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  1. Just wanted to comment on this. If you're implementing a feature in WHMCS and you find the only way to do it is to cripple the implementation in WHMCS because the upstream software doesn't have the capabilities yet, then you should absolutely not be implementing the new feature without waiting for that functionality to become available upstream (ie: via the cPanel and Plesk APIs). It's really that simple. The current outcome of this 'feature' is even more absurd when you consider that Plesk, cPanel, and WHMCS are all part of the same parent company. You guys have numerous feature requests from the community that you could focus on instead of a half-baked feature like this. Would love to see that top requested client area billing term change functionality. But no, a half-assed Sitejet integration was more important to your business daddy.
    2 points
  2. The better option is to make this FULLY OPT IN for the admin. Don't enable or display ANY of it ANYWHERE until an admin of the WHMCS installation reviews and decides to offer it. Ourselves, as an example, host the websites we design/create almost exclusively. There will never be a time in the foreseeable future we would want our billing system to advertise a self service web design type application. The WHMCS logic is "add it without asking, and see if the complaints are large and loud enough to make it optional". Not for the first time, as I recall (I'm reminded of the unwanted SSL icons, checks and 3rd party links, for one).
    2 points
  3. WHMCS users and client accounts have separate contact information and they require separate updates to change details like the email addresses. The user management system allows a single user to access multiple client accounts. This separates authentication and authorization from services, billing, and support. To learn how to change the client account and the user account email address so they match please review this help guide: https://help.whmcs.com/m/managing/l/1681243-updating-user-and-client-account-details With this hook added to your WHMCS installation the system will now "Sync" the Client Account Email Address to match the User Account Email Address only when the change is made under the Account Details page via the client area. This hook adds a little "Note" under the Email Address field under the Hello Client! > Account Details section of the client area to inform that when this Email Address is changed, they will be logged out and they will need to log back in using the new Email Address they just set since this hook is updating both the client account and user account email addresses. Here is an example of the Account Details page Email Address field with this note: Via the Admin Area, when a client does this change and the hook was used it will make a log entry just like this: This entry indicates that the Client/User Email Sync Script hook was a success. Now both the Client Account Email Address and the User Account Email Address match for that client account. If there are multiple Users associated with the Client Account, this will only change the Email Address of the Owner of the account. <?php /* This script will update both the Client Account Profile email address and the user account email address when the change is made to the Account Details page for the email address field. Otherwise, you would have to update the email in both places and follow this article: https://help.whmcs.com/m/managing/l/1681243-updating-user-and-client-account-details Upload this file to your /includes/hooks directory of your WHMCS installation. There will be a Log entry when this script runs. @WHMCSDanny */ add_hook('ClientAreaHeadOutput', 1, function($vars) { // Only run if the on the Account Details page via the client area. // The action is going to be "details". This will make sure this message does not show anywhere else. $action = $_GET['action']; if($action == "details") { //Input the message under the Email Address field that they will be logged out after making the change. return <<<HTML <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { jQuery("input[name='email']").after('<span style="color:red; font-size:9pt;"><b>Note:</b> Changing your email address here will sync the email with your User Account. You will be logged out after you change the email. You must login using the new email address you just set.</span>'); }); </script> HTML; }; }); // prevent file from being loaded directly if (!defined("WHMCS")) { die("This file cannot be accessed directly."); } else { function clientowneruseremailsync_changeUserEmail(int $client_id, string $client_email){ // call the API and grab the owner user ID $command = 'GetClientsDetails'; $postData = array( 'clientid' => $client_id, 'stats' => false, ); $results = localAPI($command, $postData); if ($results['result'] == 'success') { // success! $client_owner_user_id = $results['client']['owner_user_id']; if (is_numeric($client_owner_user_id)){ // got a number, so it should be a valid owner user ID // now to perform the update to the user account to match the email set for the client account $command = 'UpdateUser'; $postData = array( 'user_id' => $client_owner_user_id, 'email' => $client_email, ); $results = localAPI($command, $postData); if ($results['result'] == 'success') { logActivity("Client/User Email Sync Script - Emails Successfully Changed and Synced. The e-mail address is set to $client_email for the Client Account and the Owners User ID: $client_owner_user_id", $client_id); } else { logActivity("Client/User Email Sync Script - Failed to change the e-mail address to $client_email for the Owners User ID: $client_owner_user_id . Results: ". $results, $client_id); } } } else { logActivity("Client/User Email Sync Script - Failed to verify that an e-mail change occurred on the clients profile. Results: ". $results, $client_id); } } add_hook('ClientEdit', 1, function($vars) { // Only run if the clients account profile email address is being changed. if ($vars['email'] != $vars['olddata']['email']){ // email is being changed. Update owning user accordingly. // get the client ID. It should be $vars['userid'] $client_id = $vars['userid']; // get the new e-mail address $client_email = $vars['email']; // call our helper function clientowneruseremailsync_changeUserEmail($client_id, $client_email); } }); } ?