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Top content from across the community, hand-picked by us.

[From the Blog] WHMCS Version 8.4.1 Released
Today we have released WHMCS 8.4.1 which contains bug fixes and usability improvements for the 8.4 release. WHMCS 8.4 features a new faster checkout experience for WordPress Hosting, access to SSL Certificate Site Seal Code within the WHMCS Client Area, the ability to create and manage Email Aliases with OpenXchange, improvements to the automatic updater and more. For more information about all of the new features in WHMCS 8.4, visit the What's New in WHMCS 8.4 Microsite. Getting the...View the full blog post
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Community Wrapup - February 2022
Kia ora everyone!

And like that the second month of 2022 is done and dusted! Welcome to the February 2022 WHMCS.Community Wrapup! Our look back at the popular content on WHMCS.Community during February 2022

February 2022 Community Statistics:

We welcomed 978 new members, our community crafted 553 new topics and received 912 new replies across the course of the month.

The February 2022 leaderboard:

The leaderboard is an important part of our community, it helps highlight users that make notable contributions to the community along with notable content.  This month we're seeing a completely refreshed leaderboard!

@yggdrasil sits in first place at 10 points.  Following in second place is @Bigol'tastynuggets with 7 points and @bear rounds out third place on 6 points.

On our Blog: WHMCS Version 8.4.1 Release

In Februarywe have released WHMCS 8.4.1 which contains bug fixes and usability improvements for the 8.4 release.

WHMCS 8.4 features a new faster checkout experience for WordPress Hosting, access to SSL Certificate Site Seal Code within the WHMCS Client Area, the ability to create and manage Email Aliases with OpenXchange, improvements to the automatic updater and more.

Read more on our blog here.


Popular content in February 2022:

That's all folks!

That's our February 2022 wrapup! Thanks for reading, as always we're here to help, please do let us know if you have any questions, comments or feedback either on the by replying to this thread or submitting a thread in the WHMCS.Community Assistance Board. We'll be back for the March Wrapup
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WHMCS.Community Wrapup - January 2022
Kia ora everyone!

It's been quite some time since we did a community wrapup, however, we're bringing them back!  So without further ado, welcome to the January 2022 WHMCS.Community Wrapup! Our look back at the popular content on WHMCS.Community during January 2022

January 2022 Community Statistics:

We welcomed 616 new members, our community crafted 224 new topics and received 676 new replies across the course of the month.

The January 2022 leaderboard:

The leaderboard is an important part of our community, it helps highlight users that make notable contributions to the community along with notable content.  

Kian sits in first place at 14 points.  Following in second place is Evolved Hosting with 12 points and PapaKai rounds out third place on 4 points.

On our Blog: How-To: Using Validation.com to automate fraud order management

Fraudulent orders can be a big cost for online businesses - both in time as well as money. The Validation.com integration in WHMCS aims to help reduce that burden.

With Validation.com, you can perform automated customer identity verification when customers fail a fraud check, helping you and your team to make more informed decisions about whether to accept high risk orders.

Read more on our blog here.


ICYMI: WHMCS 8.4 is Now Available

We are pleased to announce the release of WHMCS 8.4 to General Availability.

This marks the end of pre-production testing, and WHMCS 8.4 is now the recommended version for all new installations and updates.

WHMCS 8.4 features a new faster checkout experience for WordPress Hosting, access to SSL Certificate Site Seal Code within the WHMCS Client Area, the ability to create and manage Email Aliases with OpenXchange, improvements to the automatic updater and more.

For more information about all of the new features in WHMCS 8.4, visit the What's New in WHMCS 8.4 Microsite.

Popular content in January 2022:

That's all folks!

