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[FIXED] System allows 2 character domains to be registered


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It lets me, but it says it's not available. That could just mean it's registered already instead of not being allowed. Do you know a link to somwhere it says it's not allowed any longer?


A better example:

zx.tv is available. This is a premium .TV domain name.

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I've just recently seen someone register a two letter domain (ma.tt) but it's because the TLD has no restrictions for characters [right now.]







And for your biz, the reason is because all two character domains are reserved--you need at least 3 chars.



Are there any specifications regulating which .biz domains can or cannot be registered?


Yes. ICANN has sanctioned that all single-character labels and two-character labels be initially reserved. Therefore registrants may not register domains with a single character (eg. http://www.b.biz) or two-character labels (eg. http://www.me.biz).


If anything, maybe Matt can see to adding an option to set a minimum amount of characters allowed field. That way when you add your own TLD, you have the option to set how many characters it can have. So let's say you're adding the .biz TLD, in the field for "minimum characters" you'd add 3. Thus anything with less than three gets an error from the checker, with a notice that they need 3 more characters.

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  • 2 weeks later...



May we suggest that there is an option under each tld to set the minimum length under each domain name? As of right now, we have (during 24 hours) received two separate orders from two separate customers on two-letter domain names which are to be considered premium domain names. The only solution is to refund their money and loose some transaction fees.


Please look into this.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

^^, please have this considered, either a per TLD set limits for minimum leght, or a Temp fix which could stop people from making request.


Also any .IN based domains are still reported available, this wastes a lot of time, explaining bugs to a buyer who thinks his domain is blocked by us after his request.


Registrars in both above cases is Directi.

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How is that "fixed" when it says that two character domain is invalid domain fro every TLD. Also if a client already have a two character domain and wan't to transfer it or just use it with our hosting it wouldn't be possible because WHMCS in that case also says that it's invalid domain... :)


So I don't think this is actually fixed, it's just turned into a different bug...

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  • 6 months later...

We modified the smarty script to not allow domains to be registered under 3 characters and I am in a sharing mood.


Add this to the domainchecker.tpl


{if $bulkdomainsearchenabled}<p align="center"><a href="domainchecker.php">{$LANG.domainsimplesearch}</a> | <a href="domainchecker.php?search=bulk">{$LANG.domainbulksearch}</a></p>{/if}


<form method="post" action="domainchecker.php">

<div class="contentbox" align="center">

www. <input type="text" name="domain" value="{$domain}" size="40"><br />
{foreach key=num item=listtld from=$tldslist}<td align="left"><input type="checkbox" name="tlds[]" value="{$listtld}"{if in_array($listtld,$tlds)} checked{/if}>{$listtld}</td>{if $num % 5 == 0}</tr><tr>{/if}{/foreach}
{if $inccode}<font color="#cc0000"><strong>{$LANG.imagecheck}</strong></font><br />{/if}
{if $capatacha}<img src="includes/verifyimage.php" align="middle"> <input type="text" name="code" size="10" maxlength="5">     {/if}<input type="submit" id="Submit" value="{$LANG.domainlookupbutton}">



<br />

{if $lookup}

{if $available}
<p align="center" class="domaincheckeravailable" style="font-size:18px;">{$LANG.domainavailable1} <strong>{$domain}{$ext}</strong> {$LANG.domainavailable2}</p>
{elseif $invalid}
<p align="center" class="domaincheckerunavailable" style="font-size:18px;">{$LANG.ordererrordomaininvalid}</p>
{elseif $error}
<p align="center" class="domaincheckerunavailable" style="font-size:18px;">{$LANG.domainerror}</p>
<p align="center" class="domaincheckerunavailable" style="font-size:18px;">{$LANG.domainunavailable1} <strong>{$domain}{$ext}</strong> {$LANG.domainunavailable2}</p>

{if !$invalid}

<form method="post" action="{if $systemsslurl}{$systemsslurl}/{/if}cart.php?a=add&domain=register">
<table class="clientareatable" cellspacing="1">
<tr class="clientareatableheading"><td width="20"></td><td>{$LANG.domainname}</td><td>{$LANG.domainstatus}</td><td>{$LANG.domainmoreinfo}</td></tr>
{foreach key=num item=result from=$availabilityresults}
<tr class="clientareatableactive"><td>{if $result.status eq "available"}<input type="checkbox" name="domains[]" value="{$result.domain}" {if $num eq "0" && $available}checked {/if}/><input type="hidden" name="domainsregperiod[{$result.domain}]" value="{$result.period}" />{else}X{/if}</td><td>{$result.domain}</td><td class="{if $result.status eq "available"}domaincheckeravailable{else}domaincheckerunavailable{/if}">{if $result.status eq "available"}{$LANG.domainavailable}{else}{$LANG.domainunavailable}{/if}</td><td>{if $result.status eq "unavailable"}<a href="http://{$result.domain}" target="_blank">WWW</a> <a href="#" onclick="window.open('whois.php?domain={$result.domain}','whois','width=500,height=400,scrollbars=yes');return false">WHOIS</a>{else}<select name="domainsregperiod[{$result.domain}]">{foreach key=num item=regoption from=$result.regoptions}<option value="{$regoption.period}">{$regoption.period} {$LANG.orderyears} @ {$currencysymbol}{$regoption.price} {$currency}</option>{/foreach}</select>{/if}</td></tr>
<p align="center"><input type="submit" value="{$LANG.ordernowbutton} >>" /></p>



<p align="center"><strong>{$LANG.domainspricing}</strong></p>

<table class="clientareatable" cellspacing="1">
<tr class="clientareatableheading"><td>{$LANG.domaintld}</td><td>{$LANG.domainminyears}</td><td>{$LANG.domainsregister}</td><td>{$LANG.domainstransfer}</td><td>{$LANG.domainsrenew}</td></tr>
{foreach key=num item=tldpricelist from=$tldpricelist}
<tr class="clientareatableactive"><td>{$tldpricelist.tld}</td><td>{$tldpricelist.period}</td><td>{if $tldpricelist.register}{$currencysymbol}{$tldpricelist.register} {$currency}{else}{$LANG.domainregnotavailable}{/if}</td><td>{if $tldpricelist.transfer}{$currencysymbol}{$tldpricelist.transfer} {$currency}{else}{$LANG.domainregnotavailable}{/if}</td><td>{$currencysymbol}{$tldpricelist.renew} {$currency}</td></tr>


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...but that again is not a solution for this issue, there are TLD's that allows 2 char domains to be registered and that have a lots of 2 char domains available, and I wan't that my clients are able to order such domains for such TLD's.


So the only real solution for this problem is that each TLD have a field with minimum characters allowed, so we can set it for each TLD.

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  • 2 months later...

We have to be able to set minimum characters for each TLD. That is the only solution for this.


It would be easy to implement by adding just one include file in which we can add any TLD that we need to overide default WHMCS setting...


For example...


$domainMinLen['com'] = 2

$domainMinLen['info'] = 3

$domainMinLen['ws'] = 4




This should be really easy to implement.



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