> Enhanced Version - Added a checkbox and tooltip In this new updated version of this hook, I added a checkbox/tooltip for the end-users to decide if they want to use this option to sync the Email Address under the Profile page too. Otherwise, nothing happens and WHMCS works as normal. The checkbox needs to be checked before it will run the same hook code to update both email addresses in both locations. (Account Details and Profile sections via the client area) <?php /* This hook script will update both the Client Account Profile email address and the User Account email address When the change is made to the Account Details page for the email address field only. It does not work for the Profile page. This version adds a new checkbox with a tooltip to let the end-user decide if they want to use this option or not. The checkbox needs to be checked for the hook to execute. If the checkbox does not get checked WHMCS works as expected and updates just the Account email. The Profile email account will still need to be updated if they want it to be the same. Otherwise, you would have to update the email in both places and follow this article: https://help.whmcs.com/m/managing/l/1681243-updating-user-and-client-account-details Upload this file to your /includes/hooks directory of your WHMCS installation. There will be a Log entry in the admin area when this script executes. @WHMCSDanny */ add_hook('ClientAreaHeadOutput', 1, function($vars) { // Only run if the on the Account Details page via the client area. // The page action is "details". This will make sure this message does not show anywhere else. $action = $_GET['action']; if($action == "details") { //Input the checkbox and tooltip under the Email Address field return <<<HTML <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { jQuery("input[name='email']").after('<input type="checkbox" name="syncEmails" id="syncEmails"> <span style="color:red; font-size:9pt;"><b>Sync Email with your User Account Email</b></span><span class="form-group"> &nbsp; <i class="far fa-question-circle" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="This option will sync your Email Address Here with your Profile Email Address. You will be logged out and will need to login with your new email address. If you do not check this option you will need to update it under the Your Profile page as well"></i></span>'); }); </script> HTML; }; }); // Prevent file from being loaded directly if (!defined("WHMCS")) { die("This file cannot be accessed directly."); } else { if (isset($_POST['syncEmails'])) { // Checkbox is checked // Perform actions and the logic to check the emails and replace them with the new one function clientowneruseremailsync_changeUserEmail(int $client_id, string $client_email){ // call the API and grab the owner user ID $command = 'GetClientsDetails'; $postData = array( 'clientid' => $client_id, 'stats' => false, ); $results = localAPI($command, $postData); if ($results['result'] == 'success') { // Success we have the owners user ID from the database! $client_owner_user_id = $results['client']['owner_user_id']; if (is_numeric($client_owner_user_id)){ // We have the ID number, so it should be a valid owner user ID // Perform the update to the user account to match the email set for the client account $command = 'UpdateUser'; $postData = array( 'user_id' => $client_owner_user_id, 'email' => $client_email, ); $results = localAPI($command, $postData); if ($results['result'] == 'success') { logActivity("Client/User Email Sync Script - Emails Successfully Changed and Synced. The e-mail address is set to $client_email for the Client Account and the Owners User ID: $client_owner_user_id", $client_id); } else { logActivity("Client/User Email Sync Script - Failed to change the e-mail address to $client_email for the Owners User ID: $client_owner_user_id . Results: ". $results, $client_id); } } } else { logActivity("Client/User Email Sync Script - Failed to verify that an e-mail change occurred on the clients profile. Results: ". $results, $client_id); } } add_hook('ClientEdit', 1, function($vars) { // Only run if the clients account detaoils email address field is being changed. if ($vars['email'] != $vars['olddata']['email']){ // Wmail is being changed. // Get the client ID. It should be $vars['userid'] $client_id = $vars['userid']; // Get the new e-mail address $client_email = $vars['email']; // Call the helper function to make the change clientowneruseremailsync_changeUserEmail($client_id, $client_email); } }); } } ?> At the time of writing this post, this process was tested on the latest stable release of WHMCS 8.9.0 I hope you find this useful. If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to reply to this thread! WHMCSDanny
    2 points
  4. Hi @atlanticadigital, Thanks for that information, that's most helpful. We have opened case CORE-19225 to improve the logic of this System Health Check to be more informative on environments where the PHP REMOTE_ADDR superglobal variable is rewritten by the server.
