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Generate invoices API


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Hi all.

I'm in need of generating a one time invoice for about 2000 clients.
It is for their domains with a certain registrar.

Clients can have more than one domain and therefore there should only be one invoice with multiple domains in that case.

I get domain prices and info from tbldomainpricing and tbldomains.

I'm having problem with setting all together as a foreach loop around the CreateInvoice function in WHMCS.

Can anyone guide me in the right direction it would be most appreciated.

I've attached a test file as well.




Edited by Swehoster
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From a quick look at the code, here is my thoughts:

  • You need a main foreach to loop through the clients
  • Put the createinvoice in to the $domaintld foreach loop
    • Change the loop to give you the array key number so that you can use that as the number in the line item.
      • foreach($domaintld as $key => $tld)
      • Or increment a variable like:  $x++; and use that for the number
      • Then for line items, you would use:
        •  'itemamount'.$key+1 => '10.00',
          • (arrays start at 0, so need to add a one to them)

If you are not sure about the above, let me know.  (though this thread probably should be in the developer community.)

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This one works but please notice that I'm using PDO therefore you should update the query to Capsule or implement your own PDO class or whatever you want to use.


$Registrar = 'internetbs'; // Change accordingly
$AdminUser = 'admin'; // Just for backward-compatibility

// I'm selecting UserIDs based on Registrar and specific Domain status. In fact I suppose that you don't want to bill customers with Cancelled domains

$query = $pdo->prepare('SELECT userid FROM tbldomains WHERE registrar = :registrar AND status IN ("Active", "Grace", "Redemption", "Expired") GROUP BY userid');
$query->execute(array('registrar' => $Registrar));
while ($row = $query->fetch())
	$postData['userid'] = $row->userid;
	$postData['status'] = 'Unpaid';
	$postData['sendinvoice'] = '1'; // 0 = Do not send Invoice Created Email
	$postData['date'] = date('Y-m-d');
	$postData['duedate'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+15 day')); // Due Date is current date +15 days. Change accordingly
	$postData['autoapplycredit'] = '1'; // 0 = Do not apply credit automatically
	$postData['itemdescription1'] = 'Pizza'; // Invoice Item description
	$postData['itemamount1'] = '9.99'; // Price
	$postData['itemtaxed1'] = '1'; // 0 = Not taxed
	$results = localAPI('CreateInvoice', $postData, $AdminUser); // Create Invoice


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Thank you all.
I finally managed to get it running with the following code.

// *************************************************************************
// * Generate invoices for client domains with certain registrar.
// *															
// * CreateInvoice:												
// * https://developers.whmcs.com/api-reference/createinvoice/
// * Interacting with the Database:							
// * https://developers.whmcs.com/advanced/db-interaction/	
// * GetTLDPricing:											
// * https://developers.whmcs.com/api-reference/gettldpricing/
// *														
// *************************************************************************
// * @author     Fredrik Hallgren							
// * @copyright  Ballou Internet Services AB 2019			
// * @version    WHMCS Version: 7.7.1						
// *************************************************************************
use WHMCS\ClientArea;
use WHMCS\Database\Capsule;

define('CLIENTAREA', false);

require __DIR__ . '/init.php';

//### Get pricing
$tldPrices = localAPI('GetTLDPricing', ['currencyId' => '1']);

//### Get UserID & Domains
foreach (Capsule::table('tbldomains')->select('userid','domain')->where([['registrar', '=', 'theregistrar'],['status', '=', 'Active']])->get() as $domains) {
    $oneDomain = ['domain' => $domains->domain,
                  'price' => getRenewPrice($tldPrices, $domains->domain)];
    $invoiceData[$domains->userid][] = $oneDomain;

//### Get domains per user and create array
foreach($invoiceData as $userId => $domains) {
    $postData = array(
        'userid' => $userId,
        'status' => 'Unpaid',
        'sendinvoice' => '1',
        'paymentmethod' => 'paypal',
        'taxrate' => '25.00',
        'date' => date('Y-m-d'),
        'duedate' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+30 day')),
        'autoapplycredit' => '0',

    $index = 0;
    foreach ($domains as $domain) {
        $postData['itemdescription' . $index] = 'Renewal of domain: ' . $domain['domain'];
        $postData['itemamount' . $index] = $domain['price'];
        $postData['itemtaxed' . $index] = '1';

    $results = localAPI('CreateInvoice', $postData);

//### Get price per TLD (add discount here if needed)
function getRenewPrice($tldPrices, $domain)
    $tld = ltrim(strstr($domain, '.'), '.');
    return $tldPrices["pricing"][$tld]["renew"]["1"];


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32 minutes ago, Swehoster said:

But how would I be able to use that kind of query in the "Capsule"?
It would be great to know how to use your "status IN ("Active", "Grace", "Redemption", "Expired")" 

foreach (Capsule::table('tbldomains')->select('userid','domain')->where('registrar','theregistrar')->whereIn('status',['Active','Grace','Redemption','Expired'])->get() as $domains) {


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