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WHMCS Project Management2 (NEW)

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Can you give me some instructions on how to edit the email titles.


For example when my client receives an email notification, its titled:


WHMCSPM2 - Project Modified


I have tried to edit this in email templates, but this does not fix it.


There is several email template title to rename.


Any assistance would be appreciated

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This is a formal annoucement that Active Development on WHMCSPM2 is stopping. What this means for you is simple. If you currently have WHMCSPM2, your license is still valid and you can continue to pay your monthly subscription. If you no longer wish to have support for the product, you can request to have your license voided and you can use the current version as is with no support. It will remain encoded however.


If you have an owned version and you wish to discontinue support, the same applies to you.


An open source version of this module is available under the following conditions:

You must purchase or have already purchased an owned version.

You must have active support or purchased within 1 year of today.

You must purchase the Open Source addon for your product for $150.


In addition to the open source version, you may also request access to the Subversion repository. The default access permissions will be read only. If you are a developer and wish to aid in future development of this product, you may also request write access so you can make your changes / contributions and work with me via the Development Tracker to enhance this product.


License checks will not fail, my company is not going anywhere, I just have too much going on to continue to provide the level of support that I've been proud of. Bug fixes will still be addressed and released via new versions. Feature requests will need to be logged in the Development tracker and will be released over time as time allows.


If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to PM me or send me a message via any of the published contact methods on my website.


Thanks all for your support and for helping me make WHMCSPM2 the product it is today!

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  • 4 months later...


It looks like a great module! Very promising. Before buying, I have 'one-or-two' questions for you. :)


I have put together a few questions from looking at your screenshots (http://www.whmcscollective.com/images/hosted/whmcspm1.png to /whmcspm12.png) and reading the first dozen pages of this topic.


- Template TPLs - Are all files hard-coded (PHP)? Or may each page be edited via a unique .tpl file in a project manager add-on templates folders?


- Projects - These can be linked to a client, but can they be linked to a specfic contact of that client? Rather than a drop-down, how about an AJAX pop-up (Modal Dialogue) that displays both Client Auto-Complete AND Drop Down and once a client is selected, a Drop-Down to choose the Contact?


- Staff - Display assigned staff/admin in View Project (Project View)? So you can see who is working on Projects.


- Staff - Can tasks from inside a project be assigned to other staff members so you can see who is working on Tasks (rather than entire project - i.e. Project Lead/Manager)? (See above point, so that members can see who is assigned to various tasks within a project).


- Type? - Under Projects new/edit/view there is a field called "Type". But a bad example is provided "ASDASD". What data is populated in this drop-down field?

What is it for?

Is ASDASD from the "Project Types" tab?


- Progress - You have an input box for progress. Can a value changer be added to this? Can an opion to switch to a drop down (with filled %'s) also be added??


- Segment - Is this the 'weight' of the task within the project?

If left blank is this automatically updated when a new task is added? Again, to allow quicker entry, can this field also have the value changer (up/down) as default and a drop down box switch option?

What happens if this Segment starts to total larger than 101 across all tasks?


- Priorities - I see the Configuration tab allows you to specify the content for the drop-down, however is there a way to specify the default? e.g. Normal (which may be the middle priority). e.g. Urgent, High, Normal, Low, Minimal. Which becomes the default selection?


- Statuses - The same as Priorities, which becomes the default and can it be changed?


- Invoice - under the project details, can a button be placed next to this to allow a pop-up to display a list of the Clients' invoices? (Client selected above)

Is this the correct purpose? For an invoice that already exists?

Would it be possible to display ALL INVOICE #'s that have been created from the Project?

E.g. Invoice 1234 which was raised against 5 completed tasks. Invoice 2345 which was raised again 15 tasks. And Invoice 3456 which was raised again 10 tasks. When in the Project, you see that 3 Invoices are linked to this project. You could CLICK the invoice to view the payment status too. :)


- Quotes - Any plan to allow quoting customer for cost of A, B, C, D? Then converting Quote (linked to project) to an Invoice and then linking Project and Invoices to the Quote#.


