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WHMCS Support decline


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We are not one to normally moan about WHMCS support, but who has taken on the new people we are getting replies back from? Not one question is answered in full, just a skimmed reply for a portion of a detailed question.


If someone from management could take a look at #965110. No reply needed, just an example of staffing issues.

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  • WHMCS Support Manager


Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback, I see your ticket opened this afternoon was escalated to Matt and I trust has now been answered to your full satisfaction this evening. This has also been fed-back to the support operator you spoke to.


If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to update the ticket.

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  • 4 weeks later...

7 days and counting, no reply.


Yesterday we sent in a chaser to sales, referencing the other ticket. This clearly has been read as they merged yesterday's ticket with the one sent 7 days ago. However, not one word of a reply, apology for the delay or timescales that "paid" upgrades will be actioned by.


We will give it until Friday Octbber 19th 2012 and then consider our next step.

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7 days and counting, no reply.


Yesterday we sent in a chaser to sales, referencing the other ticket. This clearly has been read as they merged yesterday's ticket with the one sent 7 days ago. However, not one word of a reply, apology for the delay or timescales that "paid" upgrades will be actioned by.


We will give it until Friday Octbber 19th 2012 and then consider our next step.



Please feel free to send me a private message with the ticket number and I'll see what the hold up is for you. Thanks!

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Please feel free to send me a private message with the ticket number and I'll see what the hold up is for you. Thanks!


It been long time i too was searching some one in WHMCS team who really cares for clients and their satisfaction. My problem started when we decided to upgrade the license. I wish i wouldn't have done that. But still i paid upgrade fees and then support fees which is $44 so that i could get a hassel free support. But seems your team works only in one shift as i get answered after every 24 hours and that too not generally with answer or remedy but with a question of just guidance. It make me look mad if i am paying just $44 for guidance and not the live support with someone doing this job theirselves. All they do is any issue i post on they say it has nothing to do with WHMCS i have to contact solusvm people. That's something wired as if new signup's are not getting setup on the other server rather it goes to the first server which is already full, what solusvm has to do with that. We already have all our servers added in solusvm and whmcs. "Module Command errot" No avialable IP address on Node Id 10". I understand that my server is full and does not have extra IP addresses but it should switch to other server. And it does not do that. Also now the new problem has come up , after client signsup he does not get IP assigned to him automatically, have to manually do all this job.


Following are the tickets placed after the upgradation was done and one problem is sorted and other comes up.


1.Ticket no#837652

2.Ticket no .#489632

3.Ticket No.#908206

4. Ticket No. #342400 ( Recent one which was submitted on 15/10/2012 which is not resolved uptill now)


Responses as such "Hi,


You do not seem to be using the WHMCS functionality for server groups on your products. You only have 1 server within the VPS server group so accounts would only be created on that server from a WHMCS standpoint.


For any issues with the module settings and expected functionality within the module itself, you would need to contact the developer of the Solus module directly." make me worried as if there's some real support or just set robots to reply us. As i have 3 servers setup under that section :)


Would be gratefull if someone from WHMCS team helps me figure out my problems.Currently have made some changes to my product list and manually changed the Master Node and the error of automatically assigning IP has vanish. But i think WHMCS is a system where things are made to work automatically. You have also set the option like"Fill active server until full then switch to next least used " and " Add to the least full server" so they should work rather than we doing everything manually.



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If you are trying to communicate with them through WHMCS... that's a mistake!

Have you checked your ticket import log?


There is a quirk that if you are attempting to communicate with someone who uses a ticket based system, WHMCS software will not be able to match it to your ticket and therefore will fail to import the message.

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Hello Navinder,


I've gone thru all of your tickets now and wanted to comment on those a bit if I may. You've been bumping these tickets quite a bit, this is a mistake and should be avoided. Each time you post back, an hour, two hours, four hours later, you need to remember that this does not bring a ticket back up in front of the Support Team to see it, it moves it back down to bottom of the list, its been replied to, again.


There are other folks with tickets open as well being assisted, in that same ticket system, that are being handled as they come up, properly. This was mentioned to you multiple times in every one of these tickets. Another thing that was mentioned to you, across multiple tickets, was that you had failed to have the latest files in the admin directory, some very old and problematic it seems.


