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Income by Product Annually or Total


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  • 2 months later...

This would be nice, month to month is fine to see what product brought income in that month, but a data range is really needed. This would help see the big picture of what products and add-ons are bringing in the most, per quarter / year etc... 

Edited by nwd
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  • 1 month later...

Totally agree

On 11/29/2020 at 8:10 AM, nwd said:

This would be nice, month to month is fine to see what product brought income in that month, but a data range is really needed. This would help see the big picture of what products and add-ons are bringing in the most, per quarter / year etc... 


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With a bit of PHP work, you can rework the income by product report (/modules/reports/income_by_product.php) to be yearly or to not have any dates.   Seems most of the reports are designed around monthly.  The reports module from modulesgarden might be another option also. 

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  • 1 month later...

I just fixed the issue for us. I will share the code with you. Just save it into an extra file income_by_product_yearly.php in the module/report folder


//Modifizierte income_by_product.php von Max
//Ausgabe nach Jahren nicht mehr nach Monaten 

use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;
use WHMCS\Carbon;
use WHMCS\Database\Capsule;

if (!defined("WHMCS")) {
    die("This file cannot be accessed directly");

//$pmonth = str_pad((int)$month, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$year = $year;

$reportdata["title"] = "Income by Product for " . $year;
$reportdata["description"] = "This report provides a breakdown per product/service of invoices paid in a given month. Please note this excludes overpayments & other payments made to deposit funds (credit), and includes invoices paid from credit added in previous months, and thus may not match the income total for the month.";
$reportdata["currencyselections"] = true;

$reportdata["tableheadings"] = array("Product Name","Units Sold","Value");

$products = $addons = array();
$dateRange = Carbon::create(

# Loop Through Products
$result = Capsule::table('tblinvoiceitems')
    ->join('tblinvoices', 'tblinvoices.id', '=', 'tblinvoiceitems.invoiceid')
    ->join('tblhosting', 'tblhosting.id', '=', 'tblinvoiceitems.relid')
    ->join('tblclients', 'tblclients.id', '=', 'tblinvoices.userid')
    ->where(function (Builder $query) {
        $query->where('tblinvoiceitems.type', 'Hosting')
            ->orWhere('tblinvoiceitems.type', 'Setup')
            ->orWhere('tblinvoiceitems.type', 'like', 'ProrataProduct%');
    ->where('currency', $currencyid)
            Capsule::raw('tblhosting.packageid as packageId'),
            Capsule::raw('COUNT(*) as unitsSold'),
            Capsule::raw('SUM(tblinvoiceitems.amount) as amount')

foreach ($result as $data) {
    $products[$data->packageId] = [
        'amount' => $data->amount,
        'unitssold' => $data->unitsSold,

$result = Capsule::table('tblinvoiceitems')
    ->join('tblinvoices', 'tblinvoices.id', '=', 'tblinvoiceitems.invoiceid')
    ->join('tblhosting', 'tblhosting.id', '=', 'tblinvoiceitems.relid')
    ->join('tblclients', 'tblclients.id', '=', 'tblinvoices.userid')
    ->where('tblinvoiceitems.type', 'PromoHosting')
    ->where('currency', $currencyid)
            Capsule::raw('tblhosting.packageid as packageId'),
            Capsule::raw('COUNT(*) as unitsSold'),
            Capsule::raw('SUM(tblinvoiceitems.amount) as amount')

foreach ($result as $data) {
    $products[$data->packageId]["amount"] += $data->amount;

# Loop Through Addons
$result = Capsule::table('tblinvoiceitems')
    ->join('tblinvoices', 'tblinvoices.id', '=', 'tblinvoiceitems.invoiceid')
    ->join('tblhostingaddons', 'tblhostingaddons.id', '=', 'tblinvoiceitems.relid')
    ->join('tblclients', 'tblclients.id', '=', 'tblinvoices.userid')
    ->where('tblinvoiceitems.type', 'Addon')
    ->where('currency', $currencyid)
            Capsule::raw('tblhostingaddons.addonid as addonId'),
            Capsule::raw('COUNT(*) as unitsSold'),
            Capsule::raw('SUM(tblinvoiceitems.amount) as amount')

foreach ($result as $data) {
    $addons[$data->addonId] = [
        'amount' => $data->amount,
        'unitssold' => $data->unitsSold,

$total = 0;
$itemtotal = 0;
$firstdone = false;
$result = Capsule::table('tblproducts')
            Capsule::raw('`tblproductgroups`.`name` as groupname')
foreach ($result as $data) {
    $pid = $data->id;
    $group = $data->groupname;
    $prodname = $data->name;

    if ($group!=$prevgroup) {
        $total += $itemtotal;
        if ($firstdone) {
            $reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array('','<strong>Sub-Total</strong>','<strong>'.formatCurrency($itemtotal).'</strong>');
            $chartdata['rows'][] = array('c'=>array(array('v'=>$prevgroup),array('v'=>$itemtotal,'f'=>formatCurrency($itemtotal))));
        $reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array("**<strong>$group</strong>");
        $itemtotal = 0;

