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Automatic Install Wordpress


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Is there a software compatible with WHMCS that can automatically install wordpress, or other scripts after costumers have purchased webspace/webhotel?



To my knowledge..This would have to be done through your CPanel software as an add on like Softaculous. There are other automated install scripts as well. So if you are using WHMCS to install a hosting account, then your hosting account would have a control panel of some sort and the software would be their for your customer. If you have it set up that way. That is just the usual.

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The possible solution could be that of a PHP script linked directly to an action hook triggered when WHMCS sends the first welcome email to the client (indicating the account is setup). This would then follow up roughly as follows:

  • Acquire the clients cPanel login details as generated by WHMCS.
  • Connect via FTP to said account, and navigate within the public_html or sub folder (created by the script or however) and upload a settings or temp variable file
  • Upload a slightly modified version of wordpress (uploaded from your account on the server), by modified I would condense the installation to that of essentially to a single form of which the script pre generates the values a.k.a creates a database, username etc
  • Once the PHP indicates that the FTP is complete it should then trigger the modified install.php file (example) that will then pre generate and enter the correct details and email them to the client, perhaps use a delay to then delete the install directory?

Edited by aragon_202_
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There is a software out there that does this along with many other applications, however, it comes with a hefty price tag. You'd probably be better of just whisking through and installing Wordpress for the client using Installatron, Fantastico or Softaculous or maybe writing out your own PHP script as mentioned above.

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There is something called Automatic Script Installer http://www.whmcs.com/members/communityaddons.php?action=viewmod&id=43


I don't know about you, but i run a business, and this is NOT a hefty business expense. At the price of $395 it pays for itself in no time. Imagine all those retial stores that need inventory and office space and who are looking at $20,000 + per mth in expenses....


Anyway, this script is great and it is very affordable.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
There is something called Automatic Script Installer http://www.whmcs.com/members/communityaddons.php?action=viewmod&id=43


I don't know about you, but i run a business, and this is NOT a hefty business expense. At the price of $395 it pays for itself in no time. Imagine all those retial stores that need inventory and office space and who are looking at $20,000 + per mth in expenses....


Anyway, this script is great and it is very affordable.




I bought this auto installer !!! I pay 295 USD for the auto installer plus 350 USD for master setup ...

master setup is... install joomla and wordpress, setup customer and db... this program is really hard to setup and figure how is work !!! I received all info for installation but I can't.... after 7 months and 656 $ USD this is not operational ... and finally I decide not use this software... all script you want install if you can't by yourself ... he ask $ 50.00 for install per script !!!


the auto installer I bought still not working I ask for help but he say he help my a couple of time and if I need more help I need pay again !!! the 350.00 I pay for master setup is for one time install ... I change the server than I need pay again !! think tack course if you think buy this auto-installer.


I pay 656 $ USD for nothing because I'm not use this scrap....


I ask my money back and He laughed in my face...



anyway This is my bad experience :?

Edited by Sylvie
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  • 3 weeks later...
I bought this auto installer !!! I pay 295 USD for the auto installer plus 350 USD for master setup ...

master setup is... install joomla and wordpress, setup customer and db... this program is really hard to setup and figure how is work !!! I received all info for installation but I can't.... after 7 months and 656 $ USD this is not operational ... and finally I decide not use this software... all script you want install if you can't by yourself ... he ask $ 50.00 for install per script !!!


the auto installer I bought still not working I ask for help but he say he help my a couple of time and if I need more help I need pay again !!! the 350.00 I pay for master setup is for one time install ... I change the server than I need pay again !! think tack course if you think buy this auto-installer.


I pay 656 $ USD for nothing because I'm not use this scrap....


I ask my money back and He laughed in my face...



anyway This is my bad experience :?


Thanks for the information. Cost is directly related to need and ROI. If a products costs $1.00 to purchase but many man hours to configure it might not be worth it.


We are looking at a way to install our CMS and not interested in all of the other core modules that many installers offer. We will continue to look or it might be cost effective to hire a coder to develop the module for us. I believe that WHMCS does custom coding and it might even be worth it to approach the WHMCS Team for a quote.



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I bought this auto installer !!! I pay 295 USD for the auto installer plus 350 USD for master setup ...

master setup is... install joomla and wordpress, setup customer and db... this program is really hard to setup and figure how is work !!! I received all info for installation but I can't.... after 7 months and 656 $ USD this is not operational ... and finally I decide not use this software... all script you want install if you can't by yourself ... he ask $ 50.00 for install per script !!!


the auto installer I bought still not working I ask for help but he say he help my a couple of time and if I need more help I need pay again !!! the 350.00 I pay for master setup is for one time install ... I change the server than I need pay again !! think tack course if you think buy this auto-installer.


