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Pay with Credit Balance


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  • 5 months later...

I agree. However, I'm just not seeing it use the credits at all.


I have put a $5 credit on my personal account through the admin area. I then order a .ca domain, and while checking out, the system shows the total of $12, and payment links to Credit Card or PayPal, just like normal. There's no obvious way to apply the $5 credit, and there's nothing on the invoice that shows a $5 credit or a $7 balance due.


What am I missing?



PS - I guess if I select PayPal and if I then go to the next screen, then it does show me the $5 credit and the $7 balance due. I (and my customers) was expecting to see that info on the previous screen, instead of "TOTAL DUE TODAY: $12". Is there a setting or something somewhere that I am missing, so that this is more apparent to clients? I have one client in particular that has a $14.14 credit on his account, he keeps ordering domains and paying via his Credit Card, and it never uses his credit balance, and he can't figure out how to apply that credit to his invoices, nor can I. :)

Edited by 9DollarDomains
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Hi. OK, here's what I have discovered.


The program is set to 'apply credit to invoices automatically', so that basically means that if you have a $5 credit balance, and if you generate a $12 order, the invoice should be for $7 only.


However, what we are seeing - on the checkout screen, it shows "Total Due Today: $12.00 USD", and doesn't show the Credit on that screen - the "cart.php?a=checkout" screen. I think it really should show it there, and that would make it clearner. If you (for example) select PayPal as the payment method, and continue to the next page, THEN it shows the credit, and shows that the total billed will only be $7, but on the previous screen, it says "Total Due Today: $12.00 USD" and that's obviously throwing customers off.


Is there any way to change this behaviour? I suppose we could somehow create a custom template, but I really don't like doing anything that complicates upgrades, and besides, I can't really understand how anyone would want the default behaviour to be to show an incorrect amount after "Total Due Today:" anyway. :)


So, is there a way to change this behaviour?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Here is how to do it, this will require some HTML and smarty knowledge. This example is for the modern cart template, so others may vary. Open up the viewcart.tpl file of your selected cart template and look for the following line or similar line that has the {$LANG.ordertotalduetoday} variable:


<tr class="total"><td class="textright">{$LANG.ordertotalduetoday}:  </td><td class="textcenter">{$total}</td></tr>


If the line above looks different then what you have you will need to change the lines below that have {$LANG.ordertotalduetoday} to match what you have as far as HTML is concerned.


You will want to replace the line stated above with the following:


{if $clientsdetails.credit > 0}

{assign var="inttotal" value=$total|replace:$currency.suffix:''}

{assign var="inttotal" value=$inttotal|replace:$currency.prefix:''}

<tr class="total"><td class="textright">{$LANG.statscreditbalance}:  </td><td class="textcenter">{$clientsstats.creditbalance}</td></tr>

{if $clientsdetails.credit > $inttotal}

<tr class="total"><td class="textright">{$LANG.ordertotalduetoday}:  </td><td class="textcenter">{$currency.prefix}0.00{$currency.suffix}</td></tr>


{assign var="total" value=`$inttotal-$clientsdetails.credit`}

{assign var="total" value=$total|number_format:2}

<tr class="total"><td class="textright">{$LANG.ordertotalduetoday}:  </td><td class="textcenter">{$currency.prefix}{$total}{$currency.suffix}</td></tr>



<tr class="total"><td class="textright">{$LANG.ordertotalduetoday}:  </td><td class="textcenter">{$total}</td></tr>


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