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Creating a first month free code.

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BTW: being just 10 users to be managed so, without annoying them with instructions on how to do the upgrade: on admin area, you can create the upgrade order, modify the price as required, and send them the proforma invoices. If they pay it, the service will upgrade and renew for lasting 11 months.


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Nah this seems to tidious just for a small promotion...

Im just gonna code it... oh wait.. ioncube 😕

I can see why some pages would be okay to have ioncube on "because any real hosting company would steal the software", but all.. why? its just punishing us, not the hackers, as they seem to have no issues decoding it.


I guess it will be a feature request then.

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  On 4/17/2021 at 6:59 PM, inTempo said:

Nah this seems to tedious just for a small promotion...


welcome to using WHMCS. 🙂

  On 4/17/2021 at 6:59 PM, inTempo said:

Im just gonna code it... oh wait.. ioncube 😕

I can see why some pages would be okay to have ioncube on "because any real hosting company would steal the software", but all.. why? its just punishing us, not the hackers, as they seem to have no issues decoding it.


in reality, you would use hooks, find an existing solution on marketplace or hire a developer... e.g in WHMCS terms, what you are effectively doing is offering a trial and then auto upgrading it to a (potentially discounted) recurring product - there is at least one addon module in Marketplace that can do that - there may be others.

  On 4/17/2021 at 6:59 PM, inTempo said:

I guess it will be a feature request then.


in case you think bear is joking, a feature request will take many years to complete - do NOT think for one minute that if you feature request something that its implementation is just around the corner - it will not be...

your request will hardly get any votes (and check first that a similar request doesn't already exist - if so, see how long it's been under consideration!), and even if it did, that would be no guarantee that it would be completed within a reasonable period of time...

with certainly, I can tell you that you'll be sending out renewal invoices for these annual services long before any such request was considered and completed by WHMCS - if you need this before that point, then you'll either have to do it yourself, get someone in or find an existing solution.

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  On 4/18/2021 at 3:48 PM, brian! said:

welcome to using WHMCS. 🙂

in reality, you would use hooks, find an existing solution on marketplace or hire a developer... e.g in WHMCS terms, what you are effectively doing is offering a trial and then auto upgrading it to a (potentially discounted) recurring product - there is at least one addon module in Marketplace that can do that - there may be others.

in case you think bear is joking, a feature request will take many years to complete - do NOT think for one minute that if you feature request something that its implementation is just around the corner - it will not be...

your request will hardly get any votes (and check first that a similar request doesn't already exist - if so, see how long it's been under consideration!), and even if it did, that would be no guarantee that it would be completed within a reasonable period of time...

with certainly, I can tell you that you'll be sending out renewal invoices for these annual services long before any such request was considered and completed by WHMCS - if you need this before that point, then you'll either have to do it yourself, get someone in or find an existing solution.


Can you point me to one in marketplace that can do it? do note that i do NOT have monthly billing at all, so when i enter a promotion code in the box, and its a monthly code, it will not accept it.

Or maybe give me a idea how to do this in hooks? (just a idea)

Just wondering though, i only have annual billing price set, IF i create a promotion code 100% off, select monthly, then set 10 uses would that work? (dont work just tested.. dammit) 😄

As they cannot continue monthly after end of that month and only annually?

Edited by inTempo
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  On 4/19/2021 at 7:54 PM, inTempo said:

Can you point me to one in marketplace that can do it?


well I wouldn't normally link to a wsa module (which is the one I was thinking of), but seeing as you asked so nicely....


alternatively, there is MG's Discount Center (which is effectively a flexible replacement for the promotions feature)...


but for just 10 users, either solution might be overkill for your needs.

  On 4/19/2021 at 7:54 PM, inTempo said:

Or maybe give me a idea how to do this in hooks? (just a idea)


using a cron hook with an API call...

  On 4/19/2021 at 7:54 PM, inTempo said:

Just wondering though, i only have annual billing price set, IF i create a promotion code 100% off, select monthly, then set 10 uses would that work? (dont work just tested.. dammit) 😄


you've answered your own question. 🙂

  On 4/17/2021 at 10:27 AM, inTempo said:

I agree but I would like to make it so they dont have to use Credit card until first month complete, then start on the first annual 50% OFF discount then normal cycle 🙂


even if you were billing monthly and using a free 1st month promo code, the cc info would be taken at the time of ordering, but only kick in with the first renewal invoice.

you're in an awkward situation of falling between the available built-in options - a) you don't want to discount the annual payment (the 8% discount), b) you don't want to bill monthly, c) you want to invoice annually, but delay charging the payment....

there is no quick fix to this - you're either going to have to handle this manually, or get an addon to do the work... and then you have to contrast the cost of the addon against any savings generated by the promotion.

if it were me as a startup, I would just discount the annual cost by a 1/12 with the promo code - that gets the money in; the client gets their hosting and everyone can get on with their lives. 😎

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Thanks again, 

I requested some information om the auto product upgrade script, simply because i think its bolloks having to pay yearly on something like this. 

Some of these addon subscriptions cost more then the intire WHMCS it self, just insane and reeks of greed 🙂 i would pay the 70$.. But not every year.. same with all those offering 30-40$ monthly cookies plugins 😂, i skip them quicly..

Anyways, I will see if the auto product upgrade will work, Else i will just skip it and have the - 50% first year. 


Thanks a lot for your help again 🙂

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  On 4/20/2021 at 1:30 PM, inTempo said:

I requested some information on the auto product upgrade script, simply because i think its bolloks having to pay yearly on something like this. 


that one is a one-time payment. 🙂


  On 4/20/2021 at 1:30 PM, inTempo said:

Some of these addon subscriptions cost more then the entire WHMCS it self


well MG are expensive - but a lot of these modules are not thrown together in 5 minutes and take some considerable planning and design time... as I said, I thought DC was overkill for your current needs.

the way APU works relies on functionality in WHMCS that hasn't really changed in years - so they can get away with a one-off charge as it requires minimal changes and updates.

  On 4/20/2021 at 1:30 PM, inTempo said:

i would pay the 70$.. But not every year..


generally, the recurring cost is to ensure that the module(s) continue to work with updated WHMCS releases and to provide support.

  On 4/20/2021 at 1:30 PM, inTempo said:

same with all those offering 30-40$ monthly cookies plugins 😂, i skip them quicly..


quite rightly - there are free alternatives available. 😎

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Well tried the auto product upgrade, it doesnt do what i need it seems, sure i can create a free clone package and set monthly 0.00, then add a upgrade after 30 days regular package, but that wont use the save 50% key  (so they will get charged full price after) or set amount of times it can be used.

Also cannot add a code to it like FREE30 or what not 🙂

See, this is why one time payment is good, only wasted 29.99$ 😄

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  On 4/20/2021 at 6:06 PM, inTempo said:

Well tried the auto product upgrade, it doesn't do what i need it seems, sure i can create a free clone package and set monthly 0.00, then add a upgrade after 30 days regular package, but that wont use the save 50% key  (so they will get charged full price after) or set amount of times it can be used.


a user updating manually would be allowed to use a promo code....



You can configure promotion codes to apply to upgrades. This is useful for incentivizing clients to upgrade to higher tier products.

When the client places an upgrade order, they will receive the opportunity to enter a promo code. The system calculates the discount based on the total amount due. Clients receive this as a discount on the amount payable today.

Total Payable Today (from above) - Discount = Discounted Upgrade Price


did you enable the Upgrades/Downgrades checkbox in the relevant promotion code ?

if somehow the addon is preventing / not allowing this, then that's something you might need to take up with wsa.

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