- Total Duration and New Tracking - does the New Tracking entry contribute towards the Total Duration? And I assume the "Time Tracking: START" contributes to the "Total Duration"? One would be a manual entry, versus a real-time entry.


- Proposed Time - Can an estimated / proposed time field be added to Tasks and/or Projects? Budgeting financial costs is important, but budgeting time on tasks/projects is also very important for all.


- Permissions - Does your Project Management application install a new 'role' in the Administrator privileges section? So that a group can be created to be allowed access to ONLY the Project Manager Add-on? (rather than all Add-ons and other sections)?


- Reporting - Is there a way to generate a Report for a particular project and then output this in a table so that it can be included or attached to an Invoice? (Showing: Project, Task, Time, Client Contact, Start/End Dates, hours spent on tasks and project, "billable" hours spent on tasks and project, and other fields, etc.)

And can each staff member either have a default billable rate, or a billable rate entered for each task? (e.g. $40/hour for a specific task (or type of task?), then $120/hour for another task (either different or same staff member)).


- Time Sheets - Can you also generate a time sheet to see each staff member, and which projects they've been involved in, their time spent on projects, their billable time on projects, etc? Total time per day, week, month, year and same for income.


- Task Time Entry - Looking at how time maybe tracked (start/stop) and I assume manually enterd in that small form, it would be nice if there was a main time input screen. E.g. Choose staff member (default to logged on member), choose Project, Choose Task (optional), Enter number of hours and dates for this work, then tick if Billable (or Not Billable), staff's default rate $, and then enter some notes about the time you are logging.

> Example: Bob Smith, Project A, Task 1, 10:25 Hours (10.42), 20/08/2012 to 21/08/2012, Billable? Yes!, Rate: $120/hour, Notes: Long description about work done on task, including task particulars.


- Tasks - As mentioned above, Projects and Tasks showing on the invoice would mean that those Tasks in the project have been completed - yet the project may not be complete. Will these tasks to be locked so that they cannot be modified in any way (to cause an accounting nightmare) and their current progress % locked (rather than updated from xx% to 100%)?

Sending an invoice to a customer with Project Details listed @ $500, then sending another Invoice for the SAME poject @ $400 will show the same project details. So, having tasks displayed on the invoice with the project is quite important, especially for transparency in what has been billed (<s></s> and coloured green used on tasks that have been billed for example) and what hasn't been billed.


- Calendar - Can we view the ../admin/calendar.php to see when tasks are due and when projects are due, etc? (What has always bugged me with the Calendar is that events cannot span multiple days - e.g. from 1st to the 5th. You have to instead create 5 events for the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5th. (Perhaps a new and better Calendar? That already reads the internal Calendar data too).

I've noticed that the internal Task Manager allows you to use a Start and End date. However if you only enter a Start Date, and leave the End Date empty, it will assign 00/00/0000 to the date. Perhaps this is a way around what i've read in the first few pages about people wanting to make the Due Date optional (or at least default to the Start Date)...


I am only half way through the topic, but will continue reading through after this message. Sorry if you have already answered some of my suggestions perhaps made by others. We're happy to pay to extend features if some already exist, but require some changes.


Thanks for your time. I look forward to your response and purchasing it soon plus sending a donation! :)

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  • 1 month later...

Holy Crap! That's a lot of information Brian. As the previous post states, Active Development on the module has ceased. I have just yesterday released an update to fix issues with WHMCS 5.1.2 and PHP 5.3.X support. I've also been contracted by another customer to add some new features to the module which I am working on currently.



- Template TPLs - Are all files hard-coded (PHP)? Or may each page be edited via a unique .tpl file in a project manager add-on templates folders?

A little of both actually. I dabbled with creating Admin Area templates and only did this for the Add / Edit Project pages. Everything else in the Admin Area is hard coded. All Client Area output is tpl files that can be edited. All text is in a language file for editing or translating.

- Projects - These can be linked to a client, but can they be linked to a specfic contact of that client? Rather than a drop-down, how about an AJAX pop-up (Modal Dialogue) that displays both Client Auto-Complete AND Drop Down and once a client is selected, a Drop-Down to choose the Contact?

