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Original Template - NOT GOOD


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Somehow the new original template does not look very intuitive. I particularly mean the OVERVIEW Parts.


1. First there are 2 columns and that most of things are very SMALL and crooked in this little tiny space. For example, the Ticket Support Overview, it must have a standalone ROW straight from left to right. And for System Over View, you are kidding me right? Come on! for 3 words and each word is showing per line such as "New Orders Today" looks like






These silly looking must be fixed immediately.


I don't understand why such a big project like this does not have a professional gui tester. So shame.

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I think we should have TWO areas: (1) whole top section and (2) split bottom section. Make it appears like a T. Larger and much info boxes can be moved on top and smaller and less info boxes can be stayed or moved to bottom. That's would be great.


I prefer the original simply because I am used to it and in fact it gives me as much information as I need. I do like fancy looking stuff but not too fancy that you forgot the core functions of admin area where you have to look for things deep down further and it takes more time.

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The new Admin homepage layout (assuming that's what you're talking about) is not my favourite, but I just think it will take some getting used to.


"Tickets Awaiting Reply" was spot on before...but it's not so clear with the new template which is a bit disappointing.


On the whole, it's a minor inconvenience bearing in mind the great new features in v5.

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The homepage widgets are not something that are template specific, and so in the "Original" theme (which is admittedly 5 years old now), and was designed with a 1024x768 sized monitor in mind, things can get a bit cramped. However it wouldn't make sense to restrict the widgets or page designs we're doing these days specifically for that old template style, but if you have any suggestions for improvements, then please do keep them coming.



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I like the new template just takes a while to get used to.


The new template may be nice on high resolution monitors, but my primary computer is my 13" macbook pro which resolution is 1280 sadly. Not an old laptop it's the 2011 model, it's max resolution on this model. The new V5 admin theme is really bad in my opinion.


I like WHMCS but i think the old admin theme was amazingly good. Everything on the front page is all you need to see. Now the V5 template is a mess, forced to see things. The income looks blown up.


Instead of changing a really good admin theme, work on better order templates and client area templates. I'd literally pay if i had to for a more streamline modern professional clientarea.

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I noticed lately there has been a lot of feedback from members regarding the dashboard in WHMCS... tonight I was trolling some websites and came across something that I think might make everyone happy.


Here is the demo: https://demo.geckoboard.com/dashboard/B6782E562794C2F2/


and the main site: http://www.geckoboard.com/


basically what I was thinking is what if the WHMCS dashboard modeled after this a bit, meaning WHMCS supplied some stock widgets that pertained to WHMCS stuff but custom widgets could be created for other stuff that was specific to that company sort of like the WHMCS addons.


We could then create pingdom, serverdensity, or whatever type of addon widgets that were specific to our company basically widgets that could be either programmed or configured to pull data from other systems and these could be shared in the community addons as well.


Also to solve some peoples issues with sizing, screen resolution etc... the widgets page could be based off the http://cssgrid.net/ system and each widget could be drag and drop as well as re-sized for height and width, this would allow them to create a dash board that looked like the size and shape of the demo there for instance.




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Did not realize that thanks for pointing it out... nice to know we can do so. Though I wouldnt use it in the current form.. from a design perspective we close the current existing widgets out because the information is poorly presented and overwhelming.


If we had something using a grid system and a design closer to that of geckoboard we could better organise the information and display it as we see fit on whatever resolution monitors we were using.


readability and usability are key to any sort of dashboard.



also adding the chart library in would definitely make things much nicer... is it a standalone library or does it use something different then jquery?


I also think a design like geckoboard might be more appealing to people... I dont know maybe take a vote on it.... I never said anything about it but personally found myself closing all the widgets because the dashboard does not present information very well and I find it easier to go get most of that info from other parts of the system. I had only brought it up because I seen quite a few people complaining in a number of threads. A design like geckoboard gives a quick and easy way to focus on the required information and I think WHMCS could benefit from some of its design concepts.


In regards to the sizing when basing designs off the grid... everything is sized based on columns and rows... not pixels. so in a widgets configuration file a max column and max row could be defined which when the user was resizing whmcs checked that value and did not let them resize beyond said settings.


There is also another way of doing this that isint based on jquery dynamic resizing. you could have a set of pre-made layouts. basically several grid css files which have pre-made size and shapes:






and then any person with dashboard access could select from a drop down which pre-made layout they liked and then drag and drop widgets to whichever sections of the layout they see fit.


This would then give the admins felixibility to create more grid-layout.css layouts to satisfy their employees and business model.

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  • 1 month later...

I also think this new admin template isnt OK. The old admin template was PERFECT! If anyone can fix these widgets to look like the old template im willing to pay for it!


And its not that we dont want something new. But the old setup had everything you wanted in the right place, now:


- statistics widget is too large, takes space for no reason

- support tickets overview is the worst of all, there is no Awaiting Reply button, the last button goes to second row, the whole widget size is too small! Should of been full width!. Now i need to scroll down to show all tickets and then click the button on the left to show awaiting reply.

- suspended services are missing?? Hello? This is one of the most important things and you leave it out? i found a quick fix for the widget but come on guys.

- my notes widget..its too small! i cant set the height in opera (and dont tell me to change my browser cause of it). SO again, i need to scroll down.


I love everything about v5 except the widgets thing! Please change it back or get us an option to change the template to old style. And please, dont tell us we are able to configure all to our needs - some of us are not programmers to know how to fix the widgets and add the missing stuff..

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