I can't really comment on the current issues you're having right now, I'll leave that up to the WHMCS Support team. I can certainly understand the need to get your WHMCS installation up and running properly though. There has been some delay having to do with tickets in recent past due to many things, but changes have been made to help out there. Please see this blog post:

Support Team Enhancements - WHMCS Blog


On behalf of WHMCS, I want to apologize to you for the delays in getting your issues sorted out properly in a timely manner. If you'll work with the Support Team and avoid bumping tickets adding to delays I'm sure these folks will have you up and running soon. This team does care, and they do want you to be successful using this software. At the same time, waiting days for you to refresh your files, provide access, and the continual bumping of your tickets has proven to be one of the factors here holding you back I believe.


I hope you find this information helpful.



It been long time i too was searching some one in WHMCS team who really cares for clients and their satisfaction. My problem started when we decided to upgrade the license. I wish i wouldn't have done that. But still i paid upgrade fees and then support fees which is $44 so that i could get a hassel free support. But seems your team works only in one shift as i get answered after every 24 hours and that too not generally with answer or remedy but with a question of just guidance. It make me look mad if i am paying just $44 for guidance and not the live support with someone doing this job theirselves. All they do is any issue i post on they say it has nothing to do with WHMCS i have to contact solusvm people. That's something wired as if new signup's are not getting setup on the other server rather it goes to the first server which is already full, what solusvm has to do with that. We already have all our servers added in solusvm and whmcs. "Module Command errot" No avialable IP address on Node Id 10". I understand that my server is full and does not have extra IP addresses but it should switch to other server. And it does not do that. Also now the new problem has come up , after client signsup he does not get IP assigned to him automatically, have to manually do all this job.


Following are the tickets placed after the upgradation was done and one problem is sorted and other comes up.


1.Ticket no#837652

2.Ticket no .#489632

3.Ticket No.#908206

4. Ticket No. #342400 ( Recent one which was submitted on 15/10/2012 which is not resolved uptill now)


Responses as such "Hi,


You do not seem to be using the WHMCS functionality for server groups on your products. You only have 1 server within the VPS server group so accounts would only be created on that server from a WHMCS standpoint.


For any issues with the module settings and expected functionality within the module itself, you would need to contact the developer of the Solus module directly." make me worried as if there's some real support or just set robots to reply us. As i have 3 servers setup under that section :)


Would be gratefull if someone from WHMCS team helps me figure out my problems.Currently have made some changes to my product list and manually changed the Master Node and the error of automatically assigning IP has vanish. But i think WHMCS is a system where things are made to work automatically. You have also set the option like"Fill active server until full then switch to next least used " and " Add to the least full server" so they should work rather than we doing everything manually.



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Hello Navinder,


I've gone thru all of your tickets now and wanted to comment on those a bit if I may. You've been bumping these tickets quite a bit, this is a mistake and should be avoided. Each time you post back, an hour, two hours, four hours later, you need to remember that this does not bring a ticket back up in front of the Support Team to see it, it moves it back down to bottom of the list, its been replied to, again.



I understand myself how the system works, however i still believe its wrong, yes there should be a first come first served ordering, but, i think the ordering should be by the first response after an admin response, there have been several times i have replied and then later realised i missed something or thought of something that would clarify what im trying to deal with.


In this instance i may forget again what it was i wanted to add if i had to wait for a response from support before adding it.


A better idea would simply be, ok, here is your queue position, now you will be in that position and move up the queue as you should regardless of how many comments you make. maybe limit the number of responses allowed by each person, or better yet, allow editing until the support staff see the message at which point it locks for editing. would save a lot of issues? a little ajax could inform the editing user that an admin has just looked at the message.



see the forums got it down ;)

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Hello Navinder,


I've gone thru all of your tickets now and wanted to comment on those a bit if I may. You've been bumping these tickets quite a bit, this is a mistake and should be avoided. Each time you post back, an hour, two hours, four hours later, you need to remember that this does not bring a ticket back up in front of the Support Team to see it, it moves it back down to bottom of the list, its been replied to, again.