I never added support for contacts and the only method for choosing a client is the drop-down box.

- Staff - Display assigned staff/admin in View Project (Project View)? So you can see who is working on Projects.

This is not a current feature, this among many ideas would make great features for the product but may have to wait until a version 2.0 release sometime down the road.

- Staff - Can tasks from inside a project be assigned to other staff members so you can see who is working on Tasks (rather than entire project - i.e. Project Lead/Manager)? (See above point, so that members can see who is assigned to various tasks within a project).

A task can be assigned to an individual staff member. Projects can be assigned to multiple staff members.


- Type? - Under Projects new/edit/view there is a field called "Type". But a bad example is provided "ASDASD". What data is populated in this drop-down field?

What is it for?

Is ASDASD from the "Project Types" tab?

Type is gone and has been replaced with Categories which is completely customizable like Status and Priority.


- Progress - You have an input box for progress. Can a value changer be added to this? Can an opion to switch to a drop down (with filled %'s) also be added??

That could also be a good feature for a future release.


- Segment - Is this the 'weight' of the task within the project?

If left blank is this automatically updated when a new task is added? Again, to allow quicker entry, can this field also have the value changer (up/down) as default and a drop down box switch option?

What happens if this Segment starts to total larger than 101 across all tasks?

The Segment is the weight of a task within a project. I agree there should be, but there isn't any calculating of the segments to prevent anything over 100%.


- Priorities - I see the Configuration tab allows you to specify the content for the drop-down, however is there a way to specify the default? e.g. Normal (which may be the middle priority). e.g. Urgent, High, Normal, Low, Minimal. Which becomes the default selection?

Priorities can be changed in the Admin config. You can specify Client Only, Admin Only and Admin / Client defaults. You can also assign coloring to the Priority that will show in the Select Box.


- Statuses - The same as Priorities, which becomes the default and can it be changed?

Same as Priorities above, yes.


- Invoice - under the project details, can a button be placed next to this to allow a pop-up to display a list of the Clients' invoices? (Client selected above)

Is this the correct purpose? For an invoice that already exists?

Would it be possible to display ALL INVOICE #'s that have been created from the Project?

E.g. Invoice 1234 which was raised against 5 completed tasks. Invoice 2345 which was raised again 15 tasks. And Invoice 3456 which was raised again 10 tasks. When in the Project, you see that 3 Invoices are linked to this project. You could CLICK the invoice to view the payment status too. :)

Invoicing was changed a couple versions ago. Instead of billing for a Project, billing is done by task. Once a task is billed, it cannot be billed again and is closed so no more time entries can be added.


- Quotes - Any plan to allow quoting customer for cost of A, B, C, D? Then converting Quote (linked to project) to an Invoice and then linking Project and Invoices to the Quote#.

No plans for quoting, I always assumed that you quote a customer before the project is ever created and any additional quoting would be done using the existing quote tool in WHMCS.


- Total Duration and New Tracking - does the New Tracking entry contribute towards the Total Duration? And I assume the "Time Tracking: START" contributes to the "Total Duration"? One would be a manual entry, versus a real-time entry.

You can add manual time entries, and you can use the time tracker that runs and keeps track of time from start to stop. Those numbers all count toward the total duration.


- Proposed Time - Can an estimated / proposed time field be added to Tasks and/or Projects? Budgeting financial costs is important, but budgeting time on tasks/projects is also very important for all.

This could be added in the future, I assume you're just looking for a target # of hours? If you quote a client 200 hours, you can see that you've spent 120 hours on it and know where you stand? This way you can communicate with the client before you reach your limit?


- Permissions - Does your Project Management application install a new 'role' in the Administrator privileges section? So that a group can be created to be allowed access to ONLY the Project Manager Add-on? (rather than all Add-ons and other sections)?

Actually, I created a whole module based permissions system. Staff needs access to addon module first, then you can control how much access each staff member has in the module.


