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DirectI: Cannot Register Domain


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An Error Occurred

An unknown fault occured - please contact support


its not the issue as mentioned in whmcs KB,

my whmcs is showing this error since last 12 hours and it cannot even allow to view/edit details of existing customers too.

Its certainly something at Resellerclub API which is not yet disclosed.

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I am expecting this error to come across more users soon who uses directi/resellerclub module.


WHMCS team can check if this is relevant http://resources.resellerclub.com/mailers/soapapi_7311.html

which reads as

"Dear Reseller,


IP restrictions on the SOAP API will go live on the 10th of March, 2011. The old URL's will be deprecated on this date so please make the required changes before the deadline.



Changes Required:


For example, if you are using a URL like:





You will need to change it to:



http://soapapi.com/anacreon/servlet/APIv3 respectively."


hope that helps us keeping domain accessible to our customers.

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Same issue here in last hours, it is not possible to view/edit anything related with resellerclub domains.


I am using the last version of WHMCS and I have configured the IPs in resellerclub.com panel control. It was working fine... maybe an issue in the resellerclub side...

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I am also using latest version 4.4.2 and IP added to API configuation, it appears only resllerclub module is working and directi module is not working after API upgradation.


I have many old domains using directi module which I am unable to manage/renew

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The directi module was discontinued over 2 years ago and hasn't had any updates in that time for new TLDs/features so nobody should be using that any longer (http://docs.whmcs.com/index.php?title=ResellerClub&oldid=2456#DirectI_vs_ResellerClub). If you are still using it you need to start using the ResellerClub, NetEarthOne or StarGate modules. They are the same thing so there's no reason for anyone not to update.


The new modules work fine, and the url changes were made many months in advance as part of our mainstream releases so that not even a patch is necessary, so this is a prime example of why you should always keep up to date with new releases and updates for compatability with third party API's and vendors.



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Ok, but you should know that probably many providers there were using WHMCS for more than 2 years are still using it because for those 2 years you still haven't provided a method to migrate all old domains to ResellerClub module.


What should we now do with old domains that are still configured to use Directi module?

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  Matt said:
The directi module was discontinued over 2 years ago and hasn't had any updates in that time for new TLDs/features so nobody should be using that any longer (http://docs.whmcs.com/index.php?title=ResellerClub&oldid=2456#DirectI_vs_ResellerClub). If you are still using it you need to start using the ResellerClub, NetEarthOne or StarGate modules. They are the same thing so there's no reason for anyone not to update.


Actually if you read the page you provided there is a following note... :)


If you want your customers to be given a login to the SuperSite interface then you should choose the ResellerClub module, if you do not, choose DirectI.


I don't see anywhere that we must switch to ResellerClub module and how to do that...

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  minadreapta said:
well, that worked. thanks Matt.


@dexus: i think you cand change them in WHMCS to RC. maybe in a tool like phpMyAdmin. at least this is what i'm going to do.


Yes, I know that, but can we safely just switch that module... I don't know, probably yes, but I still think that WHMCS should provide some official info and method to do that, because probably every provider that is using WHMCS for more than two years still have domains with Directi module.

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Well, I change the module from directi to resellerclub before I read that just to try and It works for me.


I hope anyone have notified that before, but I think it's not a whmcs fault and it's an error from directi as always.


Thanks Matt

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@dexus: i don't think there's a problem: directI and resellerclub are the same, it's just a minor change regarding the api URL. you won't lose any domain name. in fact you were using the RC already but you had the DirectI settings in WHMCS.


just run this mysql query and you'll be OK: "UPDATE tbldomains SET registrar='resellerclub' WHERE registrar='directi'"


@honesting: i think we should have been warned thou...

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Yes that's correct, to switch any directi domains over to the resellerclub module simply use the SQL query below run via a tool such as phpMyAdmin:


UPDATE tbldomains SET registrar='resellerclub' WHERE registrar='directi'


Then configure the ResellerClub module in Setup > Domain Registrars and update any automatic registration settings if enabled in Setup > Domain Pricing.


  dexus said:
I don't see anywhere that we must switch to ResellerClub module and how to do that...


It's the very first sentence: "N.B. The DirectI module has been depreciated and is no longer updated. As a result it may not be possible to order certain TLDs such as .eu. We recommend switching to the ResellerClub module. "


The main problem here as I see it is why did LogicBoxes say they would turn off the old urls on the 10th March, at which time we put out posts and publicity in various places advising users what they would need to be running to avoid problems, but then didn't turn the urls off. And then on an unnannounced date they suddenly turn them off on 7th April without warning, meaning there's no guidance readily available for people. Very poor handling from them IMO, that's now wasting a lot of people's time.

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  minadreapta said:
@dexus: i don't think there's a problem: directI and resellerclub are the same, it's just a minor change regarding the api URL. you won't lose any domain name. in fact you were using the RC already but you had the DirectI settings in WHMCS.


just run this mysql query and you'll be OK: "UPDATE tbldomains SET registrar='resellerclub' WHERE registrar='directi'"


@honesting: i think we should have been warned thou...


Thanks a Lot! That solves the Problem.

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