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Nochex Payments (Relates to NOCHEX USERS please read)

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As you will be aware your account will only enable you to accept payments of up to £100. To be able to accept larger amounts you would need to upgrade to a merchant account. Please note due to the risk associated with high payments with long deferment we tend to keep the maximum deferment down to 3 months.


Deferment is the period between the customer making payment and the end of the service i.e. 1 years hosting service the deferment period is 12 months.


What does this mean to you. Well i will outline this matter. This has come straight from Nochex to myself.


Firstly let me tell you my account is inactive currently, this is due to inactivity on the account which led to an audit when i requested it be reinstated. (i have had no payment through them for about 3 months)


As a result of this, they have sent the above response.


Deferment in their terms relates to the life of a payment term basically, so this means anything we sell that is for a term longer than 3 months can trigger an account suspension simply because they want to cover themselves. This is fair enough they need to be safe.


Anyway. as far as i can tell there is no way as yet within whmcs to disable Nochex payments when the deferment is over 3 months or the fee is over £100 (seller accounts) £1000 (merchant accounts). I have opened a support ticket with this information here at WHMCS so hopefully this wont be an issue for much longer.


Believe me this is not an "issue" i have with Nochex i like their system its adequate and quick. i just want to warn people that this could become a problem they come up against.

Edited by disgruntled
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yeah i am going to tell them i want my account closing completely, Not being funny but i dont feel that there is enough call for me to pay £50.00 to them to open a merchant account with them. i pay out enough charges as it is to payment gateways im not handing these people money for nothing considering how little its used. in the long term i expect i will simply go with the best possible approach and get a merchant account with my bank, its certainly going to make life easier. Then any none uk client will have to use one gateway, Google probably as i have disabled paypal


I am looking for other options, currently i have active, Google Checkout (which coincidentally they recently changed to Google Wallet) and made it a right pain in the backside because you have to go through webmaster tools to get to your selling side of the system (maybe they will rethink this manner in the future, bank transfer (standing order) and mail in payment, which i am considering removing as its a pain in the backside manually taking those payments. Ensuring that the client wont get suspended before a payment clears etc etc, thats a minefield on its own.

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Nochex, yet another third party merchant I used to use, but no longer do (moneybookers for very similar reasons)


google checkout was very good initially

When opening a new account the fees were £0 when you also had either AdSense or AdWords

However, this appears to have ended now

There was also no payment withdrawal request method and so we had to wait to the end of each calendar month

However on the plus side there was no fee for this (unlike PayPal where the threshold is £50)

The fees were then revised to the same as PayPal, as a result we also ceased offering this


As for paying £50 to OPEN an (merchant) account at Nochex

Where did that come from?

That is completely outrageous, unless it is an actual merchant account to be used with your own merchant account from your business bank account


I would stick with mail in payment

This remains one of the cheapest payment options, even if a customer pays by cheque

Checking payment clearance should be relatively easy, depending on the interface offered by the busines bank you are using

On mine it shows either (pending) or (cleared)


I would also suggest you expand on Bank Transfer

If you have described it as Standing Order, then customers may be under the impression this is the only option

However they can visit any bank and make payments, and this is what two of my customers do, they simply hand over the business bank details and their payment

Furthermore, this is ideal for international customers (there are different rules by country) and the text on my installation advises that the customer must pay any exchange rate at the bank, and I've never had any issues with this being processed in error

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Sorry bank transfer was meaning all sorts, Counter payment, online banking payment, Standing orders. All of those are accepted and included in the description.


The £50.00 is on the nochex website and has been for as long as i can remember.


Google checkout as it was had a setting to enable instant payment transfers. i will look into it later i have to take off now but i am sure this has not changed as i still receive the payments into my account quickly.


Nochex however is a pain in the backside here too, manual payment transfers rather than saying, ok i want to keep x amount here for covering refunds, and transfer all the rest as it comes. this way as you refund the following payments would top this back up then you would start receiving the payments again.


Then again the merchant account does work like that. I am not fully clued up on the merchant account stuff but i am sure there is a reason for the fee.. likely administration costs (pahaha)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well folks, this is the final update i can make to this. I am about to close my nochex account and remove the module entirely from my system.


Good bye Nochex.



With regards to the SSL certificates unfortunately we are unable to offer a payment service for this as we class this as aggregation as you are selling the service on behalf of a company. If you would like to upgrade your account to a merchant account then please do so and we can look at the possibility of increasing the £100 limit.



Risk Team


The fact i cant even sell SSL, because of they are from a seperate company forced my decision.


So, Nossl, Nodomains, Nohostingover3months Nolongtermsupportplans. The place that loves to say "No"chex

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They are quite strict and won't accept payments for something which is being paid for 1 year in advance. We got sick of NoChex and decided to use PayPal and 2CheckOut instead.

Edited by [JSH]John
They appear to have updated their policies.
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i have closed my account with them, the last time it was used was way back when, it was only when one of my long term clients wanted to change their payment method that this became an issue. so its no great loss to me to lose nochex even if it was an easier payment method.


Paypal, i dont use, googlecheckout, i do use this and i am looking forward to the new subscriptions that they have in beta, with any luck they will roll these out to production fairly quickly, although i am not holding my breath on this.

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Thank you for your email.


