac and have nothing for a desktop app to go along with this.


Disharmony... naw, don't worry about it.

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I noticed that in order to get information about the user he needs to be in logged in status

that means only when he is logged into his account in whmcs his information can be seen.

I understand about security issue but still this does not sound so nice.

Is there any way to make this a little bit more useful?

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I noticed that in order to get information about the user he needs to be in logged in status

that means only when he is logged into his account in whmcs his information can be seen.

If someone is not logged in, there is no account information to show. The user only belongs to an account after they've logged in so not sure what you're wanting to happen?



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what if is not the client entering the chat? but someone else that took his email address from his website?



I understand what you mean but kayako does the same thing. If some body enters

an email address of another guy and chats it will be recorded in the history of the real email holder:lol:

So some body just could come and say all stupid things 8)

who is going to check IP? no one

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  • 1 month later...

Hello guys,


We just purchased this addon, and I?m having problems with it. When I click to open a chat popup, the popup address is incomplete, therefore not loading anything but a 404 not found window. I have tried all kinds of configurations for the domain and site url fields and it just doesn't matter what I put in there. The popup address is missing the /whmcs/modules/ chunk,..


anyone have this happen ?

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I was just going to ask if there is a Mac version as I do not want to be running Windows emulation 24/7. Any word on if this feature is coming from the developer?


Yes, we are working on a Mac OS X application. Unfortunately we do not have any further details when when this will be available etc.


Also, sounds should work in the web-based administration if you have Flash installed. We have yet to implement HTML5 sounds, however these are coming soon. We also have plans to improve the web-based administration to bring the functionality closer to the Windows application.

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  • 2 months later...

After using the desktop app on windows for a while now - it suddenly stops connecting to our server (teir 1 of stardevelop could not figure out why so they forwarded to tier 2). So while the desktop app is not working for us, we have to use the browser app, only to find that it has no sound, rendering it useless! We are thinking about removing this and cancelling our subscription altogether. I've used free software that is better than this.


We have flash installed and we've tried it in every browser. It's been MONTHS now, when do you plan on releasing the updated web version?

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Several have expressed concern with the email address matching them to an account... would it be possible to further enhance that when someone enters an existing email address that they are prompted to login....


this way we always have at hand the information for those connecting to chat... these guys come to the site but usually are not logged in.


This would solve others being able to mess with information just by typing in someone else's email address



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We have flash installed and we've tried it in every browser. It's been MONTHS now, when do you plan on releasing the updated web version?


I think I need to clarify here that the Live Chat Software is not something "we" develop, so it's not up to us when updates are made so would be something you need to ask StarDevelop. However I will ask them to drop by this thread and respond to your question directly.


Several have expressed concern with the email address matching them to an account... would it be possible to further enhance that when someone enters an existing email address that they are prompted to login....


That's not how it works. The admin chat window only shows the client related links when the user has logged in and authenticated to the WHMCS client area. It wouldn't therefore be possible for people to impersonate others simply by matching the email address of a client in the StarDevelop Live Help window.

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Several have expressed concern with the email address matching them to an account... would it be possible to further enhance that when someone enters an existing email address that they are prompted to login....


Matt is correct, the email address is not used to locate the WHMCS account. The WHMCS hook is used to locate the client ID if the chatting visitor is authenticated within the WHMCS client area. Also, if the visitor is logged into the WHMCS client area then we will pre-fill the chat request with their email address. However, the email address is not used to locate the WHMCS account details as that would be a security issue.


Would it be possible to further enhance that when someone enters an existing email address that they are prompted to login...


In a future release we could restrict the Live Help chat to only WHMCS visitors that are logged into the WHMCS client area. This could be added as an optional setting within Live Help as some people may not want this when using Live Help for sales purposes. Thank you for the suggestion!

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After using the desktop app on windows for a while now - it suddenly stops connecting to our server (teir 1 of stardevelop could not figure out why so they forwarded to tier 2). So while the desktop app is not working for us, we have to use the browser app, only to find that it has no sound, rendering it useless! We are thinking about removing this and cancelling our subscription altogether. I've used free software that is better than this.


We have flash installed and we've tried it in every browser. It's been MONTHS now, when do you plan on releasing the updated web version?

I agree with coreyman here - I have found the Stardevelop software now to be a liability because of the no sound issue. I will lay out a bunch I have discovered:


(1) If you use the web software, there is no sound telling you that users are requesting chat. It appears that it should work but it doesn't here either. I've found many users in the database who evidently waited and received no support.


(2) One would think that if support doesn't pick up or is offline, you would have a link or redirection to the WHMCS help desk. Not only does this NOT happen when offline, clicking the link doesn't do anything if you don't want emails being sent and want users to properly take out tickets.


(3) The desktop client now doesn't work reliably. I get incorrect server issues. The login via the web works but nothing I can do to solve the Windows client problem.


(4) There are links back to stardevelop on every single page. I think more thought went into littering the script with copyright notices,branding and linkbacks, which I didn't know was part of the deal when I purchased the software.


(5) There are no templates to change the appearance of the software as one would think. A great deal of the software is encoded. What you see is what you get and very little you can do about it.


I'm hoping that someone can do something about these issues but it appears that this has been a long time in the waiting. My only consolation after being out the money is that I'm not alone here in wondering whether these issues are only mine and I can't figure them out. That's not really consolation.... please, fix or change these issues and quickly?

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I can't edit my message - another issue is that I can't reach Stardevelop for support. Ironically, the company that makes the live support software doesn't have a contact form that works reliably - at least that's what I've experienced using all different browsers. Most of the time submitting the form results in a blank page.

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Fortunately I did get a quick reply now from them... so in fairness, that is a good sign. Here's what I know and make up your own minds:


(1) The sound issue is what it is. Doesn't work. If you don't have a Windows client I think it's a problem.


(2) There apparently is a redirection link, just not obvious. I've found that the instructions here are wrong (I've sent in my comments) and some of the items you'd think are installed as default aren't and correction is required.



(3) Fortunately the desktop client works but the instructions are confusing. Better to not include the picture which shows what starts up but with the wrong login information. They type in the manual is so tiny and should be changed.


(4) The links back are not at all what I expected and am very, very disappointed. I am hoping that this is not required. If I had known about this, I could have spent the exact same money and got a far more advanced chat client and brand free. All that I see in the "Addon" sell page is "copyright line" - which is more than just a copyright but also links back on every page. Apparently it's another huge $250 to remove it.

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