    1 point
  5. Hi @rcartists, Please refer to this KB article for information: https://www.whmcs.com/members/index.php/knowledgebase/14/Can-I-use-my-WHMCS-license-on-more-than-one-domain.html
    1 point
  6. Since their acquisition, their only goal is to extract as much money from us as possible. They stopped trying to actually add value to clients many years ago. Along those lines, I see this in WHMCS under Utilitles/SiteJet: Coming Soon to WHMCS MarketConnect: Sitejet Studio, with the ability to host websites on Sitejet's infrastructure with no cPanel & WHM or Plesk server required. How much longer until they straight up start just stealing clients from us? Like with cPanel, I am very wary of any "feature" they add.
    1 point
  7. Thanks for making it easy for us. A shame something so blatantly necessary needs to be handled by the userbase.
    1 point
  8. Just upgraded - goodness this is horrible. Who thought this was a good idea? Thanks for the help above with removing this - but why isn't this option present in WHMCS itself?
    1 point
  9. Thanks a lot brother! Everything worked out!!!
    1 point
  10. I want to have a product that requires the user to Register or Transfer a domain when purchasing. I'd like to get rid of the option "i'll use my own" entirely but can live without that. Is this possible?
    1 point
  11. Paypal_ppcpv is the non credit card gateway and Paypal_acdc is the credit / debit card gateway (I was seeing these listed in the database)
    1 point
  12. How can we disable and remove SiteJet completely ? I have absolutely no requirment for it at all and clients will not understand it.
    1 point
  13. No, but we DO have automatically added SiteJet marketing to our end-users. Glad that's been prioritized over environment security šŸ¤‘ .
    1 point
  14. fixed it, i forgot to change the whmcs system url in General > Settings to 'domain/clients' after i transferred whmcs to a subdirectory.
    1 point
  15. Here is an updated link: https://controlc.com/d0ac5777
    1 point
  16. Open file 'header.pdt' , inside the <head></head> tags, put this: <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="https://mywebsite.com/favicon.png"> Make sure that the address is exactly where the favicon is located.
    1 point
  17. From what I understand in the log, this error is related to validating your license. Contact official support so they can analyze it.
    1 point
  18. https://help.whmcs.com/m/v810/l/1798467-troubleshooting-a-blank-page-oops-error-message https://help.whmcs.com/m/v810
    1 point
  19. Hi all, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This has now been corrected.
    1 point
  20. Bootstrap 5 was released almost 3 years ago. Is it ever going to make it into WHMCS? Anytime soon?
    1 point
  21. I'm kind of hoping they add BS5 support to the next major release. That way I can just skip BS4 all together.
    1 point
  22. Hi @rcartists, I recommend checking with the "DomainNameAPI" Module vendors for further assistance regarding this error being returned by their API. Unfortunately because this isn't a module included with WHMCS, we don't have experience with this module or common errors from the vendor's API.
    1 point
  23. The template for this page is: /templates/orderforms/$templatename/domainregister.tpl For more information please see: https://developers.whmcs.com/themes/order-form-templates/
    1 point
  24. You might be able to manipulate the Downloads links using some type of symbolic linking, but honestly, you'd probably have an easier, more stable time setting up a custom page or pages to accomplish this.
    1 point
  25. Rahim from Achievement In Motion here! We are utilizing WHMCS as our billing software to sell Game Servers, Invision for our Forums and Pterodactyl for our Game Panel. Our vision is to create a gaming platform that has a positive and lasting influence on peoples' lives. As we set the industry bar with our craftmanship and one-of-a-kind platform; we want to challenge and inspire each other within our collaborative culture in order to be leaders in the GSP community. I'm here to stay up-to-date with everything WHMCS as well as get support whenever I'm stuck on things I may not understand fully. From what I have seen thus far your community is filled with many talented folks and I hope to learn a lot from you guys. Stay amazing,
    1 point
  26. Has anyone noticed a significant improvement in their WHMCS site's SEO rankings after enabling Full Friendly URLs? Do search engines like Google favor sites with cleaner URLs, and could this potentially impact the visibility and traffic for WHMCS-based businesses?
