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I'm no longer taking WHMCS fixing things with hooks

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16 hours ago, UnwilfulExpenditure said:

From 1st of July WHMCS are giving all users premium support - In exchange for jacking up the prices so they may be more helpful then! 

is it ALL users, or only those on Business level tier and higher (e.g 500+ active clients) ?


Today, we are announcing changes to the price and tiers of licenses which includes the introduction of six new tiers for businesses with over 1,000 active customers.

Here is what is changing:
• The Starter license will no longer be available for purchase. If you currently have a Starter license, we will upgrade you to a Plus license on July 1, 2021. Once upgraded to Plus, your WHMCS installation will no longer display the Powered by WHMCS notice.
• The Plus license remains the same as today with a client limit of 250 and a monthly cost of $18.95.
• The Professional tier will now have a monthly cost of $29.95 and a client limit of 500.
• The first Business tier will have a client limit of up to 1,000 and be priced at $44.95. For those with more than 501 clients today, we will upgrade you to the appropriate Business tier on July 1, 2021.
All Business tier licenses include our Business License Support with Live Chat Technical Support and access to Priority Support.

my reading of that is that Plus & Professional tiers won't have access to the live chat - in fact, even the blog only says "more" customers will have access to it, but it doesn't say ALL.... and not those who don't get their licenses direct from WHMCS either (for whom I think the branded Starter is still a tier option)... so I suspect that's still going to be a sizeable percentage of the dwindling user base.

19 hours ago, hostnet said:

I'm on a client with previously fed project data.

then i'd be tempted to open phpmyadmin and ensure that the data is still in the relevant database tables (mod_project *) - if it's still there, then it's just a file issue within WHMCS.... if it's not there, then that's the time to (slightly) panic and think about restoring from a previous database save.

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1 minute ago, brian! said:

is it ALL users, or only those on Business level tier and higher (e.g 500+ active clients) ?

my reading of that is that Plus & Professional tiers won't have access to the live chat - in fact, even the blog only says "more" customers will have access to it, but it doesn't say ALL.... and not those who don't get their licenses direct from WHMCS either (for whom I think the branded Starter is still a tier option)... so I suspect that's still going to be a sizeable percentage of the dwindling user base.

Oh my sincere apologies! It's even more of a cash grab than I originally realised 😂 I must apologise to WHMCS! For months I've been accusing them of price gouging and only really offering sub-par premium support in exchange! 

So it's no different to before except a massive price hike? I should have realised that 😂 FFS 

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17 minutes ago, brian! said:

são TODOS os usuários ou apenas aqueles no nível de negócios e superior (por exemplo, mais de 500 clientes ativos)?

Minha leitura disso é que as camadas Plus e Professional não terão acesso ao chat ao vivo - na verdade, até mesmo o blog diz apenas "mais" clientes terão acesso a ele, mas não diz TODOS ... e não aqueles que não obtêm suas licenças direto do WHMCS também (para quem eu acho que o Starter de marca ainda é uma opção de camada) ... então eu suspeito que ainda será uma porcentagem considerável da base de usuários cada vez menor.

então ficaria tentado a abrir o phpmyadmin e garantir que os dados ainda estão nas tabelas de banco de dados relevantes (mod_project *) - se ainda estiverem lá, é apenas um problema de arquivo dentro do WHMCS ... se não estiver lá, então isso é o tempo para (ligeiramente) entrar em pânico e pensar em restaurar de um salvamento de banco de dados anterior.

I discovered something amazing and for everyone to know or have in use the paid module Project Management Premium so they don't make the same mistake we have now.

Usually third-party modules have an important function when disabling the module:

= Delete Module DB ( Tick this box to delete the module database on deactivating)

It happened that the PREMIUM module of whmcs does not have this function, in other words, if this is disabled, it gets lost, it removes all the data from the Database. if a client has projects completed in 10 years, all that is rubbish now.

or do we have to get 10 year backup to restore?
everyday things amaze me on whmcs.