I pay 656 $ USD for nothing because I'm not use this scrap....


I ask my money back and He laughed in my face...



anyway This is my bad experience :?




Do you have a direct email address ? I cannot seem where to send private msgs here.


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Sylvie, you have not told the whole story there. This is the full story:


Your WildFire DSI software did not work on your original hosting - so I gave you a free Reseller Hosting account so you could get it working.


I set up and installed your software, and it worked. You tested it, and it worked, and you confirmed that by email.


You then changed the templates, and you repackaged the master site. It did not work because of the way it was done - I gave you good instructions but they were not followed accurately. I then went in to troubleshoot the installation, and fixed it for you, even though I did not cause the problem, and I had at this time completed all of the services you paid for.


We repeated this process at least three times - this took many hours beyond the time you paid for.


You also asked me to set up your emails in WHMCS. I did that, even though it is clearly NOT included in the service description which you purchased. You asked for a lot of other help with WHMCS, which I helped you with as best I could, even though this is NOT software that I sold you, and it is not software I am responsible to support.


I set up TWO master site packages for you, not one as listed in the service. I did this on my own time, and received no extra compensation for doing so.


I also made a strong effort to teach you how to use the software. I have explained why the errors were occurring, many times. My emails and support tickets with you have always been helpful and kind.


You chose to move your site to alternate hosting. You also made other changes at that time. The service you contracted for, and the working software you paid for were amply delivered. They were delivered many times over.


It does work. It has always worked. Every time I fix it, you make a change that causes the package to break again (filename mismatches, packages packed wrong, etc). This is not our responsibility, nor is setting it up a second time on a new server, when it WAS working on the first server.


I have also tried to teach you other things that are needed to operate a system of this kind - things you should already know before you try to go into this kind of business. This was not my responsibility to teach you those things - you cannot sell website services if you do not understand the structure of the website system.


I am sorry you are unhappy about the outcome. But you cannot honestly say that we have given you poor service, because we have not. We have gone out of our way in every possible manner, to help you to get this off the ground.


You purchased a piece of working software (which you, yourself, agreed was working), and an installation service (which was more than delivered). You did not purchase ongoing technical service, which is what you need, and I CANNOT deliver that for free.



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Sylvie, you have not told the whole story there. This is the full story:


Your WildFire DSI software did not work on your original hosting - so I gave you a free Reseller Hosting account so you could get it working.


I set up and installed your software, and it worked. You tested it, and it worked, and you confirmed that by email.


You then changed the templates, and you repackaged the master site. It did not work because of the way it was done - I gave you good instructions but they were not followed accurately. I then went in to troubleshoot the installation, and fixed it for you, even though I did not cause the problem, and I had at this time completed all of the services you paid for.


We repeated this process at least three times - this took many hours beyond the time you paid for.


You also asked me to set up your emails in WHMCS. I did that, even though it is clearly NOT included in the service description which you purchased. You asked for a lot of other help with WHMCS, which I helped you with as best I could, even though this is NOT software that I sold you, and it is not software I am responsible to support.


I set up TWO master site packages for you, not one as listed in the service. I did this on my own time, and received no extra compensation for doing so.


I also made a strong effort to teach you how to use the software. I have explained why the errors were occurring, many times. My emails and support tickets with you have always been helpful and kind.


You chose to move your site to alternate hosting. You also made other changes at that time. The service you contracted for, and the working software you paid for were amply delivered. They were delivered many times over.


It does work. It has always worked. Every time I fix it, you make a change that causes the package to break again (filename mismatches, packages packed wrong, etc). This is not our responsibility, nor is setting it up a second time on a new server, when it WAS working on the first server.


I have also tried to teach you other things that are needed to operate a system of this kind - things you should already know before you try to go into this kind of business. This was not my responsibility to teach you those things - you cannot sell website services if you do not understand the structure of the website system.


I am sorry you are unhappy about the outcome. But you cannot honestly say that we have given you poor service, because we have not. We have gone out of our way in every possible manner, to help you to get this off the ground.


You purchased a piece of working software (which you, yourself, agreed was working), and an installation service (which was more than delivered). You did not purchase ongoing technical service, which is what you need, and I CANNOT deliver that for free.






I know you not happy what I said about your software WildFire DSI... but Laura I have a hundred email to prove the problem I have with this software...


I'm a customer and normally when customer give a couple $$$$$ you suppose give a good software and good service and If I said I'm not satisfy with that I'm sorry but personally I'm not happy with the experience I have after this purchase !!!