    1 point
  27. @WHMCS John It would be really nice to see this upgrade for v9 I only mentioned light/dark mode earlier but there's more that I'd like to utilize including the updated grid, no jquery dependency, offcanvas support and I don't personally need it but I'm sure other customers of yours would like RTL updates. It's a big task but us end users have been paying the increased prices and would appreciate the upgrade.
    1 point
  28. BS is old fashion...It's hilarious that WHMCS is still using 3.4.1
    1 point
  29. Hi all, I don't have any information to share on implementing newer versions of Bootstrap at present. Thank you @Evolve Web Hosting for sharing some information on what you'd use the new BS5 features for, that's helpful for us to know.
    1 point
  30. Personally, I'd like to see BS5. There are feature that I like from it including the Dark Mode toggle. I am not asking WHMCS to implement the Dark Mode toggle but it's something that the end user can add. To me, the SIX template is way too old and should be removed.
    1 point
  31. Perhaps when it become a marketplace paid addon? šŸ™‚
    1 point
  32. Not long. ETA 2124 AD. Jokes aside, we know from experience and the 8.10 beta release announcement that whmcs will release even more third party bloat that no one asked for. The actual features and improvements? Nah, those don't matter for whmcs.
    1 point
  33. Yeah, PHP updates and most WHMCS updates typically warrant a full scan of all server, addon, gateway, etc modules (basically any files) that aren't provided by WHMCS directly. Good luck to you! Feel free to post if you run into any issues.
    1 point
  34. You can also find good White-label module integrations for WHMCS on the marketplace. Here's one I've been satisfied with: https://marketplace.whmcs.com/product/6108-vps-reseller
    1 point
  35. Hi all, We are aware that PHP 8.1 reaches End of Life on 25 Nov 2024, and that keeping your stack in support is important. PHP 8.2 support is something we are working on and aim to deliver in the first half of 2024, in plenty of time for the EoL date.
    1 point
  36. I assume you only want this to happen on Pending unpaid orders? If so, the order needs to be cancelled before deleted. The below hook should work <?php use Carbon\Carbon; use WHMCS\Order\Order; add_hook('DailyCronJob', 1, static function () { $daysBeforeDeletion = 14; Order::where('status', 'Pending')->each(function (Order $order) use ($daysBeforeDeletion, &$orders) { if ($order->isPaid) { return; } if ($order->date->addDays($daysBeforeDeletion)->toDateString() > Carbon::now()->toDateString()) { return; } $cancelResult = localAPI('CancelOrder', ['orderid' => $order->id]); if ($cancelResult['result'] === 'success') { localAPI('DeleteOrder', ['orderid' => $order->id]); } }); }); Update the $daysBeforeDeletion variable to how many days you wish to keep the order after its order date before its deleted. This will run once a day on your WHMCS cron job.
    1 point
  37. That's a little concerning, this is why I don't like working with third parties where you have little or no control. WHMCS being the middle man should do more to avoid stuff like this. Did you not recieve a notification from MarketConnect about this? Sorry just to add, did you have credit in MarketConnect? Wouldn't that prevent this from happening?
    1 point
  38. Hello everyone, Just want to let you know that e-mail aliases are now supported for OX in WHMCS 8.4: https://docs.whmcs.com/Version_8.4_Release_Notes#OX_App_Suite_Email_Aliases If you experience any issues with this, please reach out to our support team and we will assist in resolving them.
    1 point
  39. Hello, I just want to say that we tested OX mail to, with a couple of our customers and i have to agree with LYF Solutions Ray, we have almost the same experience. Customers get a lot of spam, not all emails get send and/or received, outlook client sometimes doesn't work with error wrong password for smtp and couple of hours later outlook client works again without any modification. We are canceling all subscriptions and not selling this anymore. Poor product in my opinion, not for professionnal users. Greetings, Devias
    1 point
  40. OX App Suite has been the most painful email solution we have ever offered to clients. It appears WHMCS or OX App Suite are selling us the world when it comes to how good this tool is. It sounds good in theory, but then fails to deliver basic functions. For context this was our experience: - Client signed up and received more spam than ever before (even more than shared hosting). OX advised us we need to teach their system. I asked them to check their filters and await their reply. - On the first week of a client sign up, all email stopped delivering. The issue was an OX outage that WHMCS told no one about, nor OX. WHMCS confirmed it was a known problem. No email delivery was fixed for over 24 hours. - Every fortnight we would receive reports from the client that the IP shared by OX was backlisted. OX then assigned a new IP but said it would take 2 weeks or so to function. On follow up, it appeared the new IP was no better. - Another client could not send email internally to each other. OX managed to fix that issue after going back and forth with support. Albeit these issues are being blamed on OX move to a new filter/security provider. When I asked for what the ETA was for these problems, I was told there was none. Overall, I'd recommend avoiding altogether and will stop looking to sell this offering as it has been noting but a waste of time and money. It is disappointing the WHMCS marketplace is selling this if the functionality is so poor and I doubt we were just unlucky in this scenario.
