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Weird problem with new orders

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Using WHMCS 8.1.3, PHP 7.4.16 now on CentOS Stream 8

When an order comes in, and I click on Pending Orders, it shows the previous along with the new current order.

The installation does have FraudLabs Pro installed.

Seems like WHMCS isn't closing out the previous order completely, but when I approve the order, and then look at it, all is fine.

Any way to run a check & fix on the database?

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2 hours ago, DennisHermannsen said:

PHP 8 is not supported. Not officially, at least.


5 hours ago, yggdrasil said:

I don't think PHP 8 is supported.

He doesn't appear to be using PHP 8. Might have misread that. 

6 hours ago, StarburstHost said:

Using WHMCS 8.1.3, PHP 7.4.16 now on CentOS Stream 8


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Not using PHP 8. I should have used separate line to make it less confusing.


CentOS Stream 8
WHMCS 8.1.3
PHP 7.4.16
Apache 2.4.46


It was a weird problem.
2 orders, and a test order did it.
Removed the automation to activate after payment, to hold because I didn't want any cross account problems, and it seems to be OK for now.

Does anyone know if there is an option to run a database check & fix on WHMCS?


Edited by StarburstHost
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