That's our January 2022 wrapup! Thanks for reading, as always we're here to help, please do let us know if you have any questions, comments or feedback either on the by replying to this thread or submitting a thread in the WHMCS.Community Assistance Board. We'll be back for the February Wrapup
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[From the Blog] WHMCS 8.3 Beta Now Available
We're excited to announce the beta release of WHMCS 8.3. Be among the first to try out the new features and functionality by getting involved in the beta today. What's new in WHMCS 8.3WordPress Hosting - Offer fully provisioned WordPress Hosting accounts on cPanel & Plesk.Dispute Management - Manage your Stripe or PayPal payment disputes directly in the Admin Area.Affiliate Commission Reversals - Automatically reverse commission payouts when invoice is partially or fully refunded.Improved...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] New in WHMCS 8.2: New Features for Stripe Users
Your payment gateway balances say it all about where your business has been and where it's going... and when you log in to WHMCS, it's probably on your mind. In WHMCS 8.2, we've made it possible to display payment gateway balances in the WHMCS Admin Area. Even better, if you use Stripe, we're helping you check your balances faster and stay aware of every change, with new and improved balance views in the Admin Area and a new Admin Area Dashboard widget. Stripe in WHMCSYou can already use...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] Pricing Q&A with our CEO, Matt Pugh
We recently announced some upcoming changes to the license tier structure of WHMCS licenses for businesses with in excess of 250 active customers and Owned license holders. In case you missed the announcement, you can read it here. Since the announcement, the team and myself have been engaged in lots of conversations with customers and partners. It's been a good opportunity to reconnect with many customers, and learn more about their priorities and businesses. In particular, I have enjoyed...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] WHMCS 8.2 Beta Now Available
We're excited to announce the beta release of WHMCS 8.2. Be among the first to try out the new features and functionality by getting involved in the beta today. What's new in WHMCS 8.2WP Toolkit Automation - Enabling you to offer WP Toolkit to your customers with fully automated provisioning for cPanel & Plesk.White-label Site Builder from Siteplus - An easy to use and powerful site builder with an unlimited free trial enabling you to bundle it with all your hosting packages.User Identity...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] What is WHMCS?
Running a web hosting business means being part of a global industry that's forecast to reach $73 billion by next year. It also means tackling unique challenges every day. Luckily, WHMCS is an easy way to make your everyday operations run smoothly and easily. If you're reading this blog, you probably know that WHMCS is trusted by web hosting companies around the world to automate their operations. We're here to help you grow and improve your business every day. But, what does that mean WHMCS...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] WHMCS Mobile V1.5 Released
We are pleased to announce the release of WHMCS Mobile V1.5, now with invoicing management functionality. In this latest new release, the addition of invoicing related functionality allows you to create and manage invoices from your mobile device, view transactions and apply manual and offline payments, attempt captures from credit cards, send reminders and other emails and change invoice status. Other new functionality in WHMCS for Mobile 1.5 includes: Perform domain availability/whois...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] Customizing WHMCS Reports
Your WHMCS installation holds a wealth of valuable data about your sales, your customers, and your business as a whole. So, having the ability to view and make sense of this data is vital to growing your business. The reports in the WHMCS Admin Area can help you with this, with dozens of premade reports shipping with your initial installation. WHMCS offers even more power by allowing you to customize reports, some of which require little to no programming knowledge to create. Reports in...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] WHMCS Version 8.1.2 Released
Today we have released WHMCS 8.1.2 which contains some targetted bug fixes for the 8.1 series of WHMCS. These fixes address 5 issues identified since the previous release which have been rated as having a moderate to high severity. We recommend applying this update if you are using email piping or accept credit card payments via WHMCS using any merchant gateway module. To learn more about what's new in WHMCS 8.1, please visit https://www.whmcs.com/whats-new Getting the UpdateYou can update...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] Security Update 2021-02-26
A security issue has been identified that affects all versions of WHMCS. As a result, we have published new releases for all actively supported versions of WHMCS as well as a patch which can be applied to EOL versions 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9. Patches will not be released for any earlier versions of WHMCS. The issue was reported via our Security Bounty Program and there is no evidence to suggest it is known publicly. We will not be releasing any further details about the issue at this time. What...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] Creating an Effective Knowledgebase 1: So You Want to Start a Knowledgebase
If you're reading this, it's a pretty good bet that you've used a knowledgebase. Knowledgebases provide a self-serve "library" of information about products, services, or other topics. They're where you go when you need to solve a problem or accomplish a goal. When you're working with customers, having a knowledgebase is invaluable. Every support department has at least a few questions that are asked regularly, and a well-crafted knowledgebase article on the topic can stop some tickets from...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] WHMCS 8.1.1 Released
Today we have released WHMCS 8.1.1 which contains bug fixes and usability improvements for the 8.1 release. To learn more about WHMCS 8.1 and the new functionality available in it, please visit https://www.whmcs.com/whats-new Getting the UpdateYou can update automatically using the Automatic Updater. Simply navigate to Utilities > Update WHMCS to begin the update process. As always, manual downloads are also being made available for those who wish to upgrade manually. You can download both...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] Update for UK VAT Number Validation post Brexit
