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Disable automatic invoice trigger to a client


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Dear Team,

Is there a way to prevent a specific invoice ( 1 out of 3 invoices) to be trigger to the customer while the remaining 2 invoices will be trigger to customer?

If possible, is it automated triggered or has to be manually triggered to this client?

Thank you

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9 hours ago, pikerr said:

Is there a way to prevent a specific invoice ( 1 out of 3 invoices) to be trigger to the customer while the remaining 2 invoices will be trigger to customer?

are these custom invoices that you can create manually, or would they be renewal invoices auto generated by WHMCS ?

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Dear Brian,

They are renewal invoices auto generated by WHMCS

Currently Im delaying one of the services due date to 1 week later to prevent this to be auto generated while trying to find the permanent solution.

Thank you



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10 hours ago, pikerr said:

They are renewal invoices auto generated by WHMCS

I was afraid of that. 😲

10 hours ago, pikerr said:

Currently I'm delaying one of the services due date to 1 week later to prevent this to be auto generated while trying to find the permanent solution.

changing the due date would have been my first suggestion..

another option would be to mark the service as "Cancelled" as services marked as cancelled are not included by WHMCS when it auto generates the invoices - the service will continue to work as normal, but will not be invoiced... then when your ready to invoice the service again, change it back to active and assuming the NDD is within range, it will be invoiced for on the next daily cron run... or you could manually invoice it when you're ready to do so (but  the status must have been changed to Active first).

On 09/10/2019 at 15:39, brian! said:

though you could manually mark these services as cancelled (just by changing the dropdown value and saving in the product tab in the client's profile, not using the Terminate button) and that should prevent WHMCS generating invoices for those services if the cron is running...

I suspect either of those options would be better than a coded solution because, whilst you can prevent a generated invoice being sent to a customer, it's trickier to prevent it from actually being generated in the first place.

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