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I'm no longer taking WHMCS fixing things with hooks

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I'm simply trying to fix something that in my view would be based on functions that should already exist in anything from whmcs.

Note that the project_management module when installing, automatically creates a link in the client menu. OK no problems.
however for themes that use their own Menu management, the automatically created link gets in the way at all.

then whmcs support tells us that we should create hooks. in other words, everything is gained and there is simply no option to: Create or Hide the menu link.

following the whmcs manual to create hooks, which is a simple file. I now have problems accessing project_management.

this is ilary.

whmcs have simple things that could be done, but unfortunately everything has to be turned over with hooks so the trouble and inconvenience begins.


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3 hours ago, bear said:

Are all the files uploaded, especially the one it's complaining about?

yes, all loaded, this worked before.
whmcs support advised to create a hook to remove the menu that the addon automatically creates.

when creating the hook, now the system does not load, even with the hook removed and template_c cleared and re cached.

awesome this guy!


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15 hours ago, hostnet said:

I'm simply trying to fix something that in my view would be based on functions that should already exist in anything from whmcs.

welcome to my last 8+ years! 😒

15 hours ago, hostnet said:

Note that the project_management module when installing, automatically creates a link in the client menu. OK no problems.
however for themes that use their own Menu management, the automatically created link gets in the way at all.

i've seen it get in the way within Six too, though not so much with regards to 21.

15 hours ago, hostnet said:

then whmcs support tells us that we should create hooks.

Support only have 5 default copy&paste answers (in no particular order)... ?

  1. the feature is working as expected.
  2. submit a feature request.
  3. write a hook.
  4. contact a developer.
  5. oh that's a bug.... but sadly I can't give you a date (aka ETA) (even roughly) as to if/when the issue will be fixed.

failing that, i've seen them come to these forums and go searching for answers... oh boy! 🙄

btw - they couldn't have created the hook for you ? it's basically one IF statement FFS. 🤑

15 hours ago, hostnet said:

in other words, everything is gained and there is simply no option to: Create or Hide the menu link.

from settings, I think the only way would be to disable access to the client area - but then clients can't access their projects.


15 hours ago, hostnet said:

following the whmcs manual to create hooks, which is a simple file. I now have problems accessing project_management.

well I wouldn't work from their sample hooks as a starting point... I did that back in 2015 when Six got launched, and soon found that some/most of the sidebar/navbar hooks were buggy at best and taught myself how to write them  so they work.

it would have been useful to see the hook code, but I would have thought it should be as simple as....


use WHMCS\View\Menu\Item as MenuItem;

add_hook('ClientAreaPrimaryNavbar', 1, function (MenuItem $primaryNavbar) {

	if (!is_null($primaryNavbar->getChild('pm-addon-overview'))) {

that shouldn't cause any errors....

the alternative non-hook option would just be to hide the PM navbar link using CSS in a custom.css file - that would work in Six/21 and, looking at your site, probably your custom theme too... though in your case, I don't think your theme uses a custom.css file, so you may have to add the CSS to the relevant CSS file for your theme. 🙂

#Primary_Navbar-pm-addon-overview {display: none !important;}

either solution should solve your issue without crashing PM. 😎

Edited by brian!
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2 hours ago, brian! said:

bem-vindo aos meus últimos 8 anos ou mais! 😒

Também vi isso atrapalhar o Seis, embora não tanto em relação ao 21.

O suporte tem apenas 5 respostas padrão de copiar e colar (sem uma ordem específica) ...?

  1. o recurso está funcionando conforme o esperado.
  2. enviar uma solicitação de recurso.
  3. escreva um gancho.
  4. entre em contato com um desenvolvedor.
  5. ah, isso é um bug ... mas, infelizmente, não posso dar uma data (também conhecido como ETA) (mesmo que aproximadamente) se / quando o problema será corrigido.

na falta disso, eu os vi entrar nesses fóruns e procurar respostas ... ah, cara! 🙄

btw - eles não poderiam ter criado o gancho para você? é basicamente uma instrução IF FFS. 🤑

nas configurações, acho que a única maneira seria desabilitar o acesso à área do cliente - mas os clientes não podem acessar seus projetos.


bem, eu não trabalharia com os ganchos de amostra deles como ponto de partida ... Fiz isso em 2015, quando o Six foi lançado, e logo descobri que alguns / a maioria dos ganchos da barra lateral / navbar tinham erros na melhor das hipóteses e aprendi sozinho a escreva-os para que funcionem.

teria sido útil ver o código do gancho, mas pensei que deveria ser tão simples quanto ....



isso não deve causar nenhum erro ...

a opção alternativa sem gancho seria apenas ocultar o link PM navbar usando CSS em um arquivo custom.css - isso funcionaria no Six / 21 e, olhando para o seu site, provavelmente seu tema personalizado também ... embora no seu caso , Não acho que seu tema usa um arquivo custom.css, então você pode ter que adicionar o CSS ao arquivo CSS relevante para o seu tema. 🙂

qualquer solução deve resolver seu problema sem travar o PM. 😎

I'm going to try these features that you have shown me, since I created a hook and now incredibly the module doesn't work anymore ..

sad and angry about it.
everything is hook, everything is hook, everything is hook, everything is hook... 

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15 minutes ago, hostnet said:

I'm going to try these features that you have shown me, since I created a hook and now incredibly the module doesn't work anymore ..

sad and angry about it.
everything is hook, everything is hook, everything is hook, everything is hook... 

The system is incredibly not back now.
there is no hook anymore, and we clear the template_c folder cache.

Supporting whmcs is hard. We have projects in progress and clients follow up by contract, making it impossible for the client to deactivate.

now the module doesn't work at all.
this is unfortunate!


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13 minutes ago, brian! said:

it might be related to cloudflare and it showing you an older copy of the site before the hook was removed.


Very important your observation now.
we have cleared all cloudflare caches for all chains, custom and server wide.

we still have the same problem.
presumably some function was corrupted and the system no longer returns.

sad about it!
we have clients for monday to follow projects

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16 minutes ago, hostnet said:

presumably some function was corrupted and the system no longer returns.

normally a hook shouldn't corrupt anything - certainly if it was just a navbar hook, it won't have.

the problem here is that I don't know what you did in that hook or anything else... if you have created a hook and then deleted it, it shouldn't be having any effect on the site now (unless some cacheing is occurring somewhere).

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15 minutes ago, brian! said:

normalmente um gancho não deve corromper nada - certamente se fosse apenas um gancho navbar, não o teria.

o problema aqui é que eu não sei o que você fez naquele gancho ou qualquer outra coisa ... se você criou um gancho e o excluiu, ele não deve estar tendo nenhum efeito no site agora (a menos que algum cache seja ocorrendo em algum lugar).

I also believe that this shouldn't cause any damage, even removing the hook should return everything to normal. but nothing happens now.

in developer mode from cloudfalre which uses the server network, we have the same problem.

see the hooks created.
First clear hook - no action with effect
Second dark hook - fixed the menu



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25 minutes ago, hostnet said:

in developer mode from cloudfalre which uses the server network, we have the same problem.

I don't believe either hook would cause the PM to crash - there must be something else at play.... did you make any other changes to any other files ??

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2 minutes ago, brian! said:

Eu não acredito que qualquer um dos ganchos faria com que o PM travasse - deve haver algo mais em jogo ... você fez alguma outra alteração em algum outro arquivo ??

Nothing, I just played the cangho and it all started!

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this hassle has all been caused by Support not writing a one-line hook for you. 🙄


make sure the clientarea.php file is present within the addon...


if it's not there, or it's corrupt, then you might need to reupload it from a zip file of the installed WHMCS version, or restore from a backup of the files (not the database) from before you installed the first hook.

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4 minutes ago, brian! said:

todo esse aborrecimento foi causado pelo fato de o Suporte não ter escrito um gancho de uma linha para você. 🙄


certifique-se de que o arquivo clientarea.php esteja presente no addon ...

/ modules / addons / project_management

se não estiver lá, ou se estiver corrompido, talvez seja necessário recarregá-lo de um arquivo zip da versão WHMCS instalada ou restaurar de um backup dos arquivos (não do banco de dados) antes de instalar o primeiro gancho.

believe me, i reloaded all the files. and nothing works. this is making me very angry

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1 minute ago, brian! said:

está funcionando agora? não estou mais vendo uma página oops ...

believe me, the clientarea.php file was not in the folder. I uploaded the file and now opens the page in the module.

another problem now.
all data from the project database is gone.
there is no longer any project!

whmcs is amazing...



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Just now, hostnet said:

there is no longer any project!

are you looking at a client who has existing projects ?

the projects themselves will be stored in the database, so as long as the database hasn't been corrupted, I wouldn't panic yet.

1 minute ago, hostnet said:

how is a page automatically removed????

not by any of the above hooks.

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12 minutes ago, brian! said:

você está olhando para um cliente que tem projetos existentes?

os próprios projetos serão armazenados no banco de dados, então, desde que o banco de dados não tenha sido corrompido, eu não entraria em pânico ainda.

não por qualquer um dos ganchos acima.

I'm on a client with previously fed project data. still surprised by all this.
removed file
data not presented
errors when creating a simple hook!

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11 minutes ago, UnwilfulExpenditure said:

Ainda não é 1º de julho - Nem todo mundo tem suporte * PREMIUM * 😂  Eu, pelo menos, mal posso esperar para ter todas as minhas necessidades atendidas no chat ao vivo 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana! 😝

I don't understand friend what you want to help here with this!

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7 minutes ago, UnwilfulExpenditure said:

A partir de 1º de julho, a WHMCS está oferecendo suporte premium a todos os usuários - Em troca de aumentar os preços para que eles possam ser mais úteis! 

charge to be useful, that's the end of the world.
the platform should already be close to any other since we pay monthly, every time we have bug updates.

I can't wait to test clientexec 7.0

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5 hours ago, hostnet said:

charge to be useful, that's the end of the world.
the platform should already be close to any other since we pay monthly, every time we have bug updates.

I can't wait to test clientexec 7.0

I did actually like CE when I had a play! I opted for blesta to replace everything though myself! Best of luck with whatever you decide! 

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