I contacted support, if this had been given me a hook to remove the link, nothing would have happened.

SYSADM turned off the server module deactivating, believing it would have resolved by turning it back on. (It's not the server's sysadm's fault) he doesn't use the module and would never imagine that this would be remedial.

Now I must look for 10-year backups to recover data. this is annoying every day in experiments with whmcs.

the whmcs development doesn't take the main cares with their productions.
imagine that disabling the module removes the entire database?
where is the programmer who should verify that a third-party addon is more viable for anything.

so it causes problems as we have to buy a lot of third-party modules to solve things that should already be by default.

whmcs removed generate temporary passwords for the client. so let's buy modules, whmcs remove this, remove that.

not to mention that the order of uploading files to the client is never in the order in date. it's a mess for the customer to try to find the last file attached to their dashboard.

simple things cause us immense inconvenience.



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37 minutes ago, hostnet said:

It happened that the PREMIUM module of whmcs does not have this function, in other words, if this is disabled, it gets lost, it removes all the data from the Database. if a client has projects completed in 10 years, all that is rubbish now.

this is true. headshake.gif

38 minutes ago, hostnet said:

SYSADM turned off the server module deactivating, believing it would have resolved by turning it back on. (It's not the server's sysadm's fault) he doesn't use the module and would never imagine that this would be remedial.

on this, I think ignorance is no defence - if they didn't *know* what would happen, they shouldn't have deactivated the module.

39 minutes ago, hostnet said:

Now I must look for 10-year backups to recover data. this is annoying every day in experiments with whmcs.

there is an option to backup the database as part of the cron - you should have been using it, or an alternate option, daily.


I would suggest checking with the sysadmin whether there is a recent db backup available.

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7 minutes ago, brian! said:

isto é verdade. headshake.gif

sobre isso, acho que ignorância não é defesa - se eles não * soubessem * o que aconteceria, não deveriam ter desativado o módulo.

existe uma opção para fazer backup do banco de dados como parte do cron - você deveria estar usando-o, ou uma opção alternativa, diariamente.


Eu sugeriria verificar com o administrador do sistema se há um backup recente do banco de dados disponível.

Yes, there is recent backup, but project backups from years ago that worries us.

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my observation that no server administrator is required to know in depth functions of whmcs, many do not use and do not waste time with whmcs..

so they disable it as they do with Mod_Security when there is a problem. they don't know the modsecurity coding and just in order to solve some conflict and rules it generates such as locks etc.

therefore the server administrator, inform that WHMCS has to position function to: Do not remove database, when disabled and many addons do this.

I don't play that admins are to blame, but WHMCS for the flawed corel that has always been

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What a terrible oversight on that module! I hope you get sorted - We never liked the PM module and use 3rd party software - Something we did more and more of over the years sadly! We're now bringing them into our sites now we're using different software! Only one installation of whmcs left now - Even with the owned PM module, we wouldn't use it, it was poorly planned at launch! The best version was one someone...... erm..... borrowed and improved and I did consider buying that! The live chat was also an absolute joke, oh and the mobile apps..... (new one looks promising - but again they stripped the old owned licenses away for apps) 

There are much better options from 3rd parties is my point, I guess..... but you shouldn't have to spend yet more money for a working product! 

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8 minutes ago, UnwilfulExpenditure said:

Que omissão terrível nesse módulo! Espero que você se classifique - Nunca gostamos do módulo PM e usamos software de terceiros - algo que fizemos cada vez mais ao longo dos anos, infelizmente! Agora estamos trazendo-os para nossos sites, agora estamos usando um software diferente! Só falta uma instalação de whmcs agora - Mesmo com o módulo PM próprio, não o usaríamos, ele foi mal planejado no lançamento! A melhor versão foi aquela que alguém ...... erm ..... emprestou e melhorou e eu considerei comprar isso! O chat ao vivo também foi uma piada absoluta, ah, e os aplicativos móveis ... (o novo parece promissor - mas, novamente, eles retiraram as licenças antigas dos aplicativos). 

