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Okay, so I don't know about anyone else, but in the recent few months I have become very unhappy with WHMCS's support team. I understand they are busy and making WHMCS better, but you shouldn't have to wait almost 24 hours for a response that didn't help you.


At this point I am very unhappy and I did think about looking at different solutions for my billing software.


For example I recent purchased the live chat addon. It seems they didn't update the installer for 5.0 so the directions weren't that clear. I installed it and it said the License was invalid so I submitted a ticket to wait 24 hours to say that I installed it wrong. I installed it where they told me to and it say says "Invalid License".


I am not sure what to do at this point, but hope WHMCS support gets better and I am not waiting 20+ hours for support.


Sorry if this offends anyone, but this is feedback from an unhappy customer.

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Yeah, I hope they do really soon. I don't want to leave WHMCS, but it is getting really hard to work with a company that takes 24 hours to reply to a simple question or license error.


Like if your license got suspended and they had to manually re-issue it and it took 24 hours you could lose numerous sales and aggravate clients while they have to wait for support tickets.

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  • WHMCS Support Manager

@hostclearly: Your ticket was opened just over 24 hours ago and I've just replied for the second time (which includes the the 5 hours between my first answer and your reply). If you'd like help uploading the live chat files to the correct location as advised in the ticket you're very welcome to order our installation service.


As your licence is provided by a reseller all licensing issues should be directed to them. If you purchase a licence directly from us you can reissue the licence at any time via our client area without needing to contact support.

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I have a license through my data center and they have directed me toward you since I purchased the addon directly from WHMCS. Also, the reply took over 14 hours, I over exaggerated a little and it still shouldn't have taken that long as WHMCS use to reply within minutes to 3 hours at max.

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It is your responsibility as someone that has decided to offer a service to the public such as web hosting to learn the software your company uses in offering your services.

This includes the control panel, the billing system and most of all, the operating system on your server.

By watching you tube videos, reading help files and opening tickets when you are stuck you are taking the right steps.

Just remember, thousands of others are also begging for answers from the same people as ypu.

Whmcs is located in england (I think) so remember, the time difference can mean a lot.

BTW. if you were one of our clients, no matter where you bought what you were using, we give full support, Your reseller should too.

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we couldnt solve the problem with whmcs support from 9 days. I solve the problem myself at the end.

before whmcs support better than at the moment.


Client - 13/12/2011 15:40

Staff - 13/12/2011 18:42

Client - 13/12/2011 19:15

Client - 13/12/2011 22:52

Client - 14/12/2011 14:13

Client - 15/12/2011 11:03

Staff - 16/12/2011 04:20

Client - 16/12/2011 13:30

Client - 18/12/2011 21:37

Staff - 19/12/2011 13:07

Client - 19/12/2011 13:29

Staff - 19/12/2011 17:46

Client - 20/12/2011 14:15

Client - 21/12/2011 23:37

Staff - 22/12/2011 21:37

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It is your responsibility as someone that has decided to offer a service to the public such as web hosting to learn the software your company uses in offering your services.

This includes the control panel, the billing system and most of all, the operating system on your server

Not necessarily

In most cases WHMCS is offered as a third party script, the download and installation is included but that is where the support ends (such as offered through softaculous)

I agree that the first point of contact seller should offer the support, but this is often where things go wrong with such scripts


I myself offer scripts via softaculous, but I make it very clear they are treated as third party scripts and support is offered by the software provider, not the seller


In this case it depends on where WHMCS was obtained from and who pays for the licence

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Hello John, I am not trying to gang up but something you said made me think a bit.


You mentioned "he bought his license through a reseller" and that he should direct his questions there.


I am wondering why that is? Didn't WHMCS make the deals with resellers etc. and since WHMCS are the creators shouldn't they be responsible for the support?


I am a little confused as to why WHMCS would make the deal but leave support up to others less qualified then penalize a person who is using the product legally by directing them to the less qualified resellers that WHMCS authorized.


I don't know, it just seems like a big circle where the only one getting hurt are the users, based on some reseller deal WHMCS worked out.


Do these resellers advise the user that by using the system through them as resellers they will receive no support? Or do they just use it as a tool to sell more web hosting and leave the user to find out afterwards?


I would hate to find out I purchased a product based on xyz then find out it is unsupported and have to now go and make another purchase etc. etc. etc.

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Do these resellers advise the user that by using the system through them as resellers they will receive no support?

No, that is not how it works

The customer has to contact the reseller, the reseller forward the support request to WHMCS, WHMCS then return the response to the reseller, and the reseller returns that to the customer


Personally for WHMCS this does not work very well, as the reseller is the middle man and adds to the response time

As an example if the reseller takes one hour to respond, then that is at least two hours to respond overall


I had a similar issue where I had to submit a support request to WHMCS, but this ended up with no response

WHMCS advised me to contact the reseller, the reseller advised me to contact WHMCS

The matter was never resolved and I spent three days of my own time resolving the issue by other means!


