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Tips for connecting to GSuite for sending mail

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We know a number of people like to use Google Suite, we also know that sometimes you may have problems configuring it correctly.

The following is a known good configuration:

mail method --> SMTP
PORT 465
host: smtp.gmail.com
Type: SSL

Thanks to @garybarr for also letting us know G Suite App Passwords can be used when you run into Authentication issues, the full steps for creating an app password are located on the G Suite Support Site.


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  • 6 months later...

Here are what google  send us by email...

Starting February 15, 2021, G Suite accounts will only allow access to apps using OAuth. Password-based access will no longer be supported.
Dear Administrator,
We’re constantly working to improve the security of your organization’s Google accounts. As part of this effort, and in consideration of the current threat landscape, we’ll be turning off access to less secure apps (LSA) — non-Google apps that can access your Google account with only a username and password, without requiring any additional verification steps. Access through only a username and password makes your account more vulnerable to hijacking attempts. Moving forward, only apps that support a more modern and secure access method called OAuth will be able to access your G Suite account.
Access to LSAs will be turned off in two stages:
1.    June 15, 2020 - Users who try to connect to an LSA for the first time will no longer be able to do so. This includes third-party apps that allow password-only access to Google calendars, contacts, and email via protocols such as CalDAV, CardDAV and IMAP. Users who have connected to LSAs prior to this date will be able to continue using them until usage of all LSAs is turned off.
2.    February 15, 2021 - Access to LSAs will be turned off for all G Suite accounts.
What do I need to do?
To continue using a specific app with your G Suite accounts, users in your organization must switch to a more secure type of access called OAuth. This connection method allows apps to access accounts with a digital key instead of requiring a user to reveal their username and password. We recommend that you share the user instructions (included below) with individuals in your organization to help them make the necessary changes. Alternatively, if your organization is using custom tools, you can ask the developer of the tool to update it to use OAuth. Developer instructions are also included below.

MDM configuration
If your organization uses a mobile device management (MDM) provider to configure CalDAV, CardDAV, and Exchange ActiveSync (Google Sync) profiles, these services will be phased out according to the timeline below:
1.    June 15, 2020 - MDM push of IMAP, CalDAV, CardDAV, and Exchange ActiveSync (Google Sync) will no longer work for new users.
2.    February 15, 2021 - MDM push of IMAP, CalDAV, CardDAV, and Exchange ActiveSync (Google Sync) will no longer work for existing users. Admins will need to push a Google Account using their MDM provider, which will re-add their Google accounts to iOS devices using OAuth.
Other less secure apps
    For any other LSA, ask the developer of the app you are using to start supporting OAuth.
•    If you use other apps on iOS or MacOS that access your G Suite account information through only a password, most access issues can be resolved by removing then re-adding your account. When you add it back, make sure to select Google as the account type to automatically use OAuth.
Scanners and other devices
No change is required for scanners or other devices using simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) or LSAs to send emails. If you replace your device, look for one that sends email using OAuth.
User instructions
If you are using an app that accesses your Google account with only a username and password, take one of the following actions to switch to a more secure method and continue to access your email, calendar, or contacts. If you do not take one of the following actions, when LSA access is discontinued after February 15, 2021, you will begin receiving an error message that your username-password combination is incorrect.
•    If you are using stand-alone Outlook 2016 or earlier, move to Office 365 (a web-based version of Outlook) or Outlook 2019, both of which support OAuth access. Alternatively you can use G Suite Sync for Microsoft Outlook.
•    If you are using Thunderbird or another email client, re-add your Google Account and configure it to use IMAP with OAuth.
•    If you are using the mail app on iOS or MacOS, or Outlook for Mac, and use only a password to login, you’ll need to remove and re-add your account. When you add it back, select “sign in with Google” to automatically use OAuth.

Edited by zitu4life
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Hi All,

Although I have no concrete information at this time, we are aware of this as Microsoft are doing the same for Office365 and a feature request exists for this https://requests.whmcs.com/topic/additional-authentication-options-for-pop3-exchange-online I will tag this thread to provide more information as we get more details for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/18/2019 at 12:47 AM, WHMCS ChrisD said:

Hi All,

Although I have no concrete information at this time, we are aware of this as Microsoft are doing the same for Office365 and a feature request exists for this https://requests.whmcs.com/topic/additional-authentication-options-for-pop3-exchange-online I will tag this thread to provide more information as we get more details for you.



This is necessary and it's a bit urgent, because since june, nobody will establish new SMTP connections to G Suite, and we need time to test the updates, etc.

King regards,

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, here we go... After countless hours of scouring the Interwebs for a solution... my next step is to ask for help here.

Email Sending Failed - SMTP connect() failed. https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/wiki/Troubleshooting (Subject: Confirm Your Registration)

This is the error I continue to get after setting WHMCS to use my GSuite mail account (with the settings found here) and sending a validation email to a test account.  At this point, the search for a solution seems endless and so far fruitless.
I have not surrendered hope.

Any thoughts?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Anyone else having issues with using their GSUITE (workspace) for the mail provider? The instructions are straight forward setting up the OAuth ID & Secret etc.. , but when I click the test configuration button, it never connects and just sits their with the spinning wheel.  (see image).  



Edited by nwd
Added error screenshot
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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...
On 6/7/2023 at 4:05 PM, erickjohne said:

I'm having the same issues, i've done all steps showed in this topic, 


On 5/16/2022 at 5:13 AM, MichaelSl said:

I cannot seem to fix this issue. I have tried everything and all ports have been checked and they all are open by the hosting provider. I was able to connect to local SMTP but could not connect to office365 or gmail smtp.




Dear friends, I got this loader error a few months ago while making whmcs smtp settings, I talked to the whmcs support team many times, they gave me answers stating that it was caused by our nonsense theme, as they could not find the error in any way.


Actually, the source of the problem was much simpler, it was the Admin language file. Change the admin language file to English and clean the browser and the problem should be solved. If the language file is in English, choose a different language, the source of the problem is the language file 🙂

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