Há opções muito melhores de terceiros, é o que quero dizer, eu adivinhe ..... mas você não deveria ter que gastar ainda mais dinheiro para um produto funcional! 

This is exactly the problem. you pay for a PREMIUM module to make your life easier, and you have basic concepts, visuals, and everyday problems.

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2 minutes ago, hostnet said:

This is exactly the problem. you pay for a PREMIUM module to make your life easier, and you have basic concepts, visuals, and everyday problems.

It looked AWFUL 😂 When I first saw it - I imagined a customer seeing it and just demanding a refund and removed it. It was truly the most awful thing ever! Litterally looks like they spent an hour making it and they were all too busy with the positive reinforcement nonsense to break the news too each other it belonged in a bin,  along with whoever "developed" it. I wouldn't be angry at a North Korea style 3-generation punishment in this case if I'm being totally honest. 

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2 hours ago, steven99 said:

@steven99 The recent backup should have those old projects also.   The database backups are the whole database and not just recent changes.  

whmcs itself disabled all modules to test core issues. then it will never be the same friendly bank!

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16 hours ago, hostnet said:

Yes, there is recent backup, but project backups from years ago that worries us.

as steven99 says, it's a backup of the whole database - I wouldn't suggest restoring the whole database though unless you're entire site has been down during this process... just restoring the project management tables should be enough for your needs I think.

16 hours ago, hostnet said:

my observation that no server administrator is required to know in depth functions of whmcs, many do not use and do not waste time with whmcs..

and my point is that they should then either leave it to someone who does, or they take steps to be able to undo anything they do.

16 hours ago, hostnet said:

I don't play that admins are to blame, but WHMCS for the flawed corel that has always been

oh don't get me wrong, the biggest fault lies with WHMCS by far for their poorly coded software - i'm just saying that the sys admin bears some, but not all, of the responsibility for partially trashing the install.

16 hours ago, UnwilfulExpenditure said:

It looked AWFUL 😂 When I first saw it - I imagined a customer seeing it and just demanding a refund and removed it. It was truly the most awful thing ever! Literally looks like they spent an hour making it and they were all too busy with the positive reinforcement nonsense to break the news too each other it belonged in a bin,  along with whoever "developed" it.

this was before your time, but there was a 3-4 year gap where there were absolutely no updates to PM at all.... then there were a few minor updates and then I think a gap of another couple of years with nothing... frankly, what you see in PM will not be far from how it looked on day 1 (which I think was even before my time).

i'm with you - if it was free, I wouldn't use it.

10 hours ago, hostnet said:

whmcs itself disabled all modules to test core issues. then it will never be the same friendly bank!

well if it was WHMCS themselves who disabled the PM addon rather than your system admin, then that is truly embarrassing... and i'd be making a complaint (not that it would do any good).

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Good in my point of view, since our subscription was purchased on April 4, 2014. Please note that our experience with whmcs will always be our point of view that no software is as good to be cheap enough as whmcs. however, not paying attention since 2014 to a simple system of its own design is the accumulation of systems.
They recovered the current bank, leaving another previous bank. okay! let's do it for us.

the system looks horrible.


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1 hour ago, brian! said:

i'm with you - if it was free, I wouldn't use it.

Yeah - If I were a decision maker over at WHMCS HQ (I'd have bigger problems than PM but for the sake of argument) I would suspend sales immediately of PM and all other "value addons" and get the core issues sorted! Or even offer it as half price for half finished. No doubt those addons are about to be monthly licensed anyways when the dust settles! PM 2.0 with 1.0 being "No longer supported" or just a straight up whmcs cash grab like the core service and it's owned licenses, the apps 🙂 

Maybe they're awful by design, to upsell us a new dream - Who knows! 😛 


1 hour ago, hostnet said:

 Please note that our experience with whmcs will always be our point of view that no software is as good to be cheap enough as whmcs.

I disagree, But it does depend upon your needs - There are multiple alternatives. 🙂 


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