The main issue is the lack of experience in WHMCS by the resellers, they just simply pass the buck backwards and forwards

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Hello John, I am not trying to gang up but something you said made me think a bit.


You mentioned "he bought his license through a reseller" and that he should direct his questions there.


I am wondering why that is? Didn't WHMCS make the deals with resellers etc. and since WHMCS are the creators shouldn't they be responsible for the support?


I am a little confused as to why WHMCS would make the deal but leave support up to others less qualified then penalize a person who is using the product legally by directing them to the less qualified resellers that WHMCS authorized.


No, that is not how it works

The customer has to contact the reseller, the reseller forward the support request to WHMCS, WHMCS then return the response to the reseller, and the reseller returns that to the customer


Let me try and clear up the confusion here. John did not say the customer needed to contact their reseller for support. He said they need to contact their reseller for licensing issues. Clearly we cannot handle licensing/billing related issues for anything other than direct customers.


However all WHMCS users are able to get product support from us directly. Just reseller customers receive a lower priority than direct customers. Typically those who go through resellers wait twice as long for support responses as direct customers, so while you get the exact same product, people get a better service, and access to various special offers and discounts, for the extra money they pay in coming direct to us.


With regards to any support delays, over the Christmas holiday season this is to be expected. The desk is still being manned, but response times will be slower than normal as there's less staff available.



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Just food for thought, the way cPanel works, if you get your license directly through them then they re your first line of support, However if you get your cPanel license through the NOC then you have to put your cPanel questions to the NOC and they then respond to cPanel if they cant fix it,

it sux but thats the way it is....

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Okay, well it is now 4 days since this thread was started and I am still waiting for a fix.


Too everyone that talked about licensing it was for star develop which WHMCS licenses to us. I contacted Hostgator where I have a VPS and they went through about a hour of trying to fix it and redirected me toward WHMCS as who should be responsible, because yes that is their license issue when it says "Invalid License".


I am just frustrated and waiting almost 18 hours for a support reply, because you have a reseller license doesn't sound right. I have had my license for now 4 years and never waited this long for replies.


Sorry to anyone offended. WHMCS makes a good script, but I feel support could be improved and I am sure Matt will work on that soon as I contacted him personally just now.

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Was reading through this thread and I too have used Hostgator and from my understanding, HostGator carries these licenses and therefore can reissue them. I believe Hostgator has a network of IP addresses that are authorized to use the free WHMCS.


That said, HostGator is where you will receive support for your WHMCS license if that's where it's issued through. These forums are helpful but a reissue, from what I've seen would generally be done by Hostgator.


I am just frustrated and waiting almost 18 hours for a support reply, because you have a reseller license doesn't sound right. I have had my license for now 4 years and never waited this long for replies.


Sorry to anyone offended. WHMCS makes a good script, but I feel support could be improved and I am sure Matt will work on that soon as I contacted him personally just now.


As we provide support services, 18 hours for support isn't uncommon. Most support policies offer a 24 to 48 hour turn around time because of the volume of support tickets. In your situation, going directly to HostGator would more than likely have been a faster solution. That's been the case with my free license issued by them.


Outside of that, we experience a lot of tickets on our site from folks who don't bother to search the web or the forums. We develop a product for WHMCS and we rarely need support from WHMCS because if we search for it, it's usually something that's already been addressed and solved or leads to an answer in some way.


People get impatient at at times and that's understandable but most of the time a simple search will solve all the other support issues.


Most of what I've stated above is what I've experienced via Hostgator and WHMCS licensing through them. If this is inaccurate or has changed, do let me know.

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Let me try and clear up the confusion here. John did not say the customer needed to contact their reseller for support. He said they need to contact their reseller for licensing issues. Clearly we cannot handle licensing/billing related issues for anything other than direct customers.


However all WHMCS users are able to get product support from us directly. Just reseller customers receive a lower priority than direct customers. Typically those who go through resellers wait twice as long for support responses as direct customers, so while you get the exact same product, people get a better service, and access to various special offers and discounts, for the extra money they pay in coming direct to us.


With regards to any support delays, over the Christmas holiday season this is to be expected. The desk is still being manned, but response times will be slower than normal as there's less staff available.




I am with justhost and i tried sending a support ticket about whmcs through the whmcs admin section after reading this forum. but i got an email back saying:


'Your email to support was not accepted because the email address you submitted it from was not found on our system. When requesting support, please ensure you email from the same email address that you use to login to our client area.'


but i cannot register in the client area because whmcs say that unless i buy direct from whmcs i cannot register.


so how do i raise a support ticket please.



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I always try to order directly with the main company who makes the software. When you use 3rd party venders you take a chance of getting frustrated and mad because things do not go your way.


Support tickets can take up to 24 hours but should be answered within 1 to 3 hours after submission. This all depends how many staff is on duty and how many tickets are in queue.

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thats cool but my issue is i cannot submit a ticket to whmcs even though Matt said i can.


i do not mind if it takes a little longer because i am not a direct customer. Weiredly my question probably affects a lot of people.


whmcs came free with my hosting package, and they do not offer support for this software.

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