We confirm that your Nochex account will now remain closed as requested, but regret we are unable to remove your personal information from our system. As a regulated financial services company we have an obligation under UK law to hold data on all of our users for a period of five years commencing from the date upon which the relationship ends. This means your data will be held on our records for 5 years. It will be deleted after that time.


Kind regards,

<<snipped by disgruntled>>



Now, under the data protection act of 1998 they have to remove the information after 6 months, but then they state their reason for why its 5 years. Something i will look into and know for sure.

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This would only apply if you submitted personal data, not business data

The time limit is termination plus 6 years, if financial transactions have taken place

If there are no financial transactions, it is 5 years


Thank you, mus be due to the length of time that its been since a transaction took place that its only 5 years. well in any case, the account is closed and good ridance to a thorn in my side. shame they have to be so strict.


lesson learned i guess.

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As with all things, research, research, then do some more research

I usually investigate and check on a service provision for at least three months before even considering an external provider for a service contract


Even when I started off in 1998, it was a good six months before I had everything in place (and I think this is where so many new starts go wrong, thinking they can just set everything up overnight)

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well, thats because you can, but to be fair, ive been in business since 2007, im not a large business, but im not exactly new either. then again, until the last year i was i guess just playing at it. i didnt really put much effort in with regard to building a business up, i just let it tick over.


times change and so did my business model. weird though, i was using nochex for 3 years before they decided to review my account, and nothing in my business changed, my packages all remained the same the terms and pricing there were no odd or large payments, but they still put me under review. the only thing that's changes is the time i put into building the business up.


never mind its done now and i wont be looking back at Nochex for love nor money. lesson learned though, look into everything properly.

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How does this relate to "ALL WHMCS USERS"? What impact does this have on companies who do not use Nochex and have no plans to? I've read this thread hoping I missed something but I'm pretty sure I haven't. Might want to get the title fixed to avoid further confusion unless I really did miss something in which case please be more clear on this so others like me can avoid the issues Nochex could cause us.

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Hi Joe.


I work for Nochex and I've only just come to this thread via your message. Going back to disgruntled's original message I think the problem he came up against was because he had a Seller account. This is meant for people selling small numbers of low value items on ebay and such. Unfortunately, we had cases of people using these accounts to trade that is not consistent with acceptable use so we have had to take a closer look at all these accounts. It sounds as if disgruntled got caught up in these by trying to trade at a higher value than is allowed and was asked to upgrade to a more suitable account.


To go back to your point what has this got to do with all WHMCS users, well not a lot if you aren't a Nochex user! However, I'd go back to m8internet's point which is to do your research so far as the services you use. disgruntled is proposing to use Google Checkout, but it might worth doing a little more research there as they may be much more perfunctory than we have been in closing accounts if they don't like what they see.


Happy to answer any questions about Nochex and payment services in general if I can.


Kind regards,

- Peter

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Could you please provide a (current) link to the relevant business accounts you offer, suitable for use with the NoChex payment gateway module which WHMCS use

Examples :

For low volume business transactions, up to £50 per month

For medium volume business transactions, up to £500 per month

For high volume business transaction, above £500 per month

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Hi Joe.


I work for Nochex and I've only just come to this thread via your message. Going back to disgruntled's original message I think the problem he came up against was because he had a Seller account. This is meant for people selling small numbers of low value items on ebay and such. Unfortunately, we had cases of people using these accounts to trade that is not consistent with acceptable use so we have had to take a closer look at all these accounts. It sounds as if disgruntled got caught up in these by trying to trade at a higher value than is allowed and was asked to upgrade to a more suitable account.


To go back to your point what has this got to do with all WHMCS users, well not a lot if you aren't a Nochex user! However, I'd go back to m8internet's point which is to do your research so far as the services you use. disgruntled is proposing to use Google Checkout, but it might worth doing a little more research there as they may be much more perfunctory than we have been in closing accounts if they don't like what they see.


Happy to answer any questions about Nochex and payment services in general if I can.


Kind regards,

- Peter



Thank you for your comment peter, no, this wasnt me trading at high volumes, quite the opposite infact, the only clients that ever used Nochex were small payments, inactivity was the issue, that was why my account was suspended according to the notice when i tried to log in.


Anyway, my account is now closed as i said, i just feel its worth the users here at whmcs knowing the way things went so they dont come under the same issue. If the matter was because i had a seller account, then that should have been stated instead of "we have an issue with deferment for web hosting companies", you never know, i might just have upgraded to a merchant account and sent all my clients through nochex, not to worry, is done now and i wont be going back over the same issue.


Thanks again for your response.

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Could you please provide a (current) link to the relevant business accounts you offer, suitable for use with the NoChex payment gateway module which WHMCS use

Examples :

For low volume business transactions, up to £50 per month

For medium volume business transactions, up to £500 per month

For high volume business transaction, above £500 per month


they only have two account options, one is seller, one is merchant.


The seller account is low volume and free to sign up.


The merchant is high(er) volume, the volume of which is to be prearranged with nochex once you make application. the types of account are linked from their main page.


for seller there is a deferment currently 3 months service length of anything you sell, as far as merchant goes i dont know, i didnt get that far as to ask, the support was slow and by about the 5th response in 2 weeks i had enough and didnt want to know any more.



basically i see it this way, as long as you are low volume, only selling 1 or 3 month packages, then nochex is the module for you, the fees are not too bad, if you do anything at all over 3 months in terms then either you need to make a way to prevent those longer terms using nochex, or you can't use it because your not allowed to.

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