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Update module version


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I've a problem to update the module version even if the real code works (eg update tables, create table). Everything works fine except that the version number still says 1.0

// 	########################  MODULE CONFIGURATION  ########################
	function my_mod_config() 
		$configarray = array(
			"name" => "My Module",
			"description" => "Description goes here....",
			"version" => "1.0",
			"author" => "ChrisTERiS",
			"language" => "english",
			"fields" => array(
		return $configarray;
// 	##########################  ACTIVATE MODULE  ###########################
	function my_mod_activate()
		// Code to create Tables. Works !!!			
// 	#########################  DEACTIVATE MODULE  ##########################
	function my_mod_deactivate()
		// Code to remove Tables. Works !!!
// 	###########################  UPGRADE MODULE  ##########################	
	function my_mod_upgrade($vars) 
		$currentlyInstalledVersion = $vars['version'];

		if ($currentlyInstalledVersion < 1.3)
			// Code to upgrade table to version 1.3. Works !!!

		if ($currentlyInstalledVersion < 2.0)
			// Code to upgrade table to version 2.0. Works !!!

Any advice is highly appreciated.

Have a Happy New Year,


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1 hour ago, pRieStaKos said:

Happy New Year.

You need to change the version number in the `$configarray`.

"version" => "1.0",


I did this, and it's true that it worked when upgrading an active installation. But the problem is that in a fresh installation, it executes only the part of code in function my_mod_upgrade and ignores the code of the main function my_mod_activate.

Have tried it twice, I'll give one more try to see will acts the same.


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I could be wrong (I'm not using standard module functions in my projects) but your my_mod_activate() function should be based on the latest version of your module. Let's say you released the following versions:

  • 1.0.0
  • 1.0.1 - You changed this: UPDATE sometable SET animal = 'Dog'
  • 1.0.2 - You changed this: UPDATE sometable SET animal = 'Cat'

In my_mod_upgrade() you have the following:

function my_mod_upgrade($vars) 
	$currentlyInstalledVersion = $vars['version'];

	if ($currentlyInstalledVersion < 1.0.1)
		// UPDATE sometable SET animal = 'Dog'

	if ($currentlyInstalledVersion < 1.0.2)
		// UPDATE sometable SET animal = 'Cat'

my_mod_activate() need to be like this:

function my_mod_activate()
	// CREATE sometable (animal VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL)
	// INSERT INTO sometable (animal) VALUS ('Cat')

As you can the the activation uses "Cat" (the value of the latest version). That said, your my_mod_config() needs to go with version 1.0.3. In other words fresh installation do not trigger upgrade function.

function my_mod_config() 
	$configarray = array(
		"name" => "My Module",
		"description" => "Description goes here....",
		"version" => "1.0.3",
		"author" => "ChrisTERiS",
		"language" => "english",
		"fields" => array(
	return $configarray;

Edit: please, ignore my versioning (the 1.0.0). I suspect that WHMCS supports only 1.0 format.

Edited by Kian
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@Kian Interesting solution, thank you. I'll try it tomorrow morning as is very late now.

For the moment I was able to solve (somehow) this issue, by setting version 2.0 in config and if ($currentlyInstalledVersion < 2.1) in upgrade function. With if ($currentlyInstalledVersion < 2.0) upgrade does not works.

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That's so weird. Even a version update with a query does not works. Eg the code below works as for the database table modifications, but the query to update tbladdonmodules does not works without to give any error.


if ($currentlyInstalledVersion < 2.0)
	// Articles
	mysqli_query($db,"ALTER TABLE `mod_legalterms_articles` ADD `language` VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'english' NOT NULL");
	// Settings
	mysqli_query($db,"ALTER TABLE `mod_legalterms_settings` ADD `licensekey` VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL");

	// Update Version
	try {
				->where('module', '=', 'legalterms')
				->where('setting', '=', 'version')
						'value' => '2.0'
	} catch (\Exception $e) {
		echo "I couldn't update Version. {$e->getMessage()}";


Edited by WHMUp
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