    1 point
  41. Hello everyone, This is just the subject I was looking for and Iā€™m really curious about knowing the reselling process of OX services. Are we reselling plans that the people from MarketPlace bundled and make available in WHMCS (meaning reselling what they resell) or are we reselling the service directly from OX being the main provider? In any case, more importantly, where are these email accounts hosted? Is it OX proprietary infrastructure or is this running on MarketPlace/WHMCS servers as resellers. Is something Iā€™ve been thinking about and cannot find any clues on the web. Thanks, -ED
    1 point
  42. instead of using capsule... use WHMCS\Database\Capsule; $banktransfer = Capsule::table('tblpaymentgateways')->where('gateway','banktransfer')->where('setting','instructions')->value('value'); in v8, you could use this... require_once ROOTDIR . '/includes/gatewayfunctions.php'; $banktransfer = getGatewayVariables('banktransfer'); ... and then where you previously had... <td width="67%" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="text-align:center;">'.nl2br($banktransfer).'</td> you change it to... <td width="67%" bgcolor="#ffffff" style="text-align:center;">'.nl2br($banktransfer['instructions']).'</td>
    1 point
  43. Croster could be an option as that has a monthly pricing option - all pages should be styled, but with the option of a page editor if you need to tweak it.... there is a link to a free trial version on their site that should give you a month to test it at no cost.
    1 point
  44. even if you wrap the hook function in an if ($vars['templatefile'] == 'viewcart') { condition to ensure that it only runs on viewcart/checkout ? there are plenty of ways to skin a cat! šŸ˜¼
    1 point
  45. I have used and sold OX App Suite before... It's actually not a bad product. I actually dealt with it by the masses. I used to work for Network Solutions, and I was a Universal Support Specialist there from 2016 until 2018. Email was just one of the many hats that I was able to handle. the Mobile App might say that OX is buggy? I will tell you however that the more expensive of those two packages that are offered through the whmcs marketplace is going to let the user use the active sync function that is built into open exchange! That is going to let those people who use that product set that up in their phone the same exact way the would set up an account for a Microsoft Exchange server, and it's going to have all of the same functionality. Personally I would advise my customers not to waste the extra storage space on their devices, and have them just set their mail up through the stock mail application on their phone. They are still getting all of the same benefits of the app without wasting extra storage space for it, and if they're an IMAP user, they'll thank you later... because their inbox is probably already huge, not to mention that sent items folder that probably hasn't been cleared out in a REALLY LONG TIME! lol.