There are other folks with tickets open as well being assisted, in that same ticket system, that are being handled as they come up, properly. This was mentioned to you multiple times in every one of these tickets. Another thing that was mentioned to you, across multiple tickets, was that you had failed to have the latest files in the admin directory, some very old and problematic it seems.


I can't really comment on the current issues you're having right now, I'll leave that up to the WHMCS Support team. I can certainly understand the need to get your WHMCS installation up and running properly though. There has been some delay having to do with tickets in recent past due to many things, but changes have been made to help out there. Please see this blog post:

Support Team Enhancements - WHMCS Blog


On behalf of WHMCS, I want to apologize to you for the delays in getting your issues sorted out properly in a timely manner. If you'll work with the Support Team and avoid bumping tickets adding to delays I'm sure these folks will have you up and running soon. This team does care, and they do want you to be successful using this software. At the same time, waiting days for you to refresh your files, provide access, and the continual bumping of your tickets has proven to be one of the factors here holding you back I believe.


I hope you find this information helpful.


Well When we get response from them and provide them necessary detail's, Isn't it their job to update ticket on timely manner so we know that they are working on this. It's only then if we don't get response even after 3 hours or more we have been replying ticket and just asking for an update from them.


Now the present scenario is that we got replied from them at 19/10/2012 15:38 then info provided was at 19/10/2012 20:03 and again we were with no response... Not even they updated ticket saying " Please standby while we are working on this" so to get confirmation if our ticket is being really looked into :)


So we did that again at 19/10/2012 23:53 but after that uptill now we didnt recevie any reply. I think it's more than 24 hours now. So even if the support runs in a single shift they should be able to reply within next 16 hours right?


I am sorry if i have been harsh or rude somewhere in my post, but it is a natural frustration which come out when i loose some business or signup's , as we cant follow on the client's and ask them to try again after they fail to do this at first try due to bad rapo build infront of them.

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Does it take a week for them to response? Last response on 19/10/2012 and still no word after that. Is that new updated version full of bugs? I just figured out that while setting up prices in product and services we can't see price getting calculated for quaterly, semi-anually, and so on....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been waiting almost 4 days now just to get a license purchased from a MAJOR reseller activated...


How am I supposed to promote and support a product when I can't even get a license activated from one of the MAJOR WHMCS resellers.


What is going on WHMCS something's gotta give!


Good thing this license wasn't something I needed immediately.


I can see the cancellation notices now..."never got whmcs license been 3 days"


Customers want instant satisfaction..and making them wait for multiple days just to get a license...that's bad for business...and I don't like things that are bad for businesses, that's how you lose customers.

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Hi HostT, if you'd like to contact me with details about this, I'll be happy to see about getting you some instant satisfaction. I'm guessing something went wrong there, lets get it sorted.


I meant customers as in my customers.


You know, the ones who are paying for dedi's or VPS or even resellers.


It makes me fearful to even think that this may be something I face in the future with a customer who is actually paying hundreds of dollars...at that point I would be very upset.


And of course I want instant satisfaction but I understand the business and know that **************** just happens sometimes. I also know that 3+ days is a little absurd to get a license activated.


Ticket #872868

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HostT, I've had a chance to look into this for you overnight. I'm still unclear on where your above comments:


What is going on WHMCS something's gotta give!
I also know that 3+ days is a little absurd to get a license activated.


...are coming from here on this matter though.


Your ticket was responded to, and the issues you face were properly explained. Instead of continuing that dialog in that ticket, you brought this matter out to the forums. For what reason if I might ask?


I don't see the need to discuss this here with you on the public forums. I also see no need for you to be blasting WHMCS over something having to do with the terms you have with your license and Hosting Provider.


Whether you've been waiting for 3 or 4 or 10 days, that ticket was replied to, it's waiting on you I believe.



I can see the cancellation notices now..."never got whmcs license been 3 days"


.. is drama. Not sure why we need that here. If you've got something to say, say it. You really should be saying it in your ticket though, or to your Hosting Provider.



To be clear, under normal circumstances you should not be waiting for a license for 3 days, you and I agree there. If you are, there's a reason for that. That reason has been explained to you. If I'm mistaken, please feel free to clarify, contact me here on the forums, or post back to your ticket to discuss this further with WHMCS staff. We'll be happy to help you out to resolve this.


Drama free, guaranteed.

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