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Lara, WHMCS Admin Theme v8.0 Released!


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Today, we're pleased to announce Lara v8, which is fully compatible with WHMCS v8.0.0!

Want to change the default WHMCS Admin Template "i.e., Blend" ?! .. Welcome to Lara!

Lara, is WHMCS & AdminLTE blended together, resulting in a beautiful WHMCS Admin Theme, that can be used on daily basis, without hurting your eyes!

Don't just take our word for it, check a full working Demo by visiting our WHMCS Admin Demo.

The theme comes with tons of options, beside the good looks :

  • Google Analytics Widget : Without leaving your WHMCS admin area, check user sessions, countries, operating systems and other Google Analytics metrics. [ Free addon for Limited Time Only ]
  • Google Real Time Monitor [Beta] : Real-Time allows you to monitor activity as it happens on your site or app. The reports are updated continuously and each hit is reported seconds after it occurs. For example, you can see how many people are on your site right now, which pages or events they're interacting with, and which goal conversions have occurred.
  • Google Analytics Devices Report : See which devices or brands drives the most mobile traffic to your website, all in one place.
  • Staff Chat Widget, Staff members can easily chat with each other, directly from within WHMCS admin interface. [ Free addon for Limited Time Only ]
  • Advanced WHMCS orders/income integration : Fully customizable graph, with Google Analytics and WHMCS orders/income, broken down by any of the following :
    • Product Type (Domain Names, Shared Hosting, Reseller Accounts, VPS/Servers and Other Products & Addons).
    • Product Groups (as defined in your WHMCS).
    • Individual Products.

  Not only that, but with a dedicated Graph Options menu, each administrator can :

  • Customize all graph options and colors.
  • View all orders, new orders or renewal orders only.


  • Custom Image Logo: Easily customize the logo of your WHMCS admin interface (Text or Image Logo).
  • Menu Search, The Only WHMCS Admin Theme with search in menu, for easy access to all WHMCS options.
  • Intelligent Search, Search in WHMCS by (ticket number, invoice number, customer name, city .. etc).
  • Menu Notifications, Detailed notifications ( number of open tickets, pending invoices .. etc.) shown directly in WHMCS menu.
  • Home Page Widgets, Beautiful home page widgets.
  • Right Side Bar, Providing easy access to “Advanced Search, Ticket Search, in-ticket menu and built in browser links.
  • User Menu, Custom user menu, with quick links and notifications area.
  • Full Source Code, 100% source code provided. No encoded/encrypted files.
  • Updates & Support, 12 Months of Free updates and support. Including new features, bug fixes and WHMCS Updates.
  • Dashboard Customization, Choose what to see on your dashboard. Hide/Show homepage widgets.
  • 12 Different Skins, Enjoy 12 color-full skins for every taste, with a click of a button!
  • Custom CSS & Javascript, Easily apply your custom modifications without the need to edit the theme files directly.
  • Gravatar integration, Each admin will have his/her own gravatar icon.
  • Support Tickets Count : Better algorithm for counting tickets, and including the numbers on every page.
  • Fully customizable interface, with the ability to move, close and resize widgets according to your needs.
  • Smart responsive layout, where the number of widgets per row will change according to your screen size ( 1 widget/row on smartphones, 2 widgets/row on tablets and finally, up-to 4 widgets/row on large screens).
  • New Permissions Interface: Control all of the theme settings from one page, including admin groups permissions.
  • Custom Logo: Without the need to edit any files, easily customize the logo of your WHMCS admin interface.
  • Fixed Layout: Allowing the page contents to scroll while the side menus are fixed.
  • Faster Loading Times: Thanks to the new combined assets system, loading time has decreased dramatically!

Order Lara, WHMCS Admin Template  now for only $14.99 .. That's a 70% discounted price ! .. Act quickly, as THIS OFFER IS LIMITED.





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Just a quick update, today we released Lara v8.0.1, which is fully compatible with WHMCS v8.0.1 (released hours ago!).

While this is a maintenance release, some statistics were removed from WHMCS v8.0.1, so we have re-added them to our theme, as shown below :







As always, Enjoy 🙂


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Hi Amr, your admin theme definitely great but as i before said via support ticket that your theme count all currency as USD not Any others currency.  Like I have local  currency BDT where 1 USD = 85 BDT today, if i sell $10 & 2000 BDT then your theme showing me todays sell is $2010, your theme/widget don't convert currency to main store currency or don't make any calculation between Dollar VS BDT. This is a problematic issues for me that why I don't use your theme right now, although i already have a license. Hope you will take care about this issues in near update. Thanks.

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Benjamin, I think you are talking about the Google Analytics order graph, as it is the only part of the theme that deals with currencies.

Currently, supporting multiple currencies on the same graph is a bit tricky,  but I promise we'll take a second look and see what can be done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@(Amr) question about how the google analytics module would work for sub domains? Maybe helpful for other lara users...

So we have ga setup and also have the sub domain setup to recored visits etc via ga settings that way we don't have duplicated sessions etc. All working fine using the same ga id for the main and sub domain.

Now for lara IF whmcs is installed on a sub domain i think it would make sense to only view visits to the sub domain and not the whole site? Does that make sense? 

What are your thoughts on this and how can lara be setup as such?


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@Manchester Web Hosting for now, the Google Analytics widgets displays the exact same data displayed on Google's analytics console.

So if the ga id used is for multiple domains/sub domains, the widget will show data for multiple domains/sub domains.

One way is to have 2 trackers, as described here :


One for the main ga (domains and sub domain), and the other for the sub domain only (which can be used by the widget).

With that said, I'll be looking into this, and maybe find a way to separate the entries in the widget itself.


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3 hours ago, (Amr) said:

for now, the Google Analytics widgets displays the exact same data displayed on Google's analytics console.

@(Amr) thats a shame.

3 hours ago, (Amr) said:

One way is to have 2 trackers, as described here :

Yes, already aware of that but its not a suitable workaround. It will just end up screwing with the main sites stats and we will end up having to rely on 2 sets of data etc. Not ideal

3 hours ago, (Amr) said:

With that said, I'll be looking into this, and maybe find a way to separate the entries in the widget itself.

That would be ideal. I think it will be something to do with the hostname option etc but you will know more than I 🙂

Would love if this could get implemented sooner rather than later...

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/27/2021 at 4:46 PM, Jade D said:

Suggestion for your site.

Have an option to go to the client area without having to click on order now, and also have a changelog for the various versions of your module.

Thanks Jade for the suggestion 🙂

BTW, you can find the changelog at : https://marketplace.whmcs.com/product/1046-lara-whmcs-admin-theme#changelog

Edited by (Amr)
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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello @(Amr).
Today I bought this theme and it is really amazing.
I have just one question. How can I change default Timezone?

The selected view is using a different timezone than your WHMCS timezone, which may cause inaccurate dates/values.
View timezone : America/Los_Angeles
WHMCS timezone : UTC 


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5 hours ago, (Amr) said:

Hello @Pinkmare

Thanks for your nice words 🙂

If you want to change the time zone of your WHMCS installation, you may follow the instruction at : https://docs.whmcs.com/Changing_Timezone

Hello @(Amr).
Thank you for answer. You are welcome, you did really good job. I know about this settings but I wanted to change "View Timezone" also to UTC
Thank you for help and your time

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