    1 point
  46. Zeqons Digital Marketing Agency is one of the Top Digital Marketing Company in India, Delhi/NCR. Expertise in Online marketing, SMO, SEO, SEM, PPC, ASO, Web Development and Designing. Digital Marketing Agency | Best Digital Marketing Agency India
    1 point
  47. because I think WHMCS development often tends to be short-sighted, e.g we'll make this change now (increased frequency of cron jobs), but deal with the logical consequences of it down the road... happens time and time again. there is the "Limit Activity Log" setting in General Settings, which I think by default is set to 10,000 entries... but just checking my v7.5 dev tblactivitylog, there are 176,000+ records in there - of which, only 1,244 would meet the above condition. when a cron runs, it's using an admin username, not "System" - so those entries would never be caught by this check... would they even see it as a bug though? is the software doing something that it isn't designed/supposed to do?? (that tends to be their bug definition)... it's the opposite and needs to start doing something that it currently can't.. which whiffs more of a feature request to me - therefore, time to post an obligatory 5-year old feature request... https://requests.whmcs.com/topic/ability-to-prune-system-activity-log
    1 point
  48. The WHMCS.Community is intended to provide a place for users of WHMCS to discuss, share and interact with each other as well as WHMCS Staff. To ensure we maintain a friendly environment, we ask users to respect the following rules and guidelines. Please let us know via the WHMCS.Community Assitance category should you have any questions or comments, posts in this category are visible between yourself and the WHMCS.Community Team. WHMCS reserves the right to alter these rules from time to time. 1.User Accounts Each person may have (one) 1 forum login regardless of the number of companies you may be part of. Duplicate accounts will be removed from WHMCS.Community Please do not share your user account with others - each person should retain their own username and password Usernames must not be created that contain any of the items listed below: An email address A website address The following words WHMCS cPanel Staff Moderator Admin Any word determined to cause offence or be deemed inappropriate. Usernames or Users that do not comply with these rules may be removed from WHMCS.Community 2. Behaviour on the Community We expect all users to be friendly and polite. While we understand that users will disagree and have different points of view at times, this can be communicated in a civil manner Please do not post rude, insulting or inflammatory posts. Personal attacks, name-calling and insults will not be tolerated on WHMCS.Community. Profanity and inappropriate images (including porn or gross violence) may not be posted anywhere on the WHMCS.Community. WHMCS.Community Staff & Moderators use their sole discretion as to what is deemed unacceptable behaviour in the community and may remove content at any time. Your posts assist other users, please do not delete content if you find an answer, please share this solution to help other users. 3. Advertising on WHMCS.Community Advertising, offers or self-promotion are to be posted only in the Third Party Add-ons section of the community. Community users seeking to hire a developer may post within the Service Offers & Requests section. Advertising is limited to one advertisement per seven (7) day period on a rolling 7-day basis. Additional or excessive advertising will be removed by the moderation team and your ability to post in advertising boards removed. Soliciting and/or self-promotion via the private messaging (PM) system is strictly prohibited. The sale or reselling of WHMCS Licenses is strictly prohibited on the community. Affiliate and referral links may not be used, these links are those that link to a site and contain information crediting the person with that referral 4. Posting and Moderation on WHMCS.Community The WHMCS.Community is moderated by WHMCS.Community Moderators and Staff. When a post is deemed to be in breach of the rules it will be removed and the user advised via a warning. Please do not cross-post across the community. If your topic is better suited to another section one of the WHMCS.Community team will move it to the best category for you. You may report your post if you wish to have it moved by a moderator. For privacy reasons please do not post any personally identifiable information including Usernames, Passwords, Contact Numbers, Email Addresses and/or Credit Card Numbers As WHMCS.Community is a moderated community we have implemented a Warning System. When a post is removed for breaching the community rules weā€™ll be sure to let you know. We allocate points to a warning and once you have a set number of points you may be suspended from posting on the community. Users that do not comply with the rules for WHMCS.Community may be banned temporarily. Ongoing temporary bans may result in a permanent ban from WHMCS.Community. The public discussion of moderation decisions is not permitted, these will be removed without notice and may result in a community ban. 5. Signature and Profile Rules Your signature may include links, however, please ensure these are reasonable (no more than 4) and they must not include Referral/Affiliate links. This includes pricing and plan details Signatures may not contain more than 4 lines at a 1024x768 resolution Please do not sell or rent your signature space, your signature is yours alone. Where your signature does not comply with these rules you may be asked to alter or remove it 6. WHMCS.Community Ranks Official WHMCS Staff & Moderators are identified by one of the following ranks located below their profile image, in addition, their posts are highlighted blue WHMCS CEO WHMCS Community Manager WHMCS Customer Service WHMCS Developer WHMCS Marketing WHMCS Staff WHMCS Support Manager WHMCS Technical Analyst WHMCS.Community runs a ranking system, new community members start with the rank of Newbie and can progress based on the number of posts, reputation points and length of time active on the community Some users have a special ā€œSuper Usersā€ rank. These members are a select group of elite community members that are long-standing mentors in the community, courteous to other members, always providing technical insight and advice, and generally helping to make our community a better place to learn, troubleshoot and advance. The WHMCS.Community ranking formula is changed from time to time and without notice. The algorithm used is not published or discussed with users to prevent gaming the system 7. Contacting the WHMCS.Community Team You may contact a member of the WHMCS.Community via the WHMCS.Community Assitance board If you would prefer to email you may open a ticket by emailing forums@whmcs.com Thank you for helping to keep WHMCS.Community a great place
    1 point
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