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Where's My/Your/Our Credit?


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Jesus, what people will do for money these days.


Right, let's get it straight. The comprimising of credit cards was not Matt nor WHMCS's fault.

If you were to blame anyone, it would be the group that gained access to their account.


Why should Matt give you free credit because of something caused by other people?


That's like saying you wanted a free ticket because a crowd got wild at a concert and ruined it for you. Makes no sense huh?


Seriously though, by the time it takes you to vent your anger here and try and get your free credit, your new card will be here and everything will be sorted, oh and you still won't get your free credit.


Grow up mate.

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Wow 6 - 8 weeks for a new credit card. I have ever heard of it taking more than 2 weeks at the outside and 90% of banks will do it in under 5 days.


Credit - Have you ever actually sat down and figured out the credit. If they were to give you 5 days credit your looking at $3.05 for the monthly and $3.56 for the yearly licenses.


Not even worth the credit card transaction fee.

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Wow 6 - 8 weeks for a new credit card. I have ever heard of it taking more than 2 weeks at the outside and 90% of banks will do it in under 5 days.


Credit - Have you ever actually sat down and figured out the credit. If they were to give you 5 days credit your looking at $3.05 for the monthly and $3.56 for the yearly licenses.


Not even worth the credit card transaction fee.


Also this means he would have to credit everyone so say just with 10,000 client credits at $3.05 = $30,500.00 that WHMCS would give out rather than spend on the new server infrastructure.


so do you want a credit or a better server structure

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Well just to be clear - even though my comment included some sort of free-bee (upgrade protection) - I was just commenting on this so that no one had to lose money in a monetary sense, but again, not sure why anyone needs a credit - none of my customers were effected whatsoever, and not even 1 of them asked about this situation.... (and I have a lot)

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Well just to be clear - even though my comment included some sort of free-bee (upgrade protection) - I was just commenting on this so that no one had to lose money in a monetary sense, but again, not sure why anyone needs a credit - none of my customers were effected whatsoever, and not even 1 of them asked about this situation.... (and I have a lot)


i never had any queries from my clients until the DB was made public and then i had 12 cancel requests which after calming clients down and explaining that non of their details were compromised all requests were withdrawn.

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If the cancellation of one card causes you so many problems you seriously need to rethink your methods.


We have three accounts, one is used for incoming payments from clients, two other accounts have debit cards and only one is used. If there's a problem and a card is cancelled or details compromised the funds are moved to the other account and we start using that card. The old card is cancelled and kept as the spare account.


If we used one account and had to wait a few days for a card we would have servers turned off, licenses expired and all hell would break loose.


You're running a business, you need to take precautions against everything.

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lol Yes DAYS I can see however it was only a small number of people for a few hrs,


As i mentioned, i don't care for any credit period, but it's not about the downtime i'm concerning comments. It's about my private unencrypted data being passed around for fun.


That is my major issue. Not even so much as a sorry yet. I don't care for credit, i'd love to know what they are going to do to protect people in the future and maybe have an i'm sorry.


WHMCS is notorious for avoiding blame. They keep mentioning social engineering attack, ok, still gained access through one of the easiest methods and lax security protocols to protect themselves AND their users.

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The issue for is not wanting credit but the fact that my personal details are taken... I don't care about the downtime but I care about who has my details. I am not a fully fledged host but I am a web developer for large businesses so WHMCS suits me for ticket support and allows me to license my work, perhaps the odd domain registration. I do have 4 dedicated servers and WHMCS is on one of them.


Daniel, I don't see why you need more than one account to run a business? Seems you could do with rethinking your methods rather than criticise others. Saying that you need to take precautions, well yes we do but what can we do when incompetent people don't know how to securely store personal details? How do we protect ourselves from them?


Matt states in his recent post there will be better security... why is that not in place to start with? If there's room to improve and you know how easy it is for hackers to get hold of details, then it your responsibility as a business owner to ensure that is in place. Why on earth is the information not encrypted, what a joke.


I wanted to change my email address... but WHMCS doesn't allow it. It would be nice to be able to have that option but how would it effect my Enom account that I got through WHMCS?


AND... I have already started to receive spam emails, for guess what... WHMCS Plugins and payment gateways! Awesome work boys, I love being spammed. admin@frogost.net is an email you will want to block.

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Wow, seriously? You all have to order a new credit card. Are you seriously running a business with just 1 credit card available? Is this even really a business or a hobby?


The license issue only effected your /admin/ login, not your customers. Everything on the customer side (taking orders, making tickets, reading your announcements, etc) works just fine.


Funny how none of the larger hosting companies using WHMCS arent on here complaining about any of this. But then again, I'm sure they're not running their "business" with 1 credit card.


If its this much of a problem, take some cash out of the bank, go to Walmart, get a prepaid Visa debit card, and run your business from that till PayPal sends you a new debit card. sheesh.


This is as bad as the hosting "businesses" even posting WHMCS has been hacked in their announcements. Why even bring this up if it doesnt effect them? "HerpDerpHost: Our billing software website got hacked. But your info is ok!" Yeah, lets cause fear and confusion to your customers, good business practice!!!


What does how many credit cards one carries have anything to do with their seriousness towards their business or so you insinuate 'hobby' ?


Just an FYI for arrogance such as yours towards innocent customers that ARE the victims not whiners, but victims of their own information lost. I won a very large settlement 2 years ago. LARGE. I have 1 credit card, doesn't mean i haven't been sent a hundred different ones, i just prefer to stick to 1 credit card. My choice. Keeps my family neat, tidy and above board. I do not need or require more than one. Why would anyone else?


