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domain issue....


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Hi all,


i have the following situation:

i have created about a year ago an account on a domainname, i activated the account so i could work on the website (transferred the account from another server) but transferred the domainname later. i did by mistake not add the domain properly in whmcs. the domain is registered at my domainprovider but doesn't exist as a domain in the whmcs account of the client.


next due date for the account is 1-2-2014.


how can i add the domain properly in the clients administration without creating a mess with due dates invoices etc? i want to invoice the domainname and the hostingaccount at the same time for each account...



strange, i messed the thing up a year ago... there are more domains from the same client that i have not created the right way in the clients account :(

i invoiced the domains in whmcs but they don't exist, i think it has something to do with the creation of orders with no invoice due.

i did mass invoice the domains in one time i remember now but that doesn't change the non existence of the domains in the client area :(


so.... anyone?

Edited by Jan38
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i placed orders but didn't create invoices for the orders, these are orders for domains and hosting packages for 1 client.

i invoiced those items at once in 1 invoice.


the problem now is that all those hostingpackages and domains do not invoice automatically because whmcs don't recognise them because on the original orders were no invoices generated...


how can i fix this so that every domain and hostingpackage gets is own due date and invoices will be created the right way?

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in your client's profile, are these hosting packages and domains listed correctly? are there any valid due dates?


in your case, it's better to do nothing until you can confirm if the domains and hosting account(s) are listed in the client's profile... if they are, then it should just be a case of editing the due dates... if not, then they'll have to manually entered.


btw - I made a mess of entering some existing accounts when I first started using WHMCS... it happens, but you soon learn the correct way! :roll:

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hi Brian,


the hostingaccounts are visible in the clients account and should be invoiced allready because of the due date but didn't invoice automatically, the invoice dates are correct...

the domainnames are not in the clients account allthough i have orders for the accounts (the first orders a year ago) but didn't create invoices for them at that time and i think that is the problem right now.


i had a few domains and hostingaccounts which i invoiced all together but i guess that was wrong...

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Hi Jan,

the hostingaccounts are visible in the clients account and should be invoiced allready because of the due date but didn't invoice automatically, the invoice dates are correct...

the domainnames are not in the clients account although i have orders for the accounts (the first orders a year ago) but didn't create invoices for them at that time and i think that is the problem right now.


i had a few domains and hostingaccounts which i invoiced all together but i guess that was wrong...

in the client's account, are these hosting products marked as "Active" ?




i'm wondering if they're still marked as "Pending" and thus wouldn't trigger a renewal invoice...


with regards to the domain names, you can use Doug's above link to enter them - I used that method to enter all of our domains (what a long exciting day that was! :roll:), unticked the three text boxes and submitted the orders... didn't generate any invoices, but have not had any issues when it comes to renewal billing... i'm struggling to remember if we manually entered any hosting products, i'm pretty sure they were all imported.


you can enter the domains into WHMCS now, it won't cause any issues - at some later point, you'll need to make the domain due date the same as the hosting due date (or vice versa) if you want them to be invoiced at the same time.

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I assume they have a non one-time (i.e annual) billing cycle in the client profile ?


it might be worth opening a ticket with support about this - they may be able to give you directions to tweak something in the database... worst case, I think you'll just need to enter the hosting orders again, but i'd suggest delaying that until support give you further advice.

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i have added the domains manually following doug's method, i assume the invoices will be created when the cron runs? It runs at midnight in my installation.


i did get new order notifications for the domains i added but it says this:

Order ID: 108

Order Number: 5324514593

Date/Time: 04-01-2014 18:29

Invoice Number: 0


i guess the invoices will be generated for those orders when the cron runs... i hope so...


on the main clients profile at the bottom i see all the packages and domains, i guess that when the system not puts out the invoices automatically i will select the products one by one and click the invoice the selected items button for each individual item to invoice them, hoping the system will take over the automation next year...




wish me luck

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i have added the domains manually following doug's method, i assume the invoices will be created when the cron runs? It runs at midnight in my installation.


i did get new order notifications for the domains i added but it says this:

Order ID: 108

Order Number: 5324514593

Date/Time: 04-01-2014 18:29

Invoice Number: 0


i guess the invoices will be generated for those orders when the cron runs... i hope so...

it depends what you mean by invoices - if you mean for creating the domain order, and if you unticked the order confirmations and invoice checkboxes, then you/client won't receive an invoice... and that's fine - I've got plenty of "Invoice Number: 0" notifications, all billing successfully.


only difference I can see between ours and yours is that ours mention the payment method too - but you may have left that off here for privacy reasons.


if you mean renewal invoices, then that will depend on your due dates and your automation settings... perhaps 14 days before due dates... once the cron runs during that period, then it should generate the renewal invoices.


on the main clients profile at the bottom i see all the packages and domains, i guess that when the system not puts out the invoices automatically i will select the products one by one and click the invoice the selected items button for each individual item to invoice them, hoping the system will take over the automation next year...

yes.. though if you check all the products you want to invoice, you could send them out in one invoice rather than individually.


is the billing cycle marked as "Annually" for these products?


personally, if they didn't automatically invoice at the correct time via the cron, I'd delete their entries (taking care that it doesn't suspend/terminate the actual hosting account!) and re-enter them... I'm not suggesting that you should do that, just that I'd be inclined to assume that if it didn't invoice correctly this year, it probably won't next year either.


wish me luck

Good luck ! :idea:

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The payment method was mentioned in the message but i didn't copy that line over :)


When i check here only 1 product at a time and then invoice the items one by one could that work?


How do you do that, delete (hosting) products without creating a mess and how re enter them without losing login details etc etc.. i cannot create downtime by doing the wrong things :P


Thank you for your time!

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i mentioned that when i created invoices manually for the hostingproducts the dates in the invoices were incorrect, the system 'thought' that it allready sent out invoices for this year but that wasn't the fact. the dates were for 2015 to 2016 :?:


i tried it by changing the next due date for one of the products first ( i set back the next due date 1 day) and after that i manually invoiced the item and the correct dates were in the invoice.


i hope that with this action the next year will go the right way :lol:

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