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Hide AU domain renew buttom

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Here's another quick one that will hide the renew button in the clientarea if the AU domain is not within the 90 day renewal period.


Open clientareadomaindetails.tpl and find

<tr> {if $renew}

above it insert this

$autlds = array("asn.au","com.au","edu.au","org.au","net.au","id.au");
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbldomains WHERE id='".$this->_tpl_vars['domainid']."' AND userid='".$_SESSION['uid']."' AND DATEDIFF(expirydate, NOW()) >= 90 AND status='Active'");
while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
   foreach ($autlds as $xx) {
       $audomain = strstr($data['domain'], $xx);
       if ($audomain) break;
   if ($audomain) $this->assign("renew", '0');

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What is the rule for the UK domains for renewals and I can add it in


Like the 3 month rule for .au the rule for .uk is 6 months

so within the php block add after your code


$uktlds = array(".co.uk",".org.uk",".me.uk",".ltd.uk",".plc.uk",".net.uk");
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbldomains WHERE id='".$this->_tpl_vars['domainid']."' AND userid='".$_SESSION['uid']."' AND DATEDIFF(expirydate, NOW()) >= 180 AND status='Active'");
while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
   foreach ($uktlds as $xx) {
       $ukdomain = strstr($data['domain'], $xx);
       if ($ukdomain) break;
   if ($ukdomain) $this->assign("renew", '0');

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Adding the "active" check is one i'd not thought of - stops people renewing domains you've set as fraud/cancelled etc


IMHO no need to check user, as you have the actual ID of the domain


cycling through the tlds works for some extensions where the CC in the ccTLD is not at the end, but quicker is to just do ...


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbldomains WHERE id='".$this->_tpl_vars['domainid']."' AND DATEDIFF(expirydate, NOW()) >= 90 AND status='Active' AND domain like '%.au'");
while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) 
   $this->assign("renew", '0');

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oh, and while we're sharing ....

{if $renew}<td align=right>
// get smarty variables $domain and $nextduedate
$domain = $this->get_template_vars('domain');
$duedate = explode("/",$this->get_template_vars('nextduedate'));
$duedate = array($duedate[2], $duedate[1], $duedate[0]);
$nextduedate=implode("-", $duedate);

// find in tblinvoiceitems to see if invoiced
$invoicequery = "SELECT * FROM tblinvoiceitems WHERE type='Domain' AND duedate ='".$nextduedate."' AND description LIKE 'Domain Renewal - ".$domain." -%';";
$invoiceresult = mysql_query($invoicequery);
$invoicedalready = mysql_num_rows($invoiceresult);
$renewalinvoice = 0;
if ($invoicedalready >= 1)
       $renewalinvoice = 1;
<form method="post" action="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?action={if $renewalinvoice}invoices{else}domainrenew{/if}">
<input type="hidden" name="domainid" value="{$domainid}">
<input type="submit" value="{$LANG.domainrenew}" class="button">

instead of the existing if will divert them to the invoice if it exists for the renewal rather than letting them create another one :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

G'day Sparky & Rob,

Is the code I've got this code so far okay?

<p><strong> »  {$LANG.domainmanagementtools}</strong></p>

<table align="center"><tr>



$autlds = array("asn.au","com.au","edu.au","org.au","net.au","id.au");

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbldomains WHERE id='".$this->_tpl_vars['domainid']."' AND userid='".$_SESSION['uid']."' AND DATEDIFF(expirydate, NOW()) >= 90 AND status='Active'");

while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

foreach ($autlds as $xx) {

$audomain = strstr($data['domain'], $xx);

if ($audomain) break;


if ($audomain) $this->assign("renew", '0');



$uktlds = array(".co.uk",".org.uk",".me.uk",".ltd.uk",".plc.uk",".net.uk");

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbldomains WHERE id='".$this->_tpl_vars['domainid']."' AND userid='".$_SESSION['uid']."' AND DATEDIFF(expirydate, NOW()) >= 180 AND status='Active'");

while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

foreach ($uktlds as $xx) {

$ukdomain = strstr($data['domain'], $xx);

if ($ukdomain) break;


if ($ukdomain) $this->assign("renew", '0');





{if $renew}<td>


But don't understand Smarty, etc. well enough to work out where that last bit goes.

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  • 10 months later...

The code provided only works if the client is renewing there domain name via the management section, otherwise if a client was to visit this link: domain.com/whmcs/cart.php?gid=renewals -> looks like a section of php code will also need to be added to this page from preventing users from renewing domain names which cannot be renewed before a X amount of days.

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  • 2 months later...

For the /cart.php?gid=renewalswrite something like this in domainrenewals.tpl


{* Set 'cantrenew' for the domain if the .au domain cant be renewed *}



$autlds = array("asn.au","com.au","edu.au","org.au","net.au","id.au");

$renewalArray = $this->_tpl_vars['renewals'];

$renewalsCopy = $renewalArray;


for ($i = 0; $i < count($renewalArray); $i++) {

$sql = "SELECT * FROM tbldomains WHERE id=".$renewalArray[$i]['id']." AND userid='".$_SESSION['uid']."' AND DATEDIFF(expirydate, NOW()) >= 90 AND status='Active'";

$result = mysql_query($sql);


while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

foreach ($autlds as $xx) {

$audomain = strstr($data['domain'], $xx);

if ($audomain) break;


if ($audomain){ // Can't renew this .au domain name


$renewalsCopy[$i][cantrenew] = '1';

$this->append('renewals', $renewalsCopy,TRUE);




//echo '<PRE>'.print_r( $this->get_template_vars(renewals),1 ).'</PRE>';




Then lower down in template:

{if !$renewal.pastgraceperiod AND !$renewal.cantrenew} etc etc

Edited by downunder
fix code layout
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
oh, and while we're sharing ....

{if $renew}<td align=right>
// get smarty variables $domain and $nextduedate
$domain = $this->get_template_vars('domain');
$duedate = explode("/",$this->get_template_vars('nextduedate'));
$duedate = array($duedate[2], $duedate[1], $duedate[0]);
$nextduedate=implode("-", $duedate);

// find in tblinvoiceitems to see if invoiced
$invoicequery = "SELECT * FROM tblinvoiceitems WHERE type='Domain' AND duedate ='".$nextduedate."' AND description LIKE 'Domain Renewal - ".$domain." -%';";
$invoiceresult = mysql_query($invoicequery);
$invoicedalready = mysql_num_rows($invoiceresult);
$renewalinvoice = 0;
if ($invoicedalready >= 1)
       $renewalinvoice = 1;
<form method="post" action="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?action={if $renewalinvoice}invoices{else}domainrenew{/if}">
<input type="hidden" name="domainid" value="{$domainid}">
<input type="submit" value="{$LANG.domainrenew}" class="button">

instead of the existing if will divert them to the invoice if it exists for the renewal rather than letting them create another one :)


Thanks for this, but tried it and the link is always for the invoices page (renewal link is never built)?

Double checked no invoices exist for the domain under any accounts.

Using latest 4.3.1 version.

Any ideas? Thanks :)

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