    $amount = $products[$pid]["amount"];
    $number = $products[$pid]["unitssold"];

    $itemtotal += $amount;

    if (!$amount) $amount="0.00";
    if (!$number) $number="0";
    $amount = formatCurrency($amount);

    $reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array($prodname,$number,$amount);

    $prevgroup = $group;
    $firstdone = true;


$total += $itemtotal;
$reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array('','<strong>Sub-Total</strong>','<strong>'.formatCurrency($itemtotal).'</strong>');
$chartdata['rows'][] = array('c'=>array(array('v'=>$group),array('v'=>$itemtotal,'f'=>formatCurrency($itemtotal))));

$reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array("**<strong>Addons</strong>");

$itemtotal = 0;
$result = Capsule::table('tbladdons')
foreach ($result as $data) {
    $addonid = $data->id;
    $prodname = $data->name;

    $amount = $addons[$addonid]["amount"];
    $number = $addons[$addonid]["unitssold"];

    $itemtotal += $amount;

    if (!$amount) $amount="0.00";
    if (!$number) $number="0";
    $amount = formatCurrency($amount);

    $reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array($prodname,$number,$amount);

    $prevgroup = $group;


$itemtotal += $addons[0]["amount"];
$number = $addons[0]["unitssold"];
$amount = $addons[0]["amount"];
if (!$amount) $amount="0.00";
if (!$number) $number="0";
$reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array('Miscellaneous Custom Addons',$number,formatCurrency($amount));

$total += $itemtotal;
$reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array('','<strong>Sub-Total</strong>','<strong>'.formatCurrency($itemtotal).'</strong>');
$chartdata['rows'][] = array('c'=>array(array('v'=>"Addons"),array('v'=>$itemtotal,'f'=>formatCurrency($itemtotal))));

$itemtotal = 0;
$reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array("**<strong>Miscellaneous</strong>");

$data = Capsule::table('tblinvoiceitems')
    ->join('tblinvoices', 'tblinvoices.id', '=', 'tblinvoiceitems.invoiceid')
    ->join('tblclients', 'tblclients.id', '=', 'tblinvoices.userid')
    ->where('tblinvoiceitems.type', 'Item')
    ->where('tblclients.currency', $currencyid)
            Capsule::raw('COUNT(*) as number'),
            Capsule::raw('SUM(tblinvoiceitems.amount) as amount')

$itemtotal += $data->amount;
$number = $data->number;
$amount = $data->amount;
if (!$amount) $amount="0.00";
if (!$number) $number="0";
$reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array('Billable Items',$number,formatCurrency($amount));

$data = Capsule::table('tblinvoiceitems')
    ->join('tblinvoices', 'tblinvoices.id', '=', 'tblinvoiceitems.invoiceid')
    ->join('tblclients', 'tblclients.id', '=', 'tblinvoices.userid')
    ->where('tblinvoiceitems.type', '')
    ->where('tblclients.currency', $currencyid)
            Capsule::raw('COUNT(*) as number'),
            Capsule::raw('SUM(tblinvoiceitems.amount) as amount')

$itemtotal += $data->amount;
$number = $data->number;
$amount = $data->amount;
$reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array('Custom Invoice Line Items',$number,formatCurrency($amount));

$total += $itemtotal;
$reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array('','<strong>Sub-Total</strong>','<strong>'.formatCurrency($itemtotal).'</strong>');
$chartdata['rows'][] = array('c'=>array(array('v'=>"Miscellaneous"),array('v'=>$itemtotal,'f'=>formatCurrency($itemtotal))));

$total = formatCurrency($total);

$chartdata['cols'][] = array('label'=>'Days Range','type'=>'string');
$chartdata['cols'][] = array('label'=>'Value','type'=>'number');

$args = array();
$args['legendpos'] = 'right';

$reportdata["footertext"] = $chart->drawChart('Pie',$chartdata,$args,'300px');

$reportdata["yearspagination"] = true;


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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...

A belated thank you very much for this code!   

I don't know if this could be amended or if it needs a whole new piece of code, but I use Billable Items to create invoices for clients for items generally related to site maintenance, but also to create recurring billing for apps or services, entire site design billing, graphic design, etc. 

I use actual products I've created under a hidden group name so the line items are assigned to real products, but the units and values are lumped together and reported in a single sum under MISC/Billable Items on the report instead of filtering into the Products I created. It's impossible to break it down unless I go back through every invoice. 

Is there anyway these billable item charges can be routed to these products in this report? 

Thank you!

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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 year later...

@mhermann Thank you for sharing.


If anyone wants the total at the footer, you can add this code at the end of the file:

$reportdata["footertext"] = '<p style="text-align: right; font-size: 18px; color: #333333; margin: 10px 60px 10px;"><strong>Total: ' . $total . '</strong></p>';

@TikTok hopefully you have worked this out already as your comment is quite old!

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