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can you login whmcs clinet area well on firefox ?


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my old version is 7.5 and user can login well on firefox.


yesterday,i upgrade my whmcs to 8.1.3 on dev,

and i find a strange issue,

when i use firefox to browse it,

no matter how i type the mailbox and password,

it stay  on the login box,

but when i go to admin,

it shows the user ever logined,but it has no ip.

is it possible any issue ?


thank you.

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i test on chrome,it seems works, and i remove all the files under templates_c well,

and i test with Incognito Window on firefox,i think it has no template cache and cookies.


thank you.

Edited by rugg
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I would suggest re-uploading / overwriting the whmcs files as one or more could have been corrupted causing that behavior. 

When you say it stays on the login box, does it actually do a request or refreshes the page?  If not, it could be some javascript is blocking the login from being submitted and that could be some custom item that is in that install. 

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