- Reporting - Is there a way to generate a Report for a particular project and then output this in a table so that it can be included or attached to an Invoice? (Showing: Project, Task, Time, Client Contact, Start/End Dates, hours spent on tasks and project, "billable" hours spent on tasks and project, and other fields, etc.)

And can each staff member either have a default billable rate, or a billable rate entered for each task? (e.g. $40/hour for a specific task (or type of task?), then $120/hour for another task (either different or same staff member)).

There are ZERO reports right now. Again, there are alot of things this module doesn't have and alot of things that need to be changed or improved.


- Time Sheets - Can you also generate a time sheet to see each staff member, and which projects they've been involved in, their time spent on projects, their billable time on projects, etc? Total time per day, week, month, year and same for income.

This would be a good feature, I'd need more information and examples


- Task Time Entry - Looking at how time maybe tracked (start/stop) and I assume manually enterd in that small form, it would be nice if there was a main time input screen. E.g. Choose staff member (default to logged on member), choose Project, Choose Task (optional), Enter number of hours and dates for this work, then tick if Billable (or Not Billable), staff's default rate $, and then enter some notes about the time you are logging.

> Example: Bob Smith, Project A, Task 1, 10:25 Hours (10.42), 20/08/2012 to 21/08/2012, Billable? Yes!, Rate: $120/hour, Notes: Long description about work done on task, including task particulars.

I'm sure this could be added to, we'd need to discuss and I'd need to understand exactly what you want before I would try to create it.


- Tasks - As mentioned above, Projects and Tasks showing on the invoice would mean that those Tasks in the project have been completed - yet the project may not be complete. Will these tasks to be locked so that they cannot be modified in any way (to cause an accounting nightmare) and their current progress % locked (rather than updated from xx% to 100%)?

Sending an invoice to a customer with Project Details listed @ $500, then sending another Invoice for the SAME poject @ $400 will show the same project details. So, having tasks displayed on the invoice with the project is quite important, especially for transparency in what has been billed (<s></s> and coloured green used on tasks that have been billed for example) and what hasn't been billed.

I'll agree that the invoicing feature needs some work. What exists is good enough for most. Tasks are locked against new time entries and can only be invoiced one though.


- Calendar - Can we view the ../admin/calendar.php to see when tasks are due and when projects are due, etc? (What has always bugged me with the Calendar is that events cannot span multiple days - e.g. from 1st to the 5th. You have to instead create 5 events for the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5th. (Perhaps a new and better Calendar? That already reads the internal Calendar data too).

I've noticed that the internal Task Manager allows you to use a Start and End date. However if you only enter a Start Date, and leave the End Date empty, it will assign 00/00/0000 to the date. Perhaps this is a way around what i've read in the first few pages about people wanting to make the Due Date optional (or at least default to the Start Date)...

Calendaring is a whole separate issue. WHMCS had made some improvements to the built in Calendar, I'm sure I can do something else with the calendar or create a module specific calendar or widget of sorts.


I am only half way through the topic, but will continue reading through after this message. Sorry if you have already answered some of my suggestions perhaps made by others. We're happy to pay to extend features if some already exist, but require some changes.


Thanks for your time. I look forward to your response and purchasing it soon plus sending a donation! :)

Thanks for the great post, it inspires me to start working on the module again. I just need more guidance. I'm good with PHP but suck at design and layouts. If you're able to do mockups of your ideas and put each request into my Development Tracker, I can start working on implementing new features and fixing / improving others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am pleased to announce the release of 1.5.1!

This is a free upgrade for anyone with a monthly license or an owned license with active support. New features include many many fixes for WHMCS 5.1.2 as well as the addition of Project Templates, Task Templates and Task Lists.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

It appears the security patch WHMCS released yesterday has broken this module. The reason is related to the database function select_query(). The first argument is the table name, as part of that I've included a LEFT JOIN like this:

select_query('table LEFT JOIN ....'


This is broken with the latest patch because it appears that all spaces are removed from the table name when the query is built. I'm working on a workaround to this issue and will release a fix ASAP.