If you are a business that transacts with customers in the EU, the following update may be important for you. But first, for those not familiar with VAT, here's a quick recap. What is VAT?VAT stands for Value-Added Tax. It's a consumption tax that applies to most goods and services sold within the EU (and UK), both physical and digital. For digital services, the seller (your business) is obliged to collect VAT from a customer whenever they are located within a country that has a VAT...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] Customizing Your Emails
The first few communications that you have with a new customer are incredibly important: they set the tone for your business relationship and create your customer's first experience of the service you provide. WHMCS sends many emails for you as you build a relationship with your customers. For example, in WHMCS's MarketConnect, each service has its own Welcome email to send automatically to new customers. On top of giving a great first impression, this also lets you give the right information...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] OAuth for POP3/IMAP: Mail Importing in WHMCS 8.1 and later
One of the awesome features in WHMCS's support system is the ability to reply to and, if enabled, open support tickets through email. Tickets go to the correct department every time, and both WHMCS admins and your customers get to enjoy an easier support ticket experience. All of this is made possible through two similar features: email piping and email importing. Email Piping and Email ImportingIn WHMCS, email piping uses a system of email forwarders to direct, or "pipe," email sent to a...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] The Costs of Using a Nulled License
"Nulling" software creates a version of the targeted software that doesn't require a license in order to function. We often see WHMCS versions created in this way, and it's important to remember that these versions have been created illegally and aren't supported by WHMCS. While they may be tempting as a way to reduce business costs, they're accompanied by serious risks. It can hurt your reputation, reduce your business, and is generally a sign that you won't be successful long-term. Even if...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] Synchronizing Invoice Due Dates
When due dates fall during the month can make a big difference for your business and your customers. It could be due to an external factor, like a third-party vendor needing payment on a certain date. Maybe you're simplifying internal processes by reserving one day a month for handling billing issues. Maybe you're responding to a customer request. Whatever the reason, WHMCS includes two features to help you synchronize your invoices' due dates: prorata billing and prorata invoices. Prorata...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] Google Analytics 4 Support in the Google Analytics Addon
Gathering information about how your customers interact with your website and complete their orders is integral to making your business decisions. This practice, called "ecommerce tracking," is a part of most modern commercial websites and can be expanded to include other data as well. Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool that over 50 million websites worldwide use to track and analyze website traffic. It allows you to track how people find your site, how they use it, and how they...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] The CreateSsoToken API in WHMCS 8.1
Reliable and secure authentication is an important part of many third-party integrations with WHMCS. For example, if an application like a website already requires clients to log in to that system, you might want to make sure those clients don't have to log in again just to access the portions of the application that interact with WHMCS. Recently, we've made some changes to how you can handle that authentication, making it not only simpler to implement but also more secure. Since WHMCS 7.10,...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] WHMCS 8.1 Now Available
We are pleased to announce the release of WHMCS 8.1 to General Availability. This marks the end of pre-production testing, and WHMCS 8.1 is now the recommended version for all new installations and updates. WHMCS 8.1 introduces a New Client Area Theme "Twenty-One", Support for Child Themes, OAuth for POP3/IMAP, Google Analytics 4 Integration and Automated User Cleanup functionality. What's new in WHMCS 8.1New Client Area Theme - Updated, improved, and built upon Bootstrap 4. Learn moreChild...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] Seasons Greetings from WHMCS
From all of us here at WHMCS, we wish you a holiday season filled with joy and happiness, even if it may look a little different than normal! It has been a pleasure to provide the software that helps run and grow your business this year, and we wish you all the best for the New Year ahead! A Quick Note on Holiday HoursWe know that despite the holidays, business doesn't stop and so the WHMCS support team will be available for urgent issues throughout the festive period via our support ticket...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] WHMCS 8.1 Release Candidate Now Available
We are pleased to announce the publication of WHMCS 8.1 to Release Candidate status. Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the Beta so far and provided us with feedback and comments. We appreciate your time and efforts and hope you will join us in testing the Release Candidate. We encourage as many people as possible to download, install and try out WHMCS 8.1 which includes new features such as the new Twenty-One Client Area Theme, Child Themes functionality and more. What's new in...View the full blog post
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[From the Blog] Theme and Template Compatibility
Alongside the new parent/child themes, WHMCS 8.1 introduces the ability to define dependencies and provided assets for system themes and order form templates. Themes control the look and feel of user interfaces in WHMCS, with separate themes for the Client Area and Admin Area. Order form templates control the way the products and cart appear when your customers make purchases. Customizing them lets you provide a unique experience for your customers by matching your company's branding in the...View the full blog post
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