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  • 2 weeks later...

Disabling right-clicking serves no use and has nothing to do with security.

First thing first, when I browse your website I already own a copy of your theme information (HTML, CSS, javascript, libraries, assets...). I don't need right-click to get eveything my computer "sees". I just need to press File > Save Page As. This way I'll have a folder that runs on my computer with an exact copy of your website. Alternaivelly I can use source view, dev console or any other tool that every browser has.

Secondly anyone with a bit of sense can re-enable right-click with few lines of javascript via console. It takes seconds. Not to mention there are tens of plugins that allow to re-enable the possibility to use right-click (sorry for the pun) in one click.

Third. Did you know that anyone can download/view every file of your Smarty template by simply visiting it? Try opening /templates/{YOUR_TEMPLATE}/clientareahome.tpl. Most people don't know that and it's funny 😛 Sometimes you can spot things that should stay reserved. For example in invoicepdf.tpl I often see insults towards WHMCS developers, swear words and so on. Many belive that comments in tpl files are hidden from public view.

Given that you can't prevent people from downloading your code, don't waste time fighting right-click. The only outcome is frustration for your customers.

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9 hours ago, Kian said:

Did you know that anyone can download/view every file of your Smarty template by simply visiting it? Try opening /templates/{YOUR_TEMPLATE}/clientareahome.tpl.

Unless you prevent that via .htaccess. 🙂

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Fun, right?
In the document root of your entire site should be a file named .htaccess (if you don't see it, "dot" files may be hidden). 
In that, the following should block it:

<FilesMatch "\.(tpl|bak)$">
#Order Allow,Deny
#Deny from all
Require all denied 


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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...
11 minutes ago, Remitur said:

Because here there's nothing to be fixed...

Just to be clear, I was referring to :


On 5/20/2022 at 7:04 AM, Kian said:

Did you know that anyone can download/view every file of your Smarty template by simply visiting it? Try opening /templates/{YOUR_TEMPLATE}/clientareahome.tpl. Most people don't know that and it's funny 😛 Sometimes you can spot things that should stay reserved. For example in invoicepdf.tpl I often see insults towards WHMCS developers, swear words and so on. Many belive that comments in tpl files are hidden from public view.


On 5/21/2022 at 12:56 AM, bear said:

Fun, right?
In the document root of your entire site should be a file named .htaccess (if you don't see it, "dot" files may be hidden). 
In that, the following should block it:

<FilesMatch "\.(tpl|bak)$">
#Order Allow,Deny
#Deny from all
Require all denied 



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It's not a bug, and in the very same post it's explained how to "fix" it.

But this is just one of the possible ways to fix it: how to do it is your choice, it's a usual operation to keep your site safe, whatever software you use to manage it...

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