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when 5.2.3?


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When we could expect 5.2.3 release?

Lucky who using dev version and not upgrading core system, but lot of us abandon testing new release version as our reports are without response.

I don't mind to get new release every few days if there will be progress on it, even 5.2.30 if it is necessary.

I'm asking for 5.2.3 because since 5.0 only acceptable as stable was 5.x.3, everything before was like 5.x.1 alpha, 5.x.2 beta

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A few people told me that when talking to the staff via tickets they were told it it should have been Monday 25th.


Of course this is just hear say.


The first time I asked for an status update I was told that 5.2.3 would be released on the 19th of March. After some time passed and that was obviously nonsense I requested another status update. To my dismay all I received was a copy past reply of the first response with the dates changed.


First, I would like to apologize for the delay in processing your WHMCS Upgrade Service request. This is solely because we want to ensure your upgrade goes as smoothly as possible and avoid the need for multiple upgrades.


In the initial days following the release of V5.2.1, as with all new releases, we've had some common issues reported that we are working on fixing. Therefore if you will agree, we would like to hold your upgrade until after the release of WHMCS V5.2.3.


WHMCS Version 5.2.3 is scheduled for release on Monday, March 19th, and our Upgrade Specialists will begin processing upgrades again at that time. *Please note* that this does not indicate that your specific upgrade will be started at this time, as all upgrades will continue to be performed in the order in which they are received. Our Upgrade Service has received a large volume of requests since the new release, and this may cause a longer than normal wait once we have resumed this service.


We do understand how frustrating this can be, and we do apologize for any inconveniences this may cause, though again, please note, this is solely to ensure that you have a reliable and excellent customer experience, and we do hope you understand, and remain patient with this process.


For all the latest news and information about our releases, please visit our blog @ http://blog.whmcs.com/


Thank you for your understanding,


Matt Pugh



First, I would like to apologize for the delay in processing your WHMCS Upgrade Service request. This is solely because we want to ensure your upgrade goes as smoothly as possible and avoid the need for multiple upgrades.


In the initial days following the release of V5.2.1, as with all new releases, we've had some common issues reported that we are working on fixing. Therefore if you will agree, we would like to hold your upgrade until after the release of WHMCS V5.2.3.


WHMCS Version 5.2.3 is scheduled for release on Monday, March 25th, and our Upgrade Specialists will begin processing upgrades again at that time. *Please note* that this does not indicate that your specific upgrade will be started at this time, as all upgrades will continue to be performed in the order in which they are received. Our Upgrade Service has received a large volume of requests since the new release, and this may cause a longer than normal wait once we have resumed this service.


We do understand how frustrating this can be, and we do apologize for any inconveniences this may cause, though again, please note, this is solely to ensure that you have a reliable and excellent customer experience, and we do hope you understand, and remain patient with this process.


For all the latest news and information about our releases, please visit our blog @ http://blog.whmcs.com/


Thank you for your understanding,


Matt Pugh




Currently I have to manually mark Paypal payments as paid and our exchange rates have not updated in weeks. I would like to see at least some kind of progress being made and a more professional response.

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It is a fine line here I would suggest. Everyone is desperate for an immediate version update to roll together all the current post-release patches into a coherent stable system... however on the other hand, everyone is saying, that WHMCS team need to do better testing before making releases, so that bugs are removed before going live....


And therein lies the dilemma for Matt and crew... release to keep the masses happy without proper testing... and possibly make it worse.... or keep everyone waiting longer and longer for the next version until they are screaming... but release something proper and tested this time.


Not saying this is what is happening right now... but I can see it would be easy to see that WHMCS (and therefore their customers eg us) lose out whichever route they take.... in other words: you can never please all the people all of the time.


Maybe we should all ask ourselves this question: Which would we prefer... a rushed composite that is called v5.2.3 that might have more new bugs than it fixes... or wait in this current mess for longer, but get something more coherent for our patience?


There are probably good arguments on both sides since it is already a mess... but I'm pretty sure ultimately we want better tested releases that get more stable even if they take more time. Just difficult to wait for that when it is currently broken right now... and we want it fixed yesterday!

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I must say that I have a hard time understanding the new (since about a year) policy of having regular updates to WHMCS in any case. That makes sense if there are software developments that really require WHMCS to be updated (e.g. a new version of PHP), but I otherwise see nothing but additional work and trouble for anyone using WHMCS if there are frequent updates. In my opinion it would be much better if additional modules, or updated modules (only) would be developed, and if we would not have to do these major upgrades more than every one or two years. I see only disadvantages here, additional irritations and instability. And for billing software that's the last thing we like to see.



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Just do what I do for every release and use a compare tool to compare the differences in the templates. I don't know what the Mac equivalent would be but I use http://winmerge.org on Windows.


I think after the number of times I've seen that suggestion (and made it myself) I have to ask -- why is that something *we* have to do?

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Because I wouldn't trust any system, WHMCS or otherwise, to merge my changes into changed template files. vBulletin tried it and every release broke my layout as the changes were merged incorrectly by the script.


It doesn't take that long to be honest and by doing it manually at least you know it's right...

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Odd question. Why wouldn't you want to?


Template changes are listed here:



Because keeping track of changes made by WHMCS would be a basic part of a changelog. If they were doing it correctly, the changes would be listed and we wouldn't have any surprises, yet, this keeps coming up. "Template XXX was changed, but not listed in the release notes"....


Nevermind with all the patches seemingly released with each version (or handed out piecemeal via tickets) knowing what version and patch level any given installation is at would greatly simplify troubleshooting. If you have a 5.2.2 install, you likely applied a few patches. Was there any indication in the admin panel what patches were applied? No. If you had more problems and opened a ticket you had to keep a log of what patches you applied and track them manually.


One would think, with all this work being done (ideally) by every WHMCS admin, Matt and crew would come up with a way to version and track the various files, modules, and templates, not only for "current version" status, but for upgrades, and troubleshooting as well.


Hence... Why do *we* have to do it?

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