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iPhone App update?


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One of the "problems" I found on the iPhone app recently bought is the signature when I reply to a ticket.

My signature has 3 lines like:


My company

Company URL


However, in the APP it is by default: ---My companyCompany URL


Other thing is about the design of the application: the "badges" with the numbers in red/green/etc. are just with no quality at all. A simple plain red for example (no gradients or whatsoever) would be great!


iPhone users (like me) are used to simple, crisp graphics and this is something that could be worked in a very simple way.


When can we expect a new iPhone version update?



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  • 2 years later...


That's absolutely correct - however once a piece is developed, it needs to get tested by others using iPhone's to make sure it works as intended.


Any idea of an ETA? It seems like this has been going on for months now. Is there any description of the new version yet? I heard a rumor it is ipad compatible and has lots of new features.

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Any idea of an ETA? It seems like this has been going on for months now. Is there any description of the new version yet? I heard a rumor it is ipad compatible and has lots of new features.


I don't have anything formalized to provide, however it does work in iPads. As far as an ETA, it won't be until after 5.3 is out the door as we'll have to have some compatibility for push notifications. So while it's not a week a way, it definitely will be out this year.

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