I've been offered by both of my banks if i'd like a corporate card and i refused. Choice....


Let's not forget, ok? Customers are just as much a victim in this. If you dislike people being a little upset because their private information is on the web, then find another thread to harass. Though i disagree with the credit idea in it's entirety since it will not bring our information back it doesn't mean you should come on here and belittle people for what you guess is "1 credit card" they may have.


It's absolute ignorance to downplay anyone at this time. People are rightfully upset. Matt will eventually come out and explain everything but don't get yourself so emotionally defensive towards a company that doesn't care if your business stays afloat, why should they? They have a business to run. Let Matt do the talking when it comes to irate people and stop badgering people for the lack of multiple cards.


Give me a break

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Daniel, I don't see why you need more than one account to run a business? Seems you could do with rethinking your methods rather than criticise others. Saying that you need to take precautions, well yes we do but what can we do when incompetent people don't know how to securely store personal details? How do we protect ourselves from them?



If you think running a business from one card is a good idea there's something wrong with you.


I don't see why anyone would want to risk it. They're business bank accounts, hold quite a lot of funds at any one time and are crucial to the running of the company. Putting your eggs in one basket is going to bite you.

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Matt and the WHMCS team keeps posting update but never mentioned anything about client compensation.

We are certainly not loving how things are done from the WHMCS side.


Wish you all luck as we move to bigger better billing system. Forget you WHMCS and thanks for putting all my information out there. Now i receive spams like crazy and you cant even do a thing for us.


I have a owned license so i really dont give a,

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Don't let the door hit you on the way out...


I assume you bought my license so your entitle to voice my opinion?

Dont out your nose where it dont belong.


mind your own business as i am entitle to say what and how i feel.

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I assume you bought my license so your entitle to voice my opinion?

Dont out your nose where it dont belong.


mind your own business as i am entitle to say what and how i feel.


do what other have done about spam, name and shame them on here (dont publish the spam on here) report them to spamcop and to their upstream providers and ISP.


yes and dont BANG to door when you leave.


also as i stated earlier


Also this means he would have to credit everyone so say just with 10,000 client credits at $3.05 = $30,500.00 that WHMCS would give out rather than spend on the new server infrastructure.


so do you want a credit or a better server structure

Edited by easyhosting
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America and the trigger-happy, "I'm gonna sue everyone because I'm entitled mentality..."


Now, there's some marketing trivia that would be interesting/amusing...

Those requesting a Refund or similar must state their Country of origin. lol.

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Matt and the WHMCS team keeps posting update but never mentioned anything about client compensation.

well i think most of us would rather see WHMCS funds spent on a better server infrastructre rather than compensation as my calculations showed what it would cost WHMCS


I have a owned license so i really dont give a,


no need for comments like this

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Can some one explain to me how other then the WHMCS site was down. As far as I know when you purchase or lease the Software, you host it on your hosting account and not on the WHMCS server.

Also I believe that your Company/business information is public information on whois. The only info that would not have been public would have been the passwords, credit card numbers.

Regardless of the number of credit cards that you may own you always have the right to cancel your card, change it or whatever.


The attacks on WHMCS could have happened to anyone. Lighten up people and give Matt and the crew time and support. Refund/credit for what? Did your site go down? If it did then that's a problem on your end and not WHMCS.

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Can some one explain to me how other then the WHMCS site was down. As far as I know when you purchase or lease the Software, you host it on your hosting account and not on the WHMCS server.


Only the WHMCS site/services were down, your WHMCS installation is hosted on your own server, so unless your own server went down (nothing to do with WHMCS) then your sites was up


Also I believe that your Company/business information is public information on whois. The only info that would not have been public would have been the passwords, credit card numbers.

Regardless of the number of credit cards that you may own you always have the right to cancel your card, change it or whatever.


Yes this is correct


The attacks on WHMCS could have happened to anyone. Lighten up people and give Matt and the crew time and support. Refund/credit for what? Did your site go down? If it did then that's a problem on your end and not WHMCS.

The only issue was when some users ignored MATTS initial update and tried to update/reissue licences when the licencing server was down, so these could not be validated, so meant some users could not access their admin area, but their sites/clientareas were still up.

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When you type WHMCS in to Google, the 4th result is this...






Some of you probably read it already but there's a lot more info on there than what we have been told.


Daniel, I still disagree you need more than 1 account to run a business. If your bank is any good then your business account should be covered for any emergencies that come up without you having to create multiple accounts. Do you think more businesses have more than 1 account than not? I think not. You sound like a total jumped up troll trying to belittle people cos of their concerns over the hack of WHMCS. Who cares how many accounts you have, it's the personal details side that most of us are mad about being released. Why should we be creating multiple accounts for the incompetence of businesses like this one? Imagine your 3 accounts were stored in the poor manner that WHMCS stores your details, all 3 would be taken over in seconds creating 3 times as much annoyance.


Those on here who try to defend the shambles that WHMCS has allowed a hacker to create with such terrible security and hiding the truth stinks. Half of them will be WHMCS fanboys who think WHMCS can't do wrong or are on the payroll. Google WHMCS hacked and you'll find out so much more than what's been disclosed on here... as much as WHMCS works and does what I need, I'm looking for a better solution cos clearly WHMCS is inherently flawed from the source to the management.

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stop being such a brown tongue easyhosting.

people have a right to be angry and vent, this is a nightmare.


Ninak asked


Can some one explain to me how other then the WHMCS site was down.


so i broke down his comments with appropriate and correct answers.


this is not brown nosing this is replying to a question asked on a public forum.

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