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If purchasing owned license, does it require a callback to licensing server?


Just curious, if we were to purchase, and for some reason your site was down, gone or whatever the reason, would want to know that it would not affect us in anyway?


Also how much is the full source version?


Still not sure of the pricing as it would probably be more beneficial for us to pay someone to integrate livezilla(which already has all the features) to send client information if they are logged in...


Why don't you integrate livezilla instead and charge a fee for that mod?


The owned version does require a call back to my server, but I'm at Softlayer with load balancing and redundancy, so there's absolutely nothing to worry about :) The full source version needs to be discussed privately as I need to verify identity, etc for my own protection.


There's 1 very good reason people go with Livezilla, and that's the cost or lack there of. I can't compete with that, don't want to, and never will. You get what you pay for, and if you take a look at the partial list of planned/in development features i just put on the site you'll see that WHMCS Live is the only live solution that can do many of those things.


If livezilla works for you than great.. But my opinion on it is: First, when I tried it out it made a big mess for me to clean up on my server, and second: A few months back I was looking for a new dedicated server provider.. Every time I came across a site that had Livezilla I immediately left. Why? Because professional businesses pay money for software that works.. IMO Livezilla is a trend between small hosts right now, and I suspect it will end up just like HCL(http://helpcenterlive.com/).. Unsupported, buggy, and lost forever :( How many web hosts do you know of that do well offering hosting with free panels? I know of 0. Everyone wants DA, cPanel, or Plesk.. Are they free? No.


That's just my opinion. If you like livezilla than stick with it :) But for all those who share my opinion and/or are looking for something that does so much more/saves time(money) than you're in the right place :)

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But for all those who share my opinion and/or are looking for something that does so much more/saves time(money) than you're in the right place :)


How is it saving time, how is it saving money and how is it doing so much more?(although I enjoy your sales tactics I am interested in reality) It is simply giving a link to customer information and the features are lacking? If you wanted to save money you could simply ask the customer to enter their account details on the chat form and send the info to the chat operator, or ask the customer for their account information and look it up in the admin panel, so although I agree that the concept is great, I think a better option is to integrate livezilla...


My point was that livezilla has all your planned features and then some so why try to recreate something that already exists...


You claim something is better because you pay for it, then I guess it's about time for us all to throw our linux servers to the curb? people are not looking for something just because it is paid for they are looking for better options, yes in a lot of circumstances the better options are paid for, but not always, I do not think that this chat program in it's current state or planned feature state compare to livezilla.


Livezilla happens to be more popular than most other chat programs due to the fact that it works correctly, and has all the features of most paid programs, I wouldn't be asking for someone to integrate crafty syntax or the like....


as far as the full source code, I am just interested in the cost at this time, if you do not wish to display that publicly, if you click on my name you can pm me.


I am not out to find a better solution than livezilla( I haven't seen or heard of anything that works better)


The only interest I personally have is the fact that client information, if they happened to be logged in already can be pushed to the chat operator, so really, I think that we would need to wait to utilize the program until it is actually feature rich rather than just "planned features"(and losing all the features we already have) However I wouldn't utilize it if it requires a callback to licensing server, I understand that you say you are dedicated to keeping your site alive, but so am I which is why I choose not to utilize that type of requirement...


Unencoded isn't completely necessary if there is an option to remove the licensing requirement or hard code my domain name into the code so that it could not be transfered to anyone else or some other alternative method, to ensure that your code is safe...

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How is it saving time, how is it saving money and how is it doing so much more?(although I enjoy your sales tactics I am interested in reality) It is simply giving a link to customer information and the features are lacking? If you wanted to save money you could simply ask the customer to enter their account details on the chat form and send the info to the chat operator, or ask the customer for their account information and look it up in the admin panel, so although I agree that the concept is great, I think a better option is to integrate livezilla...


My point was that livezilla has all your planned features and then some so why try to recreate something that already exists...


You claim something is better because you pay for it, then I guess it's about time for us all to throw our linux servers to the curb? people are not looking for something just because it is paid for they are looking for better options, yes in a lot of circumstances the better options are paid for, but not always, I do not think that this chat program in it's current state or planned feature state compare to livezilla.


Livezilla happens to be more popular than most other chat programs due to the fact that it works correctly, and has all the features of most paid programs, I wouldn't be asking for someone to integrate crafty syntax or the like....


as far as the full source code, I am just interested in the cost at this time, if you do not wish to display that publicly, if you click on my name you can pm me.


I am not out to find a better solution than livezilla( I haven't seen or heard of anything that works better)


The only interest I personally have is the fact that client information, if they happened to be logged in already can be pushed to the chat operator, so really, I think that we would need to wait to utilize the program until it is actually feature rich rather than just "planned features"(and losing all the features we already have) However I wouldn't utilize it if it requires a callback to licensing server, I understand that you say you are dedicated to keeping your site alive, but so am I which is why I choose not to utilize that type of requirement...


Unencoded isn't completely necessary if there is an option to remove the licensing requirement or hard code my domain name into the code so that it could not be transfered to anyone else or some other alternative method, to ensure that your code is safe...


You've made a lot of good points, and I'll agree that at the current state it's basic, but I pride myself in my ability to develop software that meets and exceeds hosts and other online businesses alike. Within a few weeks I believe that WHMCS Live will be able to far exceed many other live solutions, and am quite proud of the progress so far considering that I started development on it just over 2 weeks ago :)


Many people here have made some very good feature requests and I will make good on those. The wonderful thing about me being the developer on this project is that it serves my business as well so I can easily justify taking time out every day to make improvements. I'm actually not trying to make bank on this, that's why it was so easy for me to drop the price :) If I can just cover my costs I'll be happy. So while this module is generating revenue, I see it as a community project. If everyone helps me with bug reports, feature requests, and a little in my books then there's no reason why WHMCS Live can't become "the best" option for anyone using WHMCS with a need for live support.


The way I see it: While I'm only 1 man, I am extremely easy to work with, and anyone is welcome to call me on my mobile to talk about their ideas, etc. Just looking at the livezilla site it says "We do not offer any kind of support by phone!" and while Kayako does have a contact number, you're not likely to talk with the head developer about your issues.


Anyways, I'm not trying to badmouth any other software or even compete for that matter. I welcome your opinions. I would love to offer you the extra features you need to "convert", but I can't please everyone no matter how hard I try. Although WHMCS Live may not be right for you at the moment I hope you continue to follow it's progress :)


Also, you made a good point about hard coding the domain in to exclude the license call back. I'm totally open to doing that. I am also still looking for an effective method to leave most of the source open.


Thanks again for your comments :)

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I agree with the devoloper on the fact that he is not competing against Livezilla, nor Kayako.


Look people this is like any other mod, if you don't find it usefull, either quit bitching, or help out. No one is obligating you to pay anything.


One thing is to complain about the price,. the other is saying "why are you doing this ? You are waisting your time". <<snipped>>


I think this product is UNIQUE , and I wouldn't mind paying 90$ or 900$ if the product increases my quality of support. I have given some suggestions that I think would help make this product even more unique and helpful to me, and other WHMCS users. Features that netiher Livezilla (which I currently use) and Kayako (which I have a fully purchased license for 499$ that I don't use) DO NOT HAVE.



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I agree with the devoloper on the fact that he is not competing against Livezilla, nor Kayako.


Look people this is like any other mod, if you don't find it usefull, either quit bitching, or help out. No one is obligating you to pay anything.


One thing is to complain about the price,. the other is saying "why are you doing this ? You are waisting your time". <<snipped>>


I think this product is UNIQUE , and I wouldn't mind paying 90$ or 900$ if the product increases my quality of support. I have given some suggestions that I think would help make this product even more unique and helpful to me, and other WHMCS users. Features that netiher Livezilla (which I currently use) and Kayako (which I have a fully purchased license for 499$ that I don't use) DO NOT HAVE.




I agree :)

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Now, back to your quote. What he meant was not compete as in "compete in live support market". What he meant was "compete in the WHMCS live support market"

Thank you for clarifying, I feel like such an idiot now that I didn't realize he meant that he could compete only with no other competition.


But anyhow If you don't like what I have to say then don't read it, I am not forcing anyone to read what I have to say therefore it is not I that is wasting your time.


But anyhow I gave some suggestions and am hoping to see this project actually become what it is being played up to be.


If I seem negative or doubtful then I see that as an incentive to the dev to prove me wrong and I hope that he does :-)

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Now you're starting to act like a grown up.


I don't mind reading what you have to say. What I mind is reading through bitching to get to the important stuff.


Yes he does have competition against other integrated live solutions. Kayako has done integration work with WHMCS.


...incase you didn't realize.

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If I seem negative or doubtful then I see that as an incentive to the dev to prove me wrong and I hope that he does :-)


I am pleased with the approach you've taken because you're the type that asks the really good questions and does challenge me :)

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everything was uploaded according to the directions, so the templates are there


All the "live-___" files need to be uploaded to your current template(eg. portal) and you must be assigned to a visible department. These 2 issues are the most common problems that I will document on the next release.

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For all of those interested in an owned version but don't want it to call back to my servers to verify the license: I will remove the licensing function and hard code your domain into the source for the additional encoding costs($1.50 currently) & will be eliminating the encoding costs shortly :)


Also.. As you all may be aware, there's quite a few features planned/in development. I'm assuming that the desktop app is the highest priority, but would like it if at least a few of you could list the most important features to implement in the next week or two. ??



Edited by siforek
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Desktop App(JAVA)

Offline Contact(form)

Decline Chat

Show past chats(while chatting)

Show client's invoces/tickets/services

Geo Maps

Operator/Department specific embed code


These are top priority ones i would say, well my opinion for my buisssness :-)


Great, thanks! As far as the "Show past chats(while chatting)", this will only be available for clients. Although I'd agree with your list as priority for the most part, I'd like to get a few other opinions.


I mentioned before that there's some great advantages of me developing this as appose to some of "the big guys". The fact that you can tell me your opinions and have your feedback implemented the next week is huge.


I didn't put it on my list, but I also thought of a remote assistance feature. Basically while chatting you could initiate a remote session to assist the customer. I'd personally love this feature as there are many times when it would be advantageous to walk a customer through doing something in their control panel. Although this obviously would take some time to implement, I think it would be a GREAT resource for some. Feedback?

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