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EU WHMCS users. What do you do with cancelled, terminated products?


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Like every year where are adjusting our pricing on the local index. 

But because we still have a few clients that uses our old product gamma we still need to updates these pricing also. While that's fine for the active clients, I can't seems to delete the products that aren't active anymore on any client besides that are cancelled or terminated.

So that product is still in the clients database (as cancelled or terminated) and most of the times the customer isn't even a customer anymore. Because of that I can't remove the products from Whmcs. I can hide them, retire them that is all fine but they still are in the admin product list (not in dropdown, the actual list where you can see all your products in the admin area).

So I was wondering, what if I delete all the terminated and cancelled products from the customers client profile.

But I'm not really sure about that, so I would like to know your opinion. What do you do?

I think in EU (or BE for that fact), we can't delete the customer profile data, invoices, etc for 10 years (maybe a hard copy of the invoices is fine, don't know). But I don't think that applies on their products (since the actually webhosting is already long gone of course). And if we want we can still see the history on their invoices.

So what do you do when a customer (or you) cancels (or terminates), what do you do with their profile, history, products, tickets, invoices, etc? Do you delete it, keep it, keep if for a few months, years, decades?

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You could simply hide terminated products from clientarea. Open templates/{YOUR_TEMPLATE}/clientareaproducts.tpl. You'll find something like this.

{foreach key=num item=service from=$services}
    {if $service.status == 'Terminated'}{continue}{/if}
    <tr onclick="clickableSafeRedirect(event, 'clientarea.php?action=productdetails&id={$service.id}', false)">
        <td class="text-center{if $service.sslStatus} ssl-info{/if}" data-element-id="{$service.id}" data-type="service"{if $service.domain} data-domain="{$service.domain}"{/if}>
            {if $service.sslStatus}
                <img src="{$service.sslStatus->getImagePath()}" data-toggle="tooltip" title="{$service.sslStatus->getTooltipContent()}" class="{$service.sslStatus->getClass()}"/>
            {elseif !$service.isActive}
                <img src="{$BASE_PATH_IMG}/ssl/ssl-inactive-domain.png" data-toggle="tooltip" title="{lang key='sslState.sslInactiveService'}">
        <td><strong>{$service.product}</strong>{if $service.domain}<br /><a href="http://{$service.domain}" target="_blank">{$service.domain}</a>{/if}</td>
        <td class="text-center" data-order="{$service.amountnum}">{$service.amount}<br />{$service.billingcycle}</td>
        <td class="text-center"><span class="hidden">{$service.normalisedNextDueDate}</span>{$service.nextduedate}</td>
        <td class="text-center"><span class="label status status-{$service.status|strtolower}">{$service.statustext}</span></td>
        <td class="responsive-edit-button" style="display: none;">
            <a href="clientarea.php?action=productdetails&id={$service.id}" class="btn btn-block btn-info">

The trick is in the 2nd line. This way you can skip Terminated products or any other status you want.

{if $service.status == 'Terminated'}{continue}{/if}


Edited by Kian
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