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WHMCSPM2 v1.6.0 has been officially released to address issues with the latest WHMCS security patch and version 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 changes.


This version will work with all versions of WHMCS 5.1.x and 5.2.x. Please upgrade today and provide any feedback or feature requests here:



Report Bugs here:


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  • 4 weeks later...

Version 1.6.1 is in the works, it's going to add support for Pre-Paid Time.

If your customers buy Development or other types of Time from you in blocks, you can add time to any project for that customer in the format of HH:MM. This is held as a credit for that client and is not directly tied to any one project. As time entries are created, the time is subtracted from the credit. Once the credit is used up, the Client is billed at their normal rate as determined in the Task.


In order for any of this to work, you must have budgets enabled.


I'm always open to adding new features, please use the links in the previous post to suggest new features.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi :)


From what I've seen you're module has promise and a lot of people like it. My interest is piqued, and I have a couple of questions.


1.) I see screenshots from within the client area - does this mean that it can be offered as a service to my customers through their client area or is it just for the WHMCS owner (my company and staff)?


2.) What is the difference between your module and this one, offered as a core product by WHMCS HERE? http://www.whmcs.com/addons/project-management/


It looks like you've been supporting this module for a couple of years now and judging by the reaction time to breakeages due to changes in the core WHMCS product, you jump right on it and fix what's broken. Kudos to you!


Lemme know as I am interested okay?


Kindest regards,

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Hi :)


From what I've seen you're module has promise and a lot of people like it. My interest is piqued, and I have a couple of questions.


1.) I see screenshots from within the client area - does this mean that it can be offered as a service to my customers through their client area or is it just for the WHMCS owner (my company and staff)?


2.) What is the difference between your module and this one, offered as a core product by WHMCS HERE? http://www.whmcs.com/addons/project-management/


It looks like you've been supporting this module for a couple of years now and judging by the reaction time to breakeages due to changes in the core WHMCS product, you jump right on it and fix what's broken. Kudos to you!


Lemme know as I am interested okay?


Kindest regards,


1) Clients can view projects and tasks as well as upload files and potentially create projects and tasks.

2) My module was created before the WHMCS one. I've never used it so I can't really provide a comparison.



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This one more better then whmcs :) sorry whms.com


Thank you for that assessment @liz926 :) A little sparse, but nevertheless worhtwhile receiving.


Without looking at anything else, yours comes w/a 15 day trial, and if I like it, the price is reasonable, so there's certainly no harm in kicking the tires and taking it for a drive to make an informed decision. I just hope that I can trial the WHMCS in-house version too so I can make a decent comparison.


If anyone else has specific input as to the differences in feature set etc., it would be greatly appreciated. Some things that are important to us are:


  • Realtime time tracker - we like to set a timer and stop/start tasks as we work on them
  • Ability to share some/all/none of the details of projects with customers
  • Sub-task delegation to various project members and/or the customer
  • Some sort of conversion, inclusion method into invoices pertaining to projects


If anyone does have extra input to add regarding this module (Yes I have read the information about this module) I'm quite interested in knowing what you find most interesting and promising about adopting this module.


Kindest regards,

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  • 4 months later...

Ive noticed a bit of a weird error in our whmcs management cron when it runs each night saying it cant find


File /home/XXXXXX/public_html/includes/wrapper/whmcspm2.php does not exist or can not be read


im not sure where this file is being called from or why... any ideas?

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It didn't mention anything its just outputting it in the management cron process


also i updated to 1.6.3 and in the addons it still says its 1.6.2 if that has any bearing


i deactivated the module and the error went away...


ive also double checked incase i had an old file still in place from an older release but didnt find anything that wasnt over-written when we upgraded.

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Hi, I was going to open a ticket as well. Here is what I am seeing.


In WHMCS, if I go to Utilities --> Logs --> Activity Log here is what I see when the cron runs.


11/03/2013 03:42 Cron Job: WHMCSPM2 Cron Ran successfully

11/03/2013 03:42 WHMCSPM2 Module failed to load, the license is Invalid,



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