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Working for whmcs?

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Do you have any jobs available for people who aren't morally devoid and don't spend their work day hiding from a screen just ctl c/ctl v until hometime from underneaththe desk? 

I'd cost a lot less in tissues not being scared if replying 😁

Anyway, I'm probably out of the budget range. I just decided to jack up my prices.... all the best

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  On 4/13/2021 at 12:37 AM, MrGettingRatherFrustrated said:

And why are they still making out that Matt is a director and have him in pictures like this - he left sometime ago as far as I understand and certainly isn't a director anymore


he's a director of the UK holding company that bought WHMCS too and AFAIK, still signs off on all hotfixes and releases.


rather more interestingly, Matt started a new business in January 2021 - Restaurant Automation Ltd... https://restaurantautomation.io/ - it might be a similar to idea to what @snake currently does.

it's using WHMCS for its knowledgebase - but ironically, the domain fails the WHMCS license validation test.


so I think we can safely say that his focus is not 100% on WHMCS.

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  On 4/13/2021 at 10:24 AM, brian! said:

he's a director of the UK holding company that bought WHMCS too and AFAIK, still signs off on all hotfixes and releases.


rather more interestingly, Matt started a new business in January 2021 - Restaurant Automation Ltd... https://restaurantautomation.io/ - it might be a similar to idea to what @snake currently does.

it's using WHMCS for its knowledgebase - but ironically, the domain fails the WHMCS license validation test.


so I think we can safely say that his focus is not 100% on WHMCS.


I hope you have reported it! 🙂

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