NOW I'm happy because I find a module working really good with whmcs and I'm able to install all script ( 150 scritp ) in ten second for FREE and is work more fast, With your software at 650 $ USD you install joomla and Wordpress and ask 50.00 $$ per script you install !!!


when I find this module for FREE you can't imagine how much I regret pay $$$$ for WildFire DSI !!!


yes you setup the software and the software working but the day after the software not working all day I have a problem ... First you ask me to change me hosting provider because you said your software not working because ... They CANNOT enable mod_userdir... WildFire WON'T work with their hosting.


you offer me to transfer all my site for free at your own hosting provider but your server is down 2 at 3 time a week !! finally after a lots frustration about that I decide change for another hosting provider !!!


example of email you send me when I ask you why your server is down again :


We are on the road today.


The server outage this morning was due to a failure at the datacenter in

Houston. Our server lives there, and shares space with servers from the

largest hosting companies in the world. About half the internet was down

this morning due to that outage, so a lot of sites were not coming up.






after I have another problem with accent ... you send me this email :


I also told you what was wrong with jfirstname. You put an accent in your client name. It won't work with that.


Sheldon is working on a fix for that, but it won't be ready for a couple of months.


Don't use special characters in names - and it will work just fine. Once in a while a customer will use a special character in their name and you will have to manually fix it in their site. That is how it has to be done.


Both problems were addressed - there is only a partial solution so far.






Another Problem when I update my WHMCS... This is your email :


If you upgrade WHMCS before we have a chance to release an upgrade for WildFire, it MAY break WildFire. If it does, you have to WAIT until we get a new version of WildFire ready (which can take 1-2 months).


So far I've not heard feedback from any of our WildFire users on 4.3.1. So you can try it if you want, but no guarantee that WildFire will work with it. You'd have to roll back if it does not work.






What I'm suppose to do Laura said at every body bought WildFire DSI for $$$$ you ask 350.00 just for Installation .... I realize just now ... if you ask 350.00 for setup this software then maybe is because this software Is really hard to setup for customer and after the customer bought your software he don't have a choice to pay 3500.00 for installation... I give you 350.00 to setup this software is because I have no choice is to hard to setup by myself and you know a lot people have a difficulty to setup this software !! this is the reason you ask 350.00 for install ;-) good try !!

Edited by Sylvie
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  • 2 weeks later...

I wonder how much would a custom developed script cost - say from Elance. Then you can sell it to ALL of us.

One click installs are a MUST if you are BIG. I for one, don't think that hosting even 200 websites is big. Is it guys?


IF you are hosting under 200 sites, you can get the 'one click installs' done up manually for your customers.

What do you guys think?

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cPanel wise... I sell web sites with my own CMS installed... This is what works for me:


  1. Customer Orders & Pays
  2. WHMCS Sets Up the account as normal via the cPanel module... But I have created a new server, even though it's the same physical server, with a different username (reseller account)
  3. WHMCS Sets up an account and uses the skelenton directory from the reseller (Which is specific to the software package you're providing with this hosting package) The skelenton directory contains all the files for the software package. That's that done...
  4. Now we need a database, user and assigned permissions of the user to the database on that account WHMCS just made... Action hooks are your friend here...
  5. On module create, call to the cPanel/WHM XML API and create an empty database and assign users etc...
  6. Call to a PHP from WHMCS file in the skelenton directory (which will now be on http://server.com/~username/init_config_file_remote.php) (I use the username, as the domain is unlikely to be ready yet) and this will thn write the database password, username and anything else that needs to be written to the config file of the software package...
  7. In that same PHP file, install the system, just SQL dump it, what ever suits for the package. My CMS just needs a SQL dump, I'm sure others can't be that much more complicated.
  8. In that very same PHP file, delete any other files needed by install, and then make it delete itself... the customer will never know ;)
  9. Systems installed... :]

That works for me, and it's instant :) Plus it's free, big bonus...

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I don't know Laura but I'm impressed with her professionalism in this matter. Her post piques my interest in the product.




I use WildFire DSI. It is unencoded and I've actually customized it to work closer to my needs. It works really well and their support is great. I've even worked with their developer via MSN and helped them fix some quirks in earlier versions of the product. I would highly recommend this product to anyone looking for an automatic script installer!



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  • 4 weeks later...



Can you clarify your procedure, especially this part:


Now we need a database, user and assigned permissions of the user to the database on that account WHMCS just made... Action hooks are your friend here...


...for a relatively inexperienced PHP coder?


It makes perfect sense to use the skeleton structure and a data dump to install a preconfigured WordPress (or other) installation. I'm just not exactly sure how to implement some of the steps in your script. Would you be willing to share any code snippets?





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Also, I'm new to WHMCS action hooks. Are they global (executed any time an order is taken in WHMCS, for example)? Or can the be made more granular, for example to only run when an order is processed for a certain reseller, or for a certain product?



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