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Domain Sync Cron Not running


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Hi All,


Just wondering if anyone has experienced any issue running their domain sync cron at all? All we seem to get is a cron starting but not actually going anywhere. Cron Starts, that's it.


We have checked the API details with each of our reseller and they all connect correctly, and return information such as the EPP code.


We have even changed all domains to Registrar: None, bar a couple, (tried different resellers) run the cron... it starts, but doesn't seem to finish. We have also checked that the server IP is correct and authorised with all resellers all ok there.


We have moved the cron directory, updated the config.php file, and the .htaccess file accordingly... the daily cron runs perfectly too.


Anyone else had any luck or experienced this at all? Thanks all for your effort :)



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OK I have just run the debug mode as I came across in another thread and I get this message


Fatal error: Call to undefined function getregistrarconfigoptions() in path/to/whmcs/domainsync.php on line 0


Does this mean anything to anybody :)



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Yeah I can confirm since updating to V6 the Domain Sync cron job does not work. It comes up in the logs as starting but that's about it. I added a new domain to a client account today and it did not update the expiry date. My daily cron seems to run fine too, but not domainsync. I might try reverting back to the previous version of domainsync and see if that works.




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I was just looking if anyone else is experiencing similar issue. I'm just getting information that domain sync has started but nothing is getting synchronised and I'm sure that even REGISTRAR_Sync function is not being runned since I have custom open source code module where I placed simple file_put_contents function to generate any file when this function will be runned.



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Having the same issue also.



Yeah I can confirm since updating to V6 the Domain Sync cron job does not work. It comes up in the logs as starting but that's about it. I added a new domain to a client account today and it did not update the expiry date. My daily cron seems to run fine too, but not domainsync. I might try reverting back to the previous version of domainsync and see if that works.





Has this worked? I am curious as to whether uploading the last version's domainsync cron would be effective.

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Same here.

I submitted a support ticket for this a couple of minutes ago.


Bad idea to upgrade so soon after the release.

I usually wait a month or two.


Makes you wonder what else is not working...


Lesson learned.

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Having the same issue also.





Has this worked? I am curious as to whether uploading the last version's domainsync cron would be effective.


In short no it did not work. I still got the same error as reported with the newest version i.e.


Fatal error: Call to undefined function getregistrarconfigoptions() in path/to/whmcs/domainsync.php on line 0


I have since reverted to my previous version of WHMCS as there were other equally annoying issues e.g. single signon using IP and not URL (this error has been reported in another post on this forum) plus others to do with the new Six template. In summary I'll wait for the dust to settle and these issues to resolve before upgrading again.



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The cron jobs have been moved to /crons folder - the doaminsync.php file is in the cron folder.


If you check WHMCS documentation the cron jobs have been chenged, and the path for those cron jobs is now pointing to the crons folder like so:


php -q /path/to/home/public_html/whmcspath/crons/domainsync.php


If you look in under your Automation Settings TAB - you will notice the cron job paths have changed....double check your cron jobs to match, and go to the following URL to check your domain sync cron jobs path:




Hope this might help

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The cron jobs have been moved to /crons folder - the doaminsync.php file is in the cron folder.


If you check WHMCS documentation the cron jobs have been chenged, and the path for those cron jobs is now pointing to the crons folder like so:


That might be correct but as per WHMCS further security updates:


For additional security the /crons directory can be moved outside the publicly accessible directory


I am sure myself and others have performed this additional security update and moved the /crons directory.


Leaving the domainsync.php in a accessible directory is open to explotation as per other forum notices.

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The cron jobs have been moved to /crons folder - the doaminsync.php file is in the cron folder.


If you check WHMCS documentation the cron jobs have been chenged, and the path for those cron jobs is now pointing to the crons folder like so:


php -q /path/to/home/public_html/whmcspath/crons/domainsync.php


If you look in under your Automation Settings TAB - you will notice the cron job paths have changed....double check your cron jobs to match, and go to the following URL to check your domain sync cron jobs path:




Hope this might help



Yes, we're aware, this is why the logs show that the cron started. The domainsync.php itself isn't working.

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I'm also wondering about one more thing. I have in General Settings -> Domains set Number of Days to Set Due Date in Advance of Expiry to "1" so Next due date was always set -1 compared to Expiry date and it was working fine in WHMCS v5. In last few days I've noticed that new domain registrations next due date is equal to domain expiration date. Can someone confirm this too? Maybe this date is being set by domain sync cron job but I was almost sure that this was for new registrations set by WHMCS but maybe I was wrong.

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My issue also has been fixed by patched domainsync.php file.


I would like to ask some of you which use "Advance of Expiry" next to "Set Due Date" in General Settings -> Domains if it works correctly. In WHMCS 5.x I had this param set to "1" and all domains next due date was equal to domain expiry date - 1 day. In WHMCS 6.0 I had to set Advance of Expiry to "2" to make new domain registrations have next due date set to